so i want to gate an area of the game until the player has a pokedex amount of 306 or greater and the only script i could find was $Trainer.pokedexOwned() >= 306 but no matter how many pokemon in the dex the else statement happens. Am i doing something wrong? is there something i am missing?

Does anyone know if I use Pokemon essentials as a basic frame work (basically so I can have the movement system and battle system etc all worked out already) BUT only use original art, music assets etc so there is no trace of copyrighted material whatsoever, would that still be at risk of being taken down by the big N?

Pokemon Essentials Ultimate Bw Pack 7 Download

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Hi everyone, after so long I'm finally sharing the pokemon essentials cable club system I commissioned a while ago. If you ever wanted to make some pokemon fan games with rpg maker xp + pokemon essentials, now you will be able to implement online features.

It is meant to work on pokemon essentials v16 and v17. Sadly, it has no support for the latest pokemon essential version(v18), which was launched just a few days after we finished the cable club system(yeah, we were a bit unlucky there).

1) I hate the level cap where your poke starts disobeying you. In official pokemon games there is that, but the lvl cap is much higher and normally you dont reach it one way or the other. In fan games in the other hand is a painfull story.

Another small thing I dislike about fan games is the choice of music. I'm not talking about GlitchxCity, I'm talking about the people who use the default essentials music in and outside of battle. Imagine the player comes to the top of a holy castle and a powerful legendary pokemon appears with darkness of pure evil surrounding itself. Then, you hear essential's default wild battle music playing in the background. That doesn't fit at all! There are custom pokemon music out there like ElectricMudkip/Emdasche, PokeRemixStudio, FL. Remix, Pokeli, PokMixr92, Le Matre Dragon and others if given credit and permission. Heck, you can include music outside of pokemon too!

Another one I forgot to mention: don't give trainers' pokemon moves like belch or last resort, or any other move that requires a special condition to be used. The AI just doesn't know how to use them and will spam them because of the high damage. This happens all the time you are against an eeveelution (except maybe gym leaders in some games). I think this is somewhat related to the "random stats" thing I mentioned in my first post, as I don't think there are many people willing to fine tune every single trainer's pokemon, as that sounds like a lot of work even if I have no idea how RPGmaker/Essentials works.

I'll be taking the complaints in this thread into consideration for Pokemon Safari. A lot of the issues mentioned so far are bugs with pokemon essentials or RPG Maker though so they shouldn't be an issue in my custom game engine I've written. Regarding avoiding giving certain moves to pokemon possessed by trainers: I think the solution is to fix the Ai, not to remove game content.

Yeh, after having just played through Rejuvenation and encountering the same issues as in Reborn, I'm getting kinda annoyed at it. Not much people can do as few are capable of writing their own custom pokemon game engine but, damn, it's kinda pathetic that you can run these games on a fairly powerful PC and still the framerate and fluidity just dies when it rains and so on. The lack of 'smoothness' is probably my largest general concern with all these (RPG Maker) fangames. I mean, even the basic scrolling when hardly anything is going on is still stuttering. It's a real bummer because even though Pokemon really doesn't require a high framerate for gameplay's sake, fluidity is king for me even just for the visuals' sake. I'm rather impressed by how good some of these fan devs make the games look otherwise and I can only hope someone provides a modern engine that does them justice via stable, high framerates.

Funny, I always ask myself why they let you pass after you defeat them. I mean, what could you do if they just stayed there? You can't use your pokemon on them, because that's not allowed, you can't really force them to move by means of brute force, as most of the time it would be a adult against child situation, and I really don't think there is a rule where the defeated trainer has to do whatever you ask them to do. I think there was one instance where you defeated a grunt and he just went "guess what, i'm not going to move", but I could be wrong.

What really bothers me with the 2 grunts at the gate is how the whole "if you see another trainer you can force them into battle" only works against you. Why can't I force anyone to have a battle with me? Like, let's say I'm a masochist and want to fight Lance at Lake of Rage, what right does he have to refuse? Let's say that the protagonist doesn't do that because you really are in a hurry to stop Team Rocket, what about your rival in Olivine? What about NPCs that don't fight you but must have at least one pokemon because they are in areas where wild pokemon appear?

I honestly disagree with everything you just said.In reborn,you can get different grand hall trainers everyday.You can fight with them as much as you want.For example,there is one trainer who use a squirtle evolution team.Just use any grass pokemon.Then there is the clown trainer in agate circus who will give you very high money and shard.In reborn,the first time I had to grind my entire team was before Samson.There are many parts of the game when you will have partner with you.So you can train as much as you want and get healed.

The evolution animation where the pokemon just spin and spin until the end of the world as we know it. Also, terrible dialogue and action, rejuvenation really killed the mood for me when Madame X brings out her legendary sword. I watch anime regularly but this just doesn't fit in at all. Otherwise it was quite a cool game. The last thing is the starter choice, it's a fan game so I really don't want to see traditional starter choice style (the three only). Reborn gave you every starters from all region which is cool, desolation got me into using Pancham that grew on me. These are really great ideas.

pokemon jun you adventureCreator(s)tan jun youRelease Date3-2-2021Genregen 1EngineRPG Maker XPGameplay Time10;13;59StatusPublishedDownloadkbhBase PriceFreeview template pagePokmon Essentials is a pre-fanmade RPG Maker XP game project that is designed to be edited to create a role-playing game with the game mechanics of the main series Pokmon games. Many RPG Maker games were made using this project. It includes a collection of gameplay-altering original scripts in order to implement the gameplay mechanics of the Pokmon series.

This section also defines PBTrainerAI, which enumerates the thresholds for AI skill levels (given for a trainer class in the trainertypes.txt file). 0 is defined as a wild pokemon; 1-31 is for basic, inexperienced trainers; 32-47 for trainers with some skill; 48-99 for trainers with high skill, and 100 for expert trainers like gym leaders and the E4.

This section defines the PokeBattle_BattlePalace class, a subclass of PokeBattle_Battle, which allows Battle Frontier-style Battle Palace battles, where pokemon choose their own moves based on their nature.

This section defines the PokeBattle_BattleArena class, a subclass of PokeBattle_Battle, which allows Battle Frontier-style Battle Arena battles, where two pokemon fight for three rounds and are then judged on their mind, body, and skill rankings.

This section defines the PokemonGlobalMetadata class, which is stored in $PokemonGlobal. This class stores a lot of miscellaneous data, including things like if the player is surfing or cycling, the player's step count, the players last pokemon center, the daycare, the mailbox, the item pc storage, etc.

This section handles everything related to Shadow Pokmon. This section defines the heart gauges on pokemon, defines the Relic Stone, adds handlers for scent items, defines the effects of Hyper Mode (actually Pokemon XD-style "Reverse Mode", but misnamed "Hyper Mode"), and defines classes for every shadow move introduced in XD. be457b7860

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