Poke Minio

"Poke Minio" uses some of your personal information and makes all attempts to protect all information when you use our apps & services.Your privacy is important to Owner At "Poke Minio". We don’t provide your personal information to any third party. Sometimes we need information to provide services that you request, this privacy statement applies to all Poke Minio services .

Information We Get

Access Phone State, Storage , Camera, Account infomation, Contacts, email, names and numbers etc if needed

Why We Collect??

We get this information for different usage

  1. To show adds on all our free apps
  2. We use your name, email and number for our apps only if needed and does not provide to any other third party.
  3. Checking either mobile phone is in ringing or idle.
  4. To store images in mobile storage.
  5. To Capture your image.
  6. To send notifications to our apps.


In the following circumstances, we may show your personal information according to requirement or regulations by law:

  1. Your prior permission.
  2. By the applicable law within or outside your country of residence, legal process, litigation requests.
  3. By requests from public and governmental authorities.
  4. To protect our legal rights and interests. We take reasonable steps to secure your information against unauthorized access or disclosure. However, no security or encryption method can be guaranteed to protect information from hackers or human error.


If you install our apps we assume that you agreed to all of above mentioned terms and conditions. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our services. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting the change in this Privacy Policy.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following email address:
