Automatic Backup/Restore process

Since v2020.3, Podcast Addict allows you to enable an automatic backup of the app data.

This backup will contain everything (subscriptions, playback progress, played status, playlists, settings, ...) and it will be stored in the folder of your choice outside the app storage folder.

Having the backup folder outside the app storage folder will prevent Android from deleting your backup if you uninstall the app.

You can also Sign in with your Google Drive account, so your Backups are automatically uploaded in the cloud. That way if you lose your phone or the phone refuses to start for some reason, you can install the app on a new phone and sign in to your account to retrieve your previous backup automatically.

The app will store the data on its own private folder on Drive. This means that you cannot see the backup file from the Drive app. However, you can monitor the date of the last successful upload in Settings/Backup.

Manual Backup/Restore

You can also backup your data manually and then share the file by email or store it on a different cloud service like Dropbox.

If you want to restore a backup file manually, you will need to go into Settings/Backup & Restore and press on the restore button. The app will then ask you to select the backup file on the device memory, and then restore it.

Redownloading episodes after restoring the backup

The backup file doesn't contain any downloaded files. This means that after restoring the backup, the app will ask you if you want to redownload the episodes that were previously flagged as downloaded.

Transferring existing downloaded files

If you want to avoid redownloading those episodes you can manually save the content of the app storage folder on the previous device and copy it into the new device app storage folder

By default Podcast Addict is set up to Download and Stream only when connected to a Wi-Fi connection.

You can change those default settings by opening Settings/Network.

Then if you want to authorize streaming over Mobile data you need to uncheck the Wi-Fi only checkbox on the 'Streaming' line.

Same applies for the episode download.

Podcast Addict Download Data


I not only disabled all cellular downloading of any kind in app, I also disabled background data usage on the android side of things still am seeing an absurd amount of data consumed, all background data. How is this even remotely possible?

EDIT: Finally found a fix. From the developer: "Data usage depends on the app settings and restrictions (Settings/Network) If everything is set to WiFi only, then only the Google ad banner can use mobile data. You can change the ad format to interstitials to lower the ad data / battery usage". This worked. No more aberrant data spikes!

Podcast episodes I download are stored on SD-card, the app itself is not, ok. But when I look at how much space the app takes up in internal memory, the app itself is very small, but it has 1,5 GB of user data. So Android says it takes up a little more than 1,5 GB of internal memory. That's strange. And the number does not change depending on how many episodes I have downloaded.

I had to switch phones and had trouble moving my profile over. I could make an opml file quite easily. Whether it was on the nexus or on dropbox. However to read the opml file on the new nexus was impossible with the tools provided. Here is what I had to do:

1) Notice where the opml files were being stored.

2) Store the old opml file on dropbox.

3) Hook the new phone into my laptop and drag the opml file from dropbox to where podcast addict expected to find the file in point 1.

I am experiencing the same issue. I'm trying to restore a back up I made today but the restore function will only let me look for .backup files in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.bambuna.podcastaddict/files/podcast/backup.

I'm sorry but I don't understand your comment.

Why do you want to copy a file in a specific folder?

If you want to backup/restore the app data, you need to go into Settings/Backup do a full backup, then use the share button to send the file via the cloud or email to then new device. There you can download it and restore it by going into settings/Backup & restore and pressing on restore.

I can assure you that the gmail app allows you to download any attached file.

Please send me an email in case you have question/issue (Settings/Feedback)


Gs6edge to Gs7edge using dropbox. Used share with no problems. But had the same issue of app not being able to see file, no matter where I put it, and even though it ended in .backup. It did see the .opml file but using the import function did nothing. Then I did the "optimize" function in the app settings, and after that, the app saw the .backup file. Everything was just fine then. All podcasts and app settings restored.

You need to rename the backup file with '.backup' extension. When restoring data PA was unable to see the said backup file. However, once I renamed i.e. 'Podcast Addict backup.backup' PA was able to perform a full restore.

When sharing something, android can open the list of apps that allows sharing so you can choose which app you want to share with. When you want to retrieve data from a another app there's no other way than opening this app first and retrieve the data manually.

I wasn't aware that Podcast Addict had this functionality until I'd seen this IndieWeb chat message. This got me looking, and I found that when enabling the history view, we could see the date a podcast was played.

On opening, Podcast Addict shows the full list of your subscriptions. The Categories are where you would set up lists of podcasts you want to listen to, edit them and add categories with whatever name you like. From the individual podcast subscription, you can automatically add new episodes to the same playlist and the number of episodes to keep or eliminate. You can even filter episodes by words in a search term.

Judging by ideas that have been waiting since 2016, like this one [Podcasts] Automatically save offline new Podcasts... - Page 27 - The Spotify Community , and on my own experience, you suck at providing podcasts. The interface and functionality just is not there.

I understand that you want me to pay the premium to listen to the exclusive podcasts, and you want to make money from your 100 million deal with Rogan. But this is not the way. There are such things as RSS feeds that require authentication. You can provide that for your exclusives, and allow me to add that feed to Podcast Addict, logging in with my Spotify credentials. I will still be paying you to listen to the exclusives, but I will be able to listen on MY terms.

And here is the thing