On the old site, I hired a programmer to build me a specialized widget that was essentially a calculator on a standalone webpage on my site. A visitor to my website could go to this page and select a series of "radio" buttons and enter things like pot size and stack sizes via an interactive calculator-like interface. Based on what they inputed and selected, the widget would then return/display different jpeg images (i.e., showing so-called push-fold ranges the player could use given a specific game situation).

I don't have the original code or widget, but I'd like to re-create the same interactive page on my new Squarespace site. I have a mockup/screenshot of the old calculator (widget?) page, and I have all the underlying logic and jpeg images. I just need someone to re-build this functionality/page on Squarespace for me.

Poker Calculator Pro Download

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I'm trying to write a simple game/utility to calculate poker odds. I know there's plenty of resources that talk about the formulas to do so, but I guess I'm having trouble translating that to code. Particularly, I'm interested in Texas Hold-em ...

Take a look at pokersource if you have reasonably strong C abilities. It's not simple, I'm afraid, but some of the things you're looking for are complex. The poker-eval program that uses the library will probably do much of what you want if you can get the input format correct (not easy either). Sites such as this one or this also use this library AFAIK.

Welcome to the poker odds calculator, where we calculate the odds that you'll win a given Texas hold' em round based on your hand and the current community cards. Your likelihood to win a play is also known as your equity, so this poker probability calculator is also a poker equity calculator!

This poker hand odds calculator uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine its results. It runs a few thousand simulations of the current poker round to approximate each possible outcome's odds. While not 100% accurate, these odds are very close to the true probabilities.

? Want to discover more about probabilities? If you apply them correctly, the binomial distribution calculator can tell you the odds of drawing an elusive card from the deck, and the probability calculator can tell you the odds of drawing certain combinations of cards.

A 2 and a 7 of different suits is a terrible hand to begin a poker round with. 2 and 7 can't coexist in a straight, and differing suits make it harder to build a flush. The odds of getting a two-pair (two 2s and two 7s) is roughly 25%, and if you do, you'd still lose half the time at a table of six players. Best to fold.

My context: I played poker a bit, mostly online and mostly never for money, around 2010-2015. I remember there were some sites that showed like a hand strength evaluation or something. I tried looking around the site and even some articles online eg this, but I wasn't quite able to find an answer to the following question:

N00b question 2: (Well maybe this one is the same question as like what I ask here.) In the absence of both such features available in the site and rulings from the site admins/mods, then is it ethical to use calculators (at least until the admins/mods reply)? Probably most popular poker sites have rulings, but perhaps the newer ones, in particular, the new variants, like choker, which I think doesn't explicitly say so on the website.

So nothing like those computers that are really designed to play the entire poker game by having programs for all those optimal bluffing strategies or whatever. What I mean by poker calculator here is like something that reduces that game to Kuhn poker. Basically, you know exactly how strong your hand is, at least for this particular round and independent of the money involved, and then what it comes down to is your bluffing, your economic/financial assessment, etc given that you know the probabilities. I mean, I believe it's not cheating to use a Kuhn poker calculator. (And going back to choker, I believe the choker probabilities are far closer in ease to the Kuhn poker calculations than to the standard poker calculations like say in texas hold 'em).

2.3.3. However, there are of course practical reasons why we have these sort of 'technicalities' like rules prohibiting certain things for in person/OTB games (for poker, chess/chess960 or csgo) even if they're not 'really part of the game'.

I tag with 'variant' because I mention choker and Kuhn poker (not because I mention texas hold 'em, which I think is actually not merely a 'variant'). I tag 'etiquette' because in chess se, 'ethics' is a synonym of etiquette.

5.2. For me personally: I don't consider scratch boards cheating/unfair/unethical in online live chess/chess960, even though chess.com doesn't allow it, but I don't use scratch boards. (They of course have no advantage in bullet/blitz games, but I don't and wouldn't use even in higher time controls.) I mean, I rarely think of someone as cheating in chess/chess960, but if ever I did, I'd hardly think that they were using a scratch board. I believe I would think the same in poker(/choker) for poker calculators.

In terms of ethics surrounding calculators, I think it is unethical to use something that gives you information that other players would not be able to obtain themselves (without the calculator). Eg, if your calculator gives the odds of winning with knowledge of the other players hand, that would be unethical. If your calculator gives you the percentage of winning based on your hand and the information you have alone, that is ethical. Experienced players could calculate this in their head or come up with rules based on math to find out very easily.

This idea of "calculators" does not exist in a way that you can realistically use them at the table with the exception of maybe HUDs if you consider that a calculator. You can run solvers to study GTO play given different parameters, or you can use equity calculators to give an exact percentage of equity against a hand or range but they only are really useful away from the table given the limited time to think. Knowing a few simple rules for calculating things like equity and outs is about as strong as having an equity calculator and becomes second nature with some practice.

The poker portion of Choker is a very simplified version of poker that is pretty black and white. For those who are not familiar, the player is dealt 5 cards each representing a chess piece, which vary in value based on how strong the chess piece is. There is a drawing aspect to the game that will promote the weaker pieces in your hand to strong pieces if you hold a certain pattern of cards.

You can use this calculator to solve the EV of calls, shoves, and more. We also have another tool called the Fold Equity Calculator which is useful when trying to figure out how often villain needs to fold for your shoves to be +EV.

In some sense every poker decision we make is based on EV. You can use this formula for draws, but be aware that when there is money left to play it may not apply. It can be used directly for all-in situations.

The Poker Tournament Variance Simulator calculates variance for poker tournaments, MTTs and SNGs. Enter your tournament(s), hit calculate and let the simulator do its magic. An explanation how this simulator works can be found below.

Given the complexities of poker and the constantly changing rules, most poker calculators are statistical machines, probabilities and card counting is rarely used. Poker calculators come in three types: poker advantage calculators, poker odds calculators and poker relative calculators.[3]

A poker odds calculator calculates a player's winning ratio. Winning ratio is defined as, the number of games won divided by the total number of games simulated in a Monte Carlo simulation for a specific player.

A poker advantage calculator calculates a player's winning ratio and normalizes the winning ratio relative to the number of players. An advantage calculator, provides a normalized value between -100% and +100% describing a player's winning change in a locked domain. That is, if a player's result is -100%, regardless of the number of players in the game, the player will certainly lose the game. If a player's advantage is +100%, regardless of the number of players, the player will certainly win the game.[4][5]

Both odds and advantage calculators can provide results provided a specific game scenario. Game scenario variables include: the number of players, the game type being played, and the hand or cards available for the player in question. Alternatively, there also exist poker relative calculators which display a player's winning chance relative to another player's chance.

Poker relative calculators tend to be displayed on poker tournaments and shows for an audience because they provide an accurate assessment of a player's winning chance. However, professional in game poker players do not use or think in terms of poker relative calculations because two or more poker hands at the same table are required.

Poker odds are the probability of making a particular hand or winning a poker game. They are typically expressed as a ratio or a percentage, and they represent the chance of a particular event occurring in a hand of poker.

You can use poker odds in a number of ways, such as determining how often you will make a straight when holding a straight draw on the turn, or how often your flopped pair will make two pair by the river. By understanding this, you can then use this information to make an informed decision on how you should play the hand. Without poker odds, you would simply be guessing at what the right decision would be.

By using a poker odds calculator, such as the one you can find at the top of this page, you can build your knowledge of poker odds, giving you a better understanding of what decisions you should be making in-game. 2351a5e196

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