I was playing Sapphire on my GBA with Everdrive X5, but right near the end of the game (IIRC right after the battle with Wallace) the save got corrupted somehow. I was getting the "The save file has been deleted..." message, and that's it.

I was able to copy the same from Everdrive to my PC, and the save doesn't work in VBA either... however, PKHeX loads it with no issues. With that said, veryfing this save in PKHex gives a message "Block 09 @ 02000 invalid.". Exporting the save seems to fix that, but it still doesn't work on VBA nor Everdrive.

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Each part of the save has a checksum, and that sector checksum is incorrect. (as noted by what you posted PKHeX said).

the solution for that is to really, save in PKHeX, cause PKHeX recalculates the checksums.

I also copied Block B of your save over Block A. (Typically, saves keep a duplicate as a backup.)

I don't fully recall, but your Block A looked mostly empty, so thus I duplicated Block B over Block A,

then used PKHeX to fix the checksums.

I confirmed VBA can load the savem, then I sent it to you.

What caused the corruption? No clue, maybe having too many cheat codes activated or something.

It is known that too many cheat codes active can mess with the save.

Hello there I have a similar issue with my Sapphire version save. I was trying to make a trade between my Sapphire and Ruby versions and one of the gameboy froze in the process of transferring the pokemon I turned both gameboys off tried trading again and the gameboy froze again so I kept retrying and on the next reset my Sapphire save was gone and it gave me the"save file has been deleted" message. Am I still able to recover my save file?

@PKHex_User please read our rules and not upload a ROM again.

Also, even if a save could be restored (from supposed corruption) in any way, there is no easy way to inject back into your fake game, so there isn't much of a point really.

edit: For curiosity sake, I looked at the saves, and there's no usable data in them anyway..

I also found there are 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF.... strings in the .gba ROM, is there any way about it? like fix the checksum something?... Im not an expert about this so maybe a stupid question. Just trying my best to rescue the data...

There's no usable data whatsoever.

The identifiable sections in each block is missing.

It's not as easy as a checksum fix; this line sounds like you were just trying to repeat what I've said previously back to me.

And based on what else you've said, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

I don't enjoy being the bearer of bad news, but it doesn't look good 

Maybe this would visually explain to you what's happening:

It looks like all of the left half (for pretty much the entirety of both files) has been wiped clean.

(Note: in case you don't understand what you're looking at, first, draw a line right down the middle. Then, compare both halves. It's as though the right side persistently have varying values for multiple rows, and the left side has nothing but zeros. This is the abnormal part, for this section of the save)

Each Pokemon takes up about 4 complete rows, from left to right. With half of it literally missing, no Pokemon can be reconstructed. (Do remember the entire data for Pokemon itself is encrypted, so we cannot decrypt the data if it's not fully there)

I cannot conceive of how the data is written like this. Maybe the data is cleared column wise before it is copied from the RAM, hence losing power caused the clearing to only work halfway through?

In any case, while some remnants of data remains, there is no realistic way to use them. 

I hope this is enough of an explanation, and provides some closure to why no Pokemon can be extracted from the save.

There's no usable data whatsoever.

The identifiable sections in each block is missing.

It's not as easy as a checksum fix; this line sounds like you were just trying to repeat what I've said previously back to me.

And based on what else you've said, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

I don't enjoy being the bearer of bad news, but it doesn't look good 

Maybe this would visually explain to you what's happening:

It looks like all of the left half (for pretty much the entirety of both files) has been wiped clean.

Each Pokemon takes up about 4 complete rows, from left to right. With half of it literally missing, no Pokemon can be reconstructed. (Do remember the entire data for Pokemon itself is encrypted, so we cannot decrypt the data if it's not fully there)

I cannot conceive of how the data is written like this. Maybe the data is cleared column wise before it is copied from the RAM, hence losing power caused the clearing to only work halfway through?

from what I can see, I've made some edits to that post while you were replying, and you didn't see them.

It's just further elaboration for the most part. But yeah, it feels pretty definite to me. I tried looking at both saves and they were the same. My program was able to recognize them as saves due to the right halves still existing, but without the left halves we can't really obtain useful data.

Yeah in any case good luck with the new journey. And remember not to tempt fate and let the battery die. Cheers.

edit: your save is effectively screwed.

There's a repeating pattern of this more or less across the entire save.

That pervasive pattern eats up even Pokmon. Given Pokmon is encrypted, having any change in the bytes make decryption practically impossible, and I can't even salvage Pokmon 152ee80cbc

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