#78 Lazuu: The Lighthearted pokemon, Lazuu are very curious with trainers, tey will often stay near populated beaches and shores to play with the humans who swim in the shallow water. If a trainer child is drowning, they will do their earnest to save them at any cost, even to themselves.

#80 Tason: The scrappy calf pokemon, Tason is a troublemaker and will not stand being in a enclosure of any kind, It will charge and headbutt anything it sees but its so small and weak it ends up knocking itself over everytime.

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#81 Kentoros: The Alpha bull pokemon, Kentoros are rare due to them only evolving when a Tauros claims the alpha position. Once it becomes Kentoros it leads its herd without question, and will protect it at all costs until it passes and a new alpha rises to the top.

#091 Barana: The Round biter pokemon, Although unassuming, Barana have a fierce bite and will not hesitate to take a bite out of whoever disturbs it. Barana are weak swimmers and are easily pushed by the tides, so they often will bump into other pokemon or people and take a bite at them.

#86 Lunaclipse: The moon rock pokemon, Lunatone has its own gravitational field, when it roams around rock will hover in place and water will be pushed away from it. Lunaclipse have also been know to float up in the night sky towards the moon, it is not known if they reach the moon or not.

#87 Solgularity: The blackhole pokemon, When solrock is ready to evolve, its outer shell cracks open to reveal the purple void inside, making its shell fragments rotate like an event horizon around it. when a solgularity reaches the end of its life, its singularity center will keep expanding. So it will travel into deep space to not endanger anyone. its said that the singularities in deep space are deceased solgularitys.

#84 Skrat: The bird brat pokemon, Skrat cannot fly and has to walk around, Its bronze coat slowly chips away as it travels, Skrat will scrap its coat against sharp rocks and objects to get to the silver coat underneath.

#85 Skatallion: The Golden crane pokemon, Skatallion body is near impenetrable, it also is highly offensive, nearly any surface on its body is sharp. Its golden wings can be reflected by sunlight and have been known to blind others.

#88 Chirpep: The chirping pokemon, Chirpep can understand human speech but cannot replicate it, thus it sounds like its babbling when it tries to communicate. When a bunch of Chirpeps gather together they try to communicate to each other but none of them understand the other.

#89 Musicaw: The music conductor pokemon, A musicaw will direct a flock of chatots to make the most beautiful music, trainers and pokemon alike are attracted to the beautiful sounds and with Musicaws masterful direction they can too harmonize with the music.

#062 Seedee: The seed sprout pokemon, Seedee body is frail and has to stay underground, planted in dirt and soil, to keep it safe. Once they plant themselves they will no come out unless their stem is damaged, to which they will get out and crawl away.

#063 Climatree: The Seasonal pokemon, Climatree has many forms, whenever the weather changes or the season demands it, Climatree will shed/grow leaves and appearance to get acclimated to the change. Climatree will stay planted in the same spot and refuse to move for an indefinite amount of time unless in a dangerous situation

#064 Purrey: The oblivious pokemon, Purrey is oblivious and will tend to wonder around aimlessly playing with whatever it finds. It tail smells of a sweet scent and it will tend to chew on it over and over thinking its food.

#065 Puredatorr: The Apex predator pokemon, Puredatorr can change forms on a whim when the situation calls for it, If it or its litter is threatened it will take its fierce form to fight off the threat. Its venom form is used for self defense if its in danger from a bigger predator. Its hunter form is for nighttime stalking for its prey. The nimble form is used to traverse landscape very quickly and due to its lightweight and small frame it can jump extreme heights to climb mountains.

Carnivine is obivously based on a venus flytrap, with its name being a combo of carnivore and vine. Its pokedex entry talks about it having a sweet scent and being able to attract pokemon with it to eat. So for its evolution i decided to exaggerate that by making its main body an alluring flower and having its jaws away from the flower so when its prey gets closer it snatched it up.

#090 Venuscent: The entraping pokemon, Venuscent not only as an alluring scent but irresistible body, it trapping jaws lay near the soil to make it seem like its just a flower, once a pokemon of significant size comes close to admire the flower head, its three jaws spring up and trap the pokemon for consumption.

In addition to having a different world map and cities from Pokmon Emerald, this game also has its own narrative. Other components, such as the pokemon attacks or the evolution requirements (Kadabra evolves into Alakazam at level 35), have also been changed. ff782bc1db

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