The Rising Importance Of Podiatry EHR For Healthcare Industry In 2022

To have an effective workflow and deliver the highest possible quality of care to their patients, podiatrists working in a single clinic or a large hospital need the best podiatry EHR. Employees and physicians both experience less stress when their electronic health records (EHR) or practice management (PM) software is not tailored to their specific needs. Your EMR should be able to handle a wide range of image types created by various imaging equipment and software, as podiatrists typically rely on imaging tests done by other specialists. If you collect images in your office, your EMR software should be able to connect to x-ray, CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound machines to receive and analyse the massive amounts of data generated for each patient. Make sure your EMR can display suitable diagrams and graphics, as well as edit and illustrate over those pictures, to help your patients understand diagnosis and procedures.

To address all of these concerns, EMR-EHRS has created a list of the top 5 features to look for in podiatry ehr software before purchasing and adopting it in your healthcare practice, so that your team is less stressed and service quality is not compromised.

Prescriptions In An Electronic Format -

Any podiatry EMR solution should include an e-prescribing (e-Rx) functionality. For doctors and practice personnel, manually writing prescriptions can be a time-consuming process. Errors are greatly reduced and the procedure becomes much more efficient when your podiatry ehr system's e-prescribing technology automates the drafting of prescriptions and sends them to patient-specified pharmacies.

Billing Procedures That Work -

The importance of coding and billing procedures, as well as how rigorously they must be followed, is well understood by podiatry software practices. You can use a billing service tool to generate bills for patients and automatically handle their online payments. Because the entire process is automated, from data sharing to verification, it not only reduces human error, but it also speeds up reimbursement procedures with insurance companies.

Access From Afar -

With mobile emr access, physicians may access all of their information while on the go. This allows them to remotely access, update, and share all patient records, allowing them to make well-informed decisions even when they are not present in the clinic. This is a key feature that not all podiatry ehr software system providers have, but it can be really useful if you locate it in your software.

Data For Meaningful Use (MU) -

Podiatrists are frequently eager to participate in reimbursement programmes by meeting meaningful usage (MU) standards, but they must meet particular criteria to be qualified. The best solution will walk you through the steps to achieve meaningful use (MU). This also highlights your shortcomings and areas in need of improvement.

Templates That Can Be Customised -

Experts say customised templates have always helped them get the best outcomes from their ambulatory surgery center EHR system. Because podiatry differs from other medical specialties, producing forms and templates tailored to this specialty might be difficult.

Determine The Stressors That Cause You To Become Stressed -

When building healthcare software systems, it's vital to understand what causes stress and anxiety in doctors so that quick therapies may be given to avoid serious burnout. While examining patients, healthcare providers have reported spending more time utilising the software system or clicking around screens. Due to a lack of focused attention, patients may feel frustrated. Our asc billing software is also very impressive, our only motto is to help patients using new technology so that they can get help very quickly. Clinicians may spend a significant amount of time navigating an inefficient and complex interface, which might increase their stress levels. Technology can either help or hinder your practice if the wrong software solution is chosen.


The proper technology and software solution can reduce physician stress and optimize everyday procedures, resulting in increased productivity. With capabilities like voice recognition, a top-rated podiatry EHR solution may assist clinicians simplify workflows by lowering the quantity of paperwork and making the documentation process simple. Technology can help to improve the healthcare system and reduce physician burnout. For more information contact EMR-EHRS today!!