After I finished it, I felt the need to create my own adventure game. This feeling was not immediate, but grew stronger over time. Eventually it led me to find Luigi and be actually able to create my own indie game.

I used the Playn Java framework to write in Java and export to Android, iOS and web. At the time I was a Java developer. Playn is still an active project, it may be worth considering if you are looking for a Java 2D game framework.

Point And Click Adventure Download

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This first attempt didn't last long. We had a dinner all together, and asked two friends to present us with a draft story of the game. And then I didn't get any feedback from the others and the project vanished into nothing.

It is a beautiful morning, and Eliot, a young mage apprentice, is going to the studio of his magister for a lesson about magical potions. Something is wrong from the first moment: why isn't the magister opening the door?

The game uses FHD (1920x1080) images, and runs also on low end mobile devices. If you want to run on a device with 1 GB of RAM, you need to reduce the amount of FHD images. If you load in memory more than 50/60 FHD images, the game may crash on devices with not enough memory.

A simple and classic solution to reduce the memory imprint, is to use sprite sheets for the animations. Most of the time an animation will fit in a 2048x2048 sprite. I use Texture Packer to create and import animation sprite sheets in Unity.

By trimming and using sprite-sheets, I solved all memory problems. Also smaller images means lower time when loading a scene. In cheap mobile devices, loading a scene can require like 5 or 6 seconds (whereas in more powerful devices it takes less than a second).

Before embarking on Occulto game development, I decided to help a guy develop the interface for his board game. I did it because I thought the game he invented was a good game that had some brilliant parts to it.

In the beginning everything was good, and I enjoyed developing the game. In addition I was learning React, which I used as the framework to build the game app. (It is a board game, not a classic one, so React was a good choice, and also it had a lot of pages, not just the game page).

Then things started to become weird: he started asking for deadlines, complaining about delays on the development, and asking for features which I thought weren't really useful in the first version of the game.

In the end it didn't work out and I couldn't work well with him, so I blocked all communication. Remember that I worked on his game for free, and I even solved a nasty bug that caused the back end side of the game to stop working.

In this case, as a programmer, it is important to integrate the output of your other team members (images, animations and sounds) as soon as possible. People will be more engaged if they see their work quickly integrated in the game. Also the sooner you integrate others' work, the sooner you will find and solve problems.

In order to work in your spare time, you have to reduce or remove all the obstacles. These can be physical (slow computer, too small a screen, ...) or psychological. The psychological ones are the most subtle. I will try to list some of them:

Feeling guilty for not working: this is hard, and I think is one of the main reasons for quitting. You have to enjoy working on your project. So deadlines, pushing others to produce more, threatening (like "If you don't work enough you are out") do NOT work.

Obstacles that delays the moment you can actually work: you may think something like "I'd like to finish that thing I started, I think I can complete it in 10 minutes." Then you think: "But the PC is slow and it will take forever to start... may be tomorrow, now I'll just serf on Instagram".

Too tired to work on the game: indeed you must not overdo it. It is important to find a balance between how much you work and how much you rest. But it is also important to avoid long periods of not working on the game.

Share your results with the others: even though non technical people may not fully understand what you are doing (and vice-versa), it is satisfying to explain that you solved a performance problem, or that you reduced the bundle size, for example.

Persist. Not everything will be easy. You will have to persist. Even though you are probably making a game because of passion, it is still requires a lot of work and sometimes you have to persevere and overcome problems/blocks. You probably do that all the time at work, you can do it also for your game.

Not every moment is a moment of pleasure. Imagine when I discovered that the demo, almost ready to be published, wasn't working on some mobile devices and I had to rewrite everything in Unity. I really had a bad weekend.

Fortunately Luigi, my partner in the game, understood it and accepted that we needed to delay the release date of the game demo. While it took a lot of time to write the demo (2 years, if you count from the first commit), it took me 3 months to rewrite it.

