Poets and Musicians


JuneStar Blackman

JuneStar's latest album. The Unknowing, is now out! 





DJ BizzNice




Rashad Wright

Rashad Wright s the former poet laureate of Jersey City, New Jersey. He is a graduate of New Jersey City University, receiving his BA in English: Creative Writing. He is the author of Romeo’s Whiskey, published via Rebel Ink.

Rashad’s poetry has been heard from both local and national stages via slam poetry. He is the only person to be titled the “Grandslam Champion of Jersey City Slam” twice. He has competed in Slams in the Tristate area, Oakland, San Diego, Spokane, and Denver, once ranking 25th in the country at the 2019 Individual World Poetry Slam. He has coached Jersey City Slam, the UACHS Poetry Club, and 6th Borough Slam whom placed 10th in the world at Brave New Voices 2019. Rashad has also been awarded First Place at the Walter Glospie American Academy of Poets Prize, being inducted into the Academy of American Poets. 

Outside of poetry Rashad’s work expands into memoir, fiction, short story, performance art, music, film, and theatre with the completion of two one-man plays. His work can be found in multiple online journals and magazines. Rashad has performed alongside Amiri Baraka, Rudy Francisco, Tyehimba Jess, Emi Mahmoud, and many others. He currently is working on his sophomore book entitled, FOCUS.

IG: rashadwrightpoetry



Visionary the Poet

Visionary The Poet is an award-winning poet and law student, who leverages the art of poetry to create streams of consciousness. She believes that art is the single most powerful vehicle for connection. Most recently, her featured performances include a Rutgers University commencement ceremony and the Wawa Welcome America Festival, in partnership with NBC and Telemundo.  

IG: VisionaryThePoet