Are new games better than old games? If you somehow released a contemporary game in, say, 1988, with all its enormity and complexity and detailed, ultra HD nasal hair, it would be almost impossible to comprehend. But then that would never really happen - and would the uncanny nasal hair game even exist without the innovations and inspirations of games gone by?

I wouldn't be surprised if these games are 10/10. They probably are. But lots of us have played the originals. That doesn't mean these are bad games because for someone who never played sun/moon they probably are 10/10

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Includes riding on Maintine (so you can travel slower), camera & gimmicks (so you won't notice the untouched issues the originals had), all legendary pokemon (otherwise you can't use them in competetive), and fanservice evil team bosses battles (for those who love fanfiction).

Guys, I see some of you have a lot of questions. The reviewer might be under an embargo and can't answer them. Here's some things: it still runs poorly on old 3DS. Whenever there's a double battle and/or weather effects it lags. The games are still easy, but there are some tough moments in totem battles. But if you only level your starter you'll probably outlevel everything. Remember to try and catch some Pokmon, will ya? The story in the early hours is very similar, but like the reviewer said, the Ultra Recon Squad is the key to the changes. It really goes a different way closer to the climax. But I'm a huge pokemon fan, I think the changes don't justify the game for casual pokemon players. If you're in it just for the campaign, maybe skip this one. Now, if you are interested in Battles, there's new stuff. Move Tutors (new moves for the Pokemon), actual new Pokmon, New Z moves. It's a vastly superior version to Sun and Moon, truly the 3DS's swan song. If you guys have any questions I'll be happy to answer, just don't ask for spoilers.

Truly, Game freak listened to many complaints from SUN/MOON. Mainly how bland some of the characters were, narrative has greatly improved among other things.

This is not a Crystal/Emerald/Platinum type game. 

It feels more like a B2/W2, yet Ultra Sun/moon is not a sequel, but a redirection in the story one very well made.

Ultra Sun/Moon is a true improvement.

@HawkeyeWii If I recall correctly, you will need two DS/3DSes, and a copy of pokemon BW/B2W2 to transfer the pokes from gen IV to gen V. And then you can transfer them from gen V further using PokeBank.

@-Green- Based on what I could gather from Gamexplain's review it seems like the core of sun and moon is still there. That means that the handholding and general structure are basically the same. They did however provide a much needed change to sos battles thank god. Now it's only possible for them to call in only 1 pokemon for help instead of endlessly calling for help.

Pokemon pelago, refresh, and festival plaza seem to be largely unchanged except now festival plaza relates to the new battle agency. You can rent a powerful pokemon and the other 2 pokemon you battle with are based off of trainers you meet in festival plaza (I honestly wish they would just remove the crappy festival plaza system in its entirety).

All in all it seems to be the same type of retread we've come to expect from past 3rd games. 85% of the same story with most changes coming near the end (when you go to poni island as well as post game. Doesn't really seem like it should get a 10/10 as I didn't even think the original sun and moon deserved a 10/10. I'm starting to think there's that nintendo bias going on that allows critics to overlook flaws in Nintendo games simply because it's Nintendo

Sounds like somewhat of an improvement. That said I hope there is more post-game content. Sun and moon felt like the weakest games in a long time and the first batch of Pokemon games that i took a break from out of disinterest and boredom (due to a combination of elements). Having no National Dex upgrade was absurd.

A snapshot of Red & Blue with their partner Pokmon, Pikachu & Eevee, after they got off the plane to Alola for their secret honeymoon out of the public eye. Pikachu and Eevee are still wearing the captain hat and first mate bow they commandeered from the original plane captain and first mate, so somehow Red & Blue were able to stop their shenanigans before they were able to do anymore damage on the flight over. ff782bc1db

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