
Francisco X. Alarcón!

Saturday, January 30, 2021

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM PST

Presented by Poets Responding

Organized by Odilia Galván Rodríguez and Sonia Gutiérrez

Image Courtesy of Hedy Trevino

Photograph Courtesy of Claudia Hernández

About Poets Responding

Poets brought together by the late Francisco X. Alarcón, originally gathered here in 2010 in solidarity to respond to the then proposed Arizona SB 1070, a racist law that targeted immigrants and further legalized racial profiling. A law which was eventually passed and spread to other states seeking to further discriminate against BIPOC people by using the pretext of "reasonable suspicion" - of a person being an "illegal" in the US - merely because of the way they look. As the years progressed, we've continued to address other issues such as the doing away with ethnic studies, the dire situation at our Southern Border, and the killing with impunity of BIPOC people by racist factions of the police, and other White supremacist groups, xenophobia, discrimination against LGTBQIA, and Earth and Water Protector's struggles for Mother Earth's survival. We have always addressed issues of injustice against people considered "other" in our country and continue to be in solidarity with groups such as the Southern Border Communities Coalition, Indigenous Communities and Coalitions, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and others. We feature poetry and immigrant human rights news as well as other social and eco-justice issues facing us as citizens of the world.

Register Now

Remembering Francisco X. Alarcón


If you would like to attend or read at this gathering, please send an email to by January 25, 2021, letting us know about your attendance and if you would like to read. Please identify yourself by name if your email address does not include it. You will receive a Zoom link and further instructions. Please note that only people who register beforehand will be given the link to attend.

Thank you. Gracias. Tlazohcamati.