Being a programmer you will probably want to write more code than necessary and use your preferred language. Chose a framework based on your needs (cross platform? 2D or 3D? ...) and try to develop a simple level to understand if you made the right choices.

This is because most of the work is done by WebGL. But at a certain point the game started flickering on my old mobile phone (Neffos X1 Max) when ported to a mobile app using Capacitor (webview). But it was working well on the browser and on the other phones I had. Even on my Motorola Moto G first generation (2013 low end device).

I decided that I wanted my game to run smoothly even on low end devices, so I switched to Unity 2D. Unity is used by a lot of indie game developers, and C# is quite easy. I didn't try Unreal Engine, because I am too rusty on C++. Now it runs smoothly also on my Moto G (60 FPS).

The second thing that was almost a mistake is that I developed a library to find the shortest path on polygon areas with polygon holes. Here you can find the JS code (I have ported it to C#, but not yet release on GitHub).

I took me 3 attempts to get it working properly, and a lot of time. Fortunately by the time I started developing Occulto, the library was ready and working. Now I can just draw the walkable area and have the main character move inside it, avoiding obstacles (polygon holes).

The fact is that having an algorithm to move things inside a walk-able area is not strictly necessary, and it is better to focus on actually making the game. Other P&C games do not use this feature, they just move characters along predefined paths.

After you've chosen the right framework, take a scene, and develop the entire game which will consist on one scene plus a menu and every UI component that is cross scene. It is important to learn everything you need and to find problems as soon as possible.

When I published the game demo on iOS, one animation wasn't working. It was working on Android, Desktop, and even on iPhone with the developer build. So yes, you need to test everything as soon as possible, even the process of publishing.

Hi guys! I'm a relatively new user to the AI and I had a general question about something. Allow me to explain my situation: I've built a point and click style game, but I am now stumped on how to fix this "bug" that I have. So basically, the player enters a room (screen3) and has 3 options(buttons): go back(screen2), read writing on wall(screen4), or pick up a sword(Screen5). I made and drew the new screens because I don't yet know how or if you can do complex stuff on the same screen. Anyway, I am having an issue where if the player picks up the sword BEFORE reading the writing on the wall (which just says to pick up the sword with some flavor text) and then chooses to read the writing, it will go back to screen 3, which shows the weapon on the ground. I can't figure out what to write to get that to not happen, basically.

TLDR: I am having an issue with how easiest to code in player choice. Like basically, if you pick up the sword before reading the wall, and then read the wall, I want the sword to not be shown. If you click the button to read the wall before clicking the button to pick up the sword, I want the sword to still be shown on the ground because it hasn't yet been picked up yet.

You will have issues switching between Screens because you will have to pass information between screens frequently. Learn to use virtual screens from the start and you can avoid this quagmire (which requires a TinyDB to pass information to the 'other' Screen or using the 'open another screen' Blocks which awkwardly pass information).

Here are some resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools. A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.

I haven't coded for a long time now(used to do it as a hobby when I was younger) but recently got the urge to create a point and click adventure game engine. I would like some info about getting articles and documentation on how to go about this.

My concept of a game engine is some form based IDE that lets you specify rooms, sprites, backgrounds, events. I assume the events would be scripted somehow but have no clue how to work on a scripting engine and how a custom script becomes compiled code. For the graphics I would use one of the free graphics libraries for Windows C# out there.

The functionality of the game I would want to create with my engine would be pretty limited at first. Just want 2 rooms, objects you can look at and add to your inventory and a defined screen region for walking.

Ah yes. I have read a lot of the posts re Beginning Game Engines on the forum and I think all the ones I read have suggested starting with a game instead. Maybe I shall attempt to do just that. I assume the elements of the game would be hard coded? Objects for the graphics through XNA or OpenTK? Event handlers to respond to the interface? Maybe IronPython to incorporate some scripting? Or would that even be needed since this is hardcoded so I can write everything in c#? 152ee80cbc

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