How to Get Pof Refund With in 2 Mins

How to get pof refund is the commonly asked question by the Pof users. There are certain criteria to get a pof refund.

Introduction to POF

POF stands for plenty of fish, is one of the most preferred dating sites among the singles. It is basically a Canadian dating site that can be accessed in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

POF is based in Vancouver, British Columbia. It generates revenue through advertising and paid subscriptions. When it comes to POF refund, the refund can be processed within 14 days after the subscription begins. In order to request for a refund, the users have first to cancel the POF subscription.

Following are the steps to cancel POF subscription;

· Go to

· Login to your POF account

· Click the link under to Delete Your Pof Profile

· Fill your user-name, password, and reason for leaving pof

· Click Submit

· Your subscription will be canceled.

· Once the subscription gets canceled, you are allowed to request for a pof refund.

This is how the users can proceed for plenty of fish refund.

For subscribers living in the European Economic Area, the users are entitled to get a full refund during 14 days after the POF subscription beings.

Dial POF customer support number to get online assistance

Experts at POF customer support welcome you to dial pof toll-free number to share pof related issues. While using pof, the users come across a range of technical issues.

This number is accessible round the clock for the pof users. Most importantly, a highly trained team of pof experts is seated to address the issues.

Final words

If you are eligible to get pof refund, you will get pof refund. You have to contact the experts at official pof support that is accessible 24/7.

Web: POF Refund

More: Plenty Of Fish Customer Service

Contact : 1(804)-375-8113