To whom it may concern; I've experienced this issue on Android for over a year now. I have a yearly subscription to Pandora Plus and have followed many podcasts on the platform, however, whenever I download a podcast episode, enter offline mode, and when I either turn my screen off or go to my home/app screen, Pandora crashes completely.

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Podcast App Download Offline

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Don't worry - it's quick and painless! Just click below, and once you're logged in we'll bring you right back here and post your question. We'll remember what you've already typed in so you won't have to do it again.

I'm unable to find or listen to downloaded podcasts without an active internet or data connection. When offline, the pages for the downloaded podcasts get stuck in a loading screen loop, and the same happens with the Your Episodes playlist where downloaded episodes are stored. I click on any of these playlists to find a downloaded episode, and see a spinning wheel followed by an offline message.

I've tried clearing my cache, uninstalling etc. But this has been a constant issue for me for at least 3 months. Fortunately, I normally have data access. But when in transit below ground or on a plane etc, I suddenly notice that the ONLY places I can find downloaded podcasts are completely inaccessible.

This has been a massive problem on a recent trip I went on. Without data or wifi, and with both celular data and wifi switched off on the device to prevent any issues, I was unable to load the page to any downloaded podcasts. Even the ones that showed up as "downloaded" in the home screen would not respond when I selected them and hit play.

Can you let us know if you've already tried to log out > restart your device > log back in to re-sync your account and the device? It's also a good idea to try turning on offline mode from the Settings to see if that helps.

If that doesn't do it for you, we'll need to know your Spotify version and if you have the option to ask a friend or a family member to log in on your phone to test out if podcast load as they should for them.

Hi AndresMĀ 

It has started since I got the phone, I recently upgraded from a Samsung S7 to a Samsung Galaxy S10. I remember the same happening on the S7 and the above worked on that phone just didn't on the S10. The S10 is Android version 12 and I have Spotify version

Has this issue been resolved? I download a few podcasts. I am on WIFI with a strong signal. OFFLINE MODE is OFF. I can switch between podcasts instantaneously. Once I go offline (DATA AND WIFI OFF), It takes sometimes more then a minute to switch between podcasts. Sometimes I give up at 2 minutes or so and do not know if it will ever play. The music still changes in an instant. It doesn't matter if I go into offline mode or not. Galaxy S9+. Plenty of memory. This is a BUG plain and simple. It's almost as if it is looking for a network connection for some strange reason. Please Fix it.

There could be a few things that could be causing this issue, one of which is corrupted SD card data. If you are saving offline content on your SD card, try switching to the phone's internal storage and re-downloading the podcast episodes.

If it's not too much of a hassle you can uninstall the app and clear the app data+cache, after that remove your SD card and re-install the app. Next try downloading a few episodes and switching to Offline mode to check if they load faster. This way you can check if the issue is related to the SD card.

I don't have an SD card in the phone, its on the phone memory. I have cleared the date & cache, I have uninstalled the app again, reinstalled the app, downloaded the podcasts. When its on offline mode I can see the list of podcasts. When its on normal mode and not connected to the internet I can see the downloaded music list but not the podcasts. I can however, add the downloaded podcasts to the queue when online and then when I go offline they still play so they are downloaded on the phone, I just cant go into the podcast list.

@stockcar391 and @ChrisZ06 could you make sure to cleanly reinstall Spotify with the steps from this article and afterwards make sure Spotify is set as an exception in the battery/memory optimization settings of your Samsung phones? More on that here.

it worked fine on my s7 before i swapped to the s10. i have a friend with spotify on a different phone and he also has the same problems. i have followed the steps as provided, there was no folder called

Could you give the steps provided by @ChrisZ06 a go?Ā 

@ChrisZ06 could you also post a screenshot with the buttons, which you're using for this solution? We'd want to replicate it on our test devices exactly as described.

@stockcar391 Could you upload the video to YouTube and post a link? This would do fine.

For the other users, as this issue seems to be alleviated through a clean reinstall to some degree, make sure to perform a clean reinstall with the steps described here, if not done so already, so we can troubleshoot further.


Doing great, Priscilla, We have with us again today Mirna Bard. Mirna is a social media strategist and coach. She is also a BNI member who I have had an opportunity to meet. I love her content so much I thought it would be great to do a couple of podcasts on this.

Last week we were talking about how social networking and offline networking can actually be aligned to get the most benefit out of generating referrals and basing sales. A lot of people are still very intimidated, they are still very overwhelmed because they think it is very technology driven. It is not about the technology; again, it is about the people; it is about building the relationships. Last week we kind of covered some things that really connect offline and online networking.

Today what I wanted to talk about are the rules. There are rules that go along with any networking; this includes online networking as well. Too many people are really trying to reinvent the wheel and create new rules. It is just the same rules that apply to offline networking.

The first one is having a strategy. You need a plan. Without a plan, you cannot go anywhere. You need to know what your goals are, what your target market is, how much time you have in dedicating to any kind of networking, what your budget is. Without a plan, we are not going to know where we are going. Basically, we become this hamster on a wheel that just goes round and round. Just having that feeling and going in circles is not going to get us anywhere.


I absolutely agree to that, and I know that it can be overwhelming. There are so many different online networks to participate in. It really is overwhelming unless you have a strategy in place.

The second step is that you want to listen. That is really a great rule, because without listening to what people are saying about your products, your services, what they are saying about you, your competition, you are not going to know what their needs and wants are and what their pain is. If you know what their plan is, you are really going to be able to solve their problem and really help them out in the system.

On the last call, we also talked about no hard selling or spamming. This goes with networking events and social media events because people are not in the mindset to be sold to. They are actually there to build relationships, and they are there to connect with people. And Ivan, you said this on the last call. Before you do any selling to anybody, you really have to build that credibility and rapport. You have to be genuine. People only like to do business with genuine, authentic people. This is extremely important.

Another thing you want to do is provide value. You really have to peak the interest in social media users before hitting them with any kind of marketing message. By providing value, I mean giving tips, how to advise, maybe directing them to links or any kind of videos or articles, press releases that you think may be of interest to them. You do that a lot, Ivan, with your podcasts, with your blogging, with your articles and books; and that is definitely the content that should be provided online to provide the value for people.

You also want to be interesting and amusing. A lot of followers online and offline are going to want to be your friend and connect with you if you are being creative with your content and really earning that right to talk about the marketing aspects by saying interesting and amusing things. When people start to friend you on Facebook or Twitter, it is because they are liking and are interested in what you have to say. Again, that really builds the rapport and credibility and really helps in building those relationships.


It is actually informative in a way because it goes back to it becoming an icebreaker. When you are talking about Starbucks, first you are telling people this is what you like and what interests you. There are other people that may be interested in that same topic, so that can actually be an icebreaker, and people can actually start having a conversation.

The last two things are be patient. It takes a long time to build relationships, and you really need to be patient with that because, again, it really goes back to building credibility and a rapport first before anything is going to happen business-wise. And most importantly, have fun. A lot of people get frustrated and they think it is a never-ending task to do networking, but if you go in with the wrong attitude, it is not going to get you anywhere, and it is not going to work. Having that positive attitude is, again, going to go a long way. 152ee80cbc

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