Glory is a fickle monster. You train ten years of your life to face it, and when it falls, it falls easily. Its death rattle is the applause in your ears, the imagined adoration as you anticipate your homecoming parade. And then, as it wheezes and sags, it rips itself open, a monster born anew. You have achieved nothing. Glory is not yours. It belongs to someone better than you. The monster is about to bite. In the tales of history, you are the one who shall be slayed.

Whatever the story there, Gary was fresh from his fight with the monster. The glory of blood stained his fists. The searing adrenaline still pumped from his heart. His breathing still fast and furious. Lance was all style. Blue is raw substance. His team is well balanced, accounting for his starter Pokemon, as well as yours. He has Grass, Water, and Fire covered, as well as the extremely overpowered Psychic-type, and a Rock/Ground Rhydon for coverage. Pidgeot has a great movepool too, and as his opening gambit can cause a lot of problems for you. Sure, if he picked Charizard he has three Flying-types, but compared to everyone else we've fought it's an incredibly well balanced team, with sensible moves (the Charizard team, again, lets this down a little with three Leers), and he forces you to think more than anyone else in the game.

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There's a tension when you beat Blue eventually. It's like you're waiting for a VAR check. You've had your moment of glory, and it has been snatched from you. When you win it back it's twice as sweet, but a little sour too. You've earned it, but you've learned that nothing lasts forever. Hug that trophy tight and feel the cold kiss of metal on your cheek. Drink it in - you never know when it will be taken from you.

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The newest sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons is titled Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, and sure enough, this new sourcebook is populated with an incredible variety of oversized monsters suitable for any D&D campaign. Most of the 80+ new monsters in this D&D sourcebook are either giants or related to them, such as critters that giants keep as pets or humanoids with giant ancestry, like goliath giant-kin.

A skilled dungeon master could build an entire giant-themed campaign with these monsters and other resources in mind, in the same vein as Storm King's Thunder. Whether the DM modifies an existing campaign or homebrews a new one where giants shine in the spotlight, Glory of the Giants has the right monsters for the job. These monsters have it all, from intriguing lore and personalities to deadly and exciting gameplay stats and fantastic illustrations to bring them to life.

Combat-wise, the grinning cat monster in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants is a decent challenge for a low-level party in any campaign. These large animals can ambush the party with their invisible bodies, and they can even teleport as a bonus action and resist magic to keep the party on their toes. They rely on trickery, not brute force, to terrorize low-level parties.

Bigby Presents includes firbolgs as proper monsters with stat blocks, such as the firbolg wanderer and firbolg primeval warden. The primeval wardens can turn invisible twice per day, while the firbolg wanderer can use the Duplicitous Movement ability. That ability lets a firbolg create an illusory body double, and the firbolg can even swap places with it.

Trolls already exist in a variety of forms in D&D, such as the vanilla troll, venom trolls that spray deadly blood when injured, and even huge dire trolls that unleash many attacks in one turn. Now, Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants has added the bizarre troll mutate monster to the roster.

Lore-wise, tempest spirits are fascinating monsters from Bigby's Presents: Glory of the Giants. If a storm giant tries to use magical rituals to escape death, but Shadowfell's influence is too strong, then the storm giant becomes a twisted, negative monster called a tempest spirit. Such monsters are desperate to revert back to their original forms, but it's not easy.

In gameplay, a flesh colossus is a deceptively complex threat that can exhale elemental breaths to deal damage, while also swallowing Large or smaller enemies whole. Players can directly destroy this monster's energy core, which means it goes berserk and can no longer swallow anyone, so that makes for some interesting tactical options in combat.

The gigant already ranks among the largest flying monsters found in all of Dungeons & Dragons, somehow rivaling even ancient dragons in sheer scale. It may seem unrealistic for an insect this big to properly fly, yet it can, and even giants fear it. According to the lore and art, gigants can casually seize hill giants like insectile eagles and make off with them.

Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants introduces a small handful of scions, enormous incarnations of giant gods such as Surtur, Memnor, and Thrym, along with elemental "cradles" to contain them and let them sleep in peace. All of the scions are cool and scary monsters to serve as late-game boss battles for high-level parties, but the Scion of Surtur is the coolest.

Monster Lands base game includes the following. 80 six sided dice, 64 trap tokens, 55 gold coins, 36 mercenary assignment tokens, 28 mercenary cards, 20 monster cards, 20 defense tokens, 18 equipment cards, 16 loot tokens, 16 potion tokens, 16 venom tokens, 12 land cards, 12 double sided mission tokens, 8 starter clan members, 8 novice cards, 7 panic tokens, 6 double sided land path headers, 4 reputation markers, 4 glory markers, 4 clan progress tracks, 1 round marker, 1 double sided round modifier, 1 mission bag, and 1 game board.

What about the add-ons?? It included all of the add-ons. This box included two sets of solo dice, and two sets of the monster dice. It included signed promo cards, and it included 5 hand-blown glass monsters by the talented Jenefer Ham! There are only 4 players though? Well, this box also included the expansion which adds a 5th player and heavy weapons!!!

This expansion includes 16 heavy weapon tokens, 14 dice for the base game, 9 mercenary cards, 9 assignment cards, 8 heavy weapon dice, 6 equipment cards, 5 monster cards, 5 additional place cards, 3 land cards, 1 reputation marker, 1 glory marker, 1 starting trap token, 1 clan progression track, 1 heavy weapon bag, and the rules.

The advent of the Pokemon series in the mid-1990s and the subsequent frenzy of popularity the charming Pocket Monster games have enjoyed ever since have spurred plenty of clones based on young kids battling with collectible critters for fame and fortune. Monster Racers' inspiration is obvious, yet embedded deeply in the game's carbon-copy presentation and revamped concept is a unique element that's strong enough to give the well-trodden genre some new life. Instead of engaging in lighthearted turn-based combat, the myriad beasties you capture and raise have a burning desire to race against each other when they come face-to-face. Pitting your best monsters against your opponents' gnarly critters in 2D platforming races is fun, and it's just the thing to liven up the adventure. Pairing this solid and seamless racing component with the some of the mechanics that make the Pokemon games so entertaining yields an addictive--if somewhat unoriginal--experience.

Monster Racers' setup will no doubt invoke some strong deja-vu for anyone who has ever booted up a Pokemon game. In addition to the bustling human population, the world is home to a cornucopia of exotic creatures that roam the wilds. Rather than fight, these curious beasts love to run, encouraging human racers to capture and tame them in order to compete for sport and glory. Each of the seven continents has its own champion racer, and annual tournament races are held to give newcomers a shot to win the titles. Playing as either a young boy or girl, you pick out your first monster racing companion and set out to obtain a highly coveted license that allows you to compete. From there, it's time to head off on a romp around the globe to capture and train monsters, race them in tournaments, and beat all of the reigning champs in order to become the top racer in the world. It's a tale that has already been told countless times before. The constant riffing off the Pokemon franchise is so blatant that there's even a Team Rocket-type group of no-goodniks that try to hamper your quest.

When you're not walking around the hub town areas to chatter with locals, progress the story, pick up important supplies, and dabble in fetch quests, you're roaming through dungeon-like wilds. Here you find other racers to battle, wild monsters to defeat or befriend, and lots of treasure to uncover. Instead of appearing in random encounters, the respawning wild monsters appear as round yellow stars that move in set patterns on the map field. Running into one triggers a race event, and you can select one of your three equipped monsters to compete with. These shorter 2D platforming races give you an opportunity to beat the wild creatures to gain experience toward leveling up your monster. They also let you use your monster to capture weaker creatures, if you can blast them with enough energy before the race is done. In contrast, races against other trainers you encounter during your travels are lengthier and more challenging and dish out a larger amount of experience. Larger tournament matches have four tiers of qualifying races, and you have to successfully win all of them in a row in order to wrestle a continent's title away from the current champ. These tougher matches feature longer races with four monsters racing at once. 17dc91bb1f

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