First off, I wanted to mention that I've seen plenty of these Pokemon sets, but I find yours (Meaning all 3 sets) currently to be not only the most balanced, but the most logical. Keep it up, really looking forward to seeing more of these!

Anywho, from what I see here:

Kyogre: Seeing as this is Advanced, I thought I would mention that I actually have no clue how you are going to make this in a Water Deck, especially since it's Level 9. Perhaps teching in Fishborg Archer in Mermail and going from there? If it was a generic tuner requirement, you could POSSIBLY do something with Genex Controller, but what that would be I can't think of off the top of my head. However, if you did manage to get it out in Mermail, it certainly would spell the beginning of the end game. With Megalo and/or Leed, you got some HUGE beatsticks at hand that not even Apoqliphort Towers would be happy to see. Primal Kyogre takes that to the extreme, though until Fishborg Blaster is legal, I don't see it hitting the field anytime soon. The LP gain effect is nice, but let's be honest: You aren't going to use that a whole lot, along with the applications of either card's FIRE limitations. It's good for what it can do, but the application is limited.

Groudon: Creative typing with the Dinosaur, I would think of it as a Pyro, but I digress. I suppose Fire Fist and Lavals now have some sort of a powerhouse, the latter for once having one that isn't degenerate. If 3 Axis ever became a thing again, this wouldn't be the toughest things to make, although I don't see that happening anytime soon. Unlike Kyogre, the secondary effect is very much convienant, being able to make even more of a solid beating ground and smashing face for damage. There's another FIRE archetype with a Synchro piercer I can't put my finger on, but if I remember it, it would have amazing synergy with this one. Primal Groundon makes Nekroz cry because Shrit will activate in the chain of effects I believe, making Trishula unable to activate. If you can get it off, it probably would be very relevant. The second effect of him is also much better, able to spin cards and ruin several Deck's strategies and/or plays, the first I can think of being Shadolls and their Fusions. Probably the better of the two, although probably the less relevant in terms of Deck potential.

Milotic: Now THIS I fancy! The LP effect, while not necessary still, is actually credible this time around. Being able to spin backrow and/or face down monsters (Ideally Shadolls) is quite a nice reward, and that 2500 DEF is really solid. Probably not the first card to run in the WATER Decks that could play it (Certainly not worth the time of Nekroz), it would at least be a nice addition to the Extra Deck, sorta like how Cowboy is nowadays. Not much to say since it's fairly straightforward in its use and Deck selection. So far, the best of the set

Note: There is a slight OCG error. Should be 1 SET card, not 1 face-down.

Overall, a nice selection of cards over a great few sets! I'm looking to see more of these! Again, keep it up

While making these sets, I do try to apply Advanced/RC principles into them with some metagame things in mind; although it is a bit challenging to keep the flavor in them, but not go overboard with them.

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Outside of that, making it a full WATER requirement does hurt at times. Then again, I think the past legendaries I've made in the other sets did have generic Tuner requirements, so I can fix that on Kyogre/Groudon.

Unless Infernoids actually become a threat in TCG once released, Kyogre's essentially limited to what it can do. Suppose the LP effect can be changed to burn damage or a stat-boosting effect (probably to Calm Mind); or I just block it from attacking, and everything else can fight. Restoring 1000 LP isn't exactly worth sacrificing your Battle Phase; if it were maybe 3000 or something, then yeah that would be necessary.

Then again, it might also reflect how Primal Groudon is better than Kyogre since its biggest weakness is gone; whereas Kyogre still has its two greatest weaknesses (even with added special bulk). [Now I regret not buying Ruby]

But indeed though, P-Groudon does stomp on a lot of common things like Nekroz, Mermails and so on. It also allows you to bounce Extra Deck bosses away, or problematic cards your opponent might have out.

Ya welcome on the CnC. Interesting scale you got there. Looks like whenever you get to Darkrai, I'll be closely observing that one since I tend to run DARK Turbo lmao But yeah, that all tends to make sense, especially with Groudon being the super card and all. Either way, it'll always be the more likely to be one run more since even Fluffals are more relevant than Ice Barriers, so it might as well have some use.

Rayquaza will probably shut down Field Spells (Air Lock), which probably will screw with Malefic/EBIs if they're relevant at this time; and Mega will reduce any battle damage involving a WIND monster you control.

In the latter's case, I suppose you can assume that it's designed with Nai in mind, considering he's associated with Altaria lately (much like Zex has Milotic and I'm associated with both Eons). Just so you know, that wasn't the intention, but I guess it's bound to happen. (Zex's one was intentional though, because I've known him for so long)

Mega Ray is intended to be made via Formula + normal Rayquaza, though I will probably design another Tuner Synchro that facilitates the summoning, and doesn't rely you to run Formula. It might also be helpful when Mewtwo comes around, since it also is a 680/780 BST legendary and will require the Accel Synchro path.

The Ascended part of its name can be attributed to Dragon Ascent, which you do need for it to Mega. I didn't reflect that in the effect though (or I suppose you can consider its burn effect in both formes to be representative of such).

*sigh* I can only dream of making cards/sets as balanced as Mr. Sakura. Btw, I noticed you put your name before the set name, lol pretty much the reason I clicked it because I knew the cards would be good. Now, all I gotta do is figure out which one of my decks your cards work with (hasn't even looked at em because I'm expecting em to be useful). Ok, printed, off to duel myself (I need a life... or a friend who is into Yugioh xD).

Ok, back after looking over em. I like the pictures, but I honestly cannot correctly comment on cards of this caliber. They are just over my head... *sigh* you are many levels ahead of me in card making. Anyways, keep up the good work. :) Time to practice making cards.... or post some more monsters in my set, lol.

Groudon makes Necloths cry though (one of the concerns I had about the Primals is their ability to screw over certain Decks; Groudon certainly is capable of this, but Kyogre has some usage, albeit limited)

Darkrai was intended to curb Shaddolls and stuff, hence why you can negate their effects (but not destroy). Negate/destroy effects are getting clich and of course, need to be worked with very carefully.

I would've liked to flat out negate effects that activate when face-up automatically, but I have a feeling that it would REALLY make this card OPed, since it does shut down a good amount of Decks (like Ghostricks if they're still relevant, aforementioned Shaddolls; even if a lot of you hate them as much as BAs, Rocks and some other stuff).

Was considering negating the effects of face-down monsters it killed in battle instead, so that said monsters can't trigger their retrieval effects (assuming that they activate on the field, which I think they do; need to check on that later). It works well with its Dark Void effect.

Wow. First time i'm in a forum dedicated to making ygo cards. Those really are well made. I'll need work before being able to do make as well balanced cards. But to say, I'm still a little disappointed, because even if you did Hoenn legendaries, it lack my favorite pokemon: Deoxys. Even so, I can't think of a way to simulate the form change in game. Maybe with a ritual/countinuous/field spell? Needs work.

Sky is the offensive variant, with damage-dealing capacities and locking off attacks from a boss monster. (Though that part mainly works for them only; opponent will just use smaller monsters as Xyz/Synchro bait or whatever). It also has 2600 ATK, which should be enough to run over things, given its Level 7 requirement.

Land is defensive, and blocks Castel/101, etc. alongside LP restoration (and softening up your opponent's monster). I left it at a flat 800, so it serves as a strong enough reducer + reliable LP restoration.

I know someone requested Deoxys to be made at one point; I haven't forgotten about it, but right now it is proving a bit difficult to decide on a proper way to incorporate all 4 formes, especially since they have different play styles. (Though regular and Attack should be similar; Speed might be a direct attacker and Defense is probably a wall thing) 152ee80cbc

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