

First off, thanks for taking an interest in using my music. All of my music is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. This means that my music cannot be used for commercial purposes, such as selling remixes, adaptations, or reselling my music. This also means that you cannot use my music for your monetized YouTube videos, twitch streams, podcasts, etc. without my express prior permission.

Use in Video Games, Podcasts, YouTube/Twitch, and Projects.

If you want to use any of my music for non-commercial purposes, you are free to do so without my prior permission. However, you must provide credit when or wherever my music is used. For example, in a YouTube video, all I ask is that you credit me (a link to my YouTube channel or website would be appreciated, but is not required). You can do this in the description, in the end credits, comments section, or as a caption on screen. It really doesn't matter, so long as you provide a clear attribution to me.

If you are interested in using my music for commercial purposes (i.e. for a monetized YouTube video, or for a game you want to sell), please send me an email on my Contact page, detailing what song you want to use and for what (i.e. a video or podcast). In most cases, I will allow you to use my music for your commercial projects, just as long as you ask me first. Like with using my work non-commercially, attribution (credit) is required. As this is purely a hobby for me, I do not require any royalties or fees for commercial use.

Use in Remixes and Transformations

If you want to remix, transform, or build upon my work (aka derivatives), you can do so as long as it is not for commercial purposes. However, if you decide to share your derivative work(s) publicly, it must also be shared under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. This is what the term "ShareAlike" means in Creative Commons.

You cannot use derivatives of my work for commercial purposes (without prior permission, see the above section).


You cannot use my music in TV, or commercials/advertisements, without my permission (unless it is for non-commercial reasons).

You cannot resell or redistribute my work commercially.

You cannot claim my work as yours, or someone else's.

You can read the readable version of the CC BY-NC-SA license here:

If you have any questions about licensing, please email me.

Poems and Stories

All of my creative works on this site (besides music), are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. 

You are only allowed to share or redistribute my poems and stories under the following conditions:

You cannot publicly distribute any derivatives of my poems or stories without my prior permission.

You can read the readable version of the CC BY-NC-ND license here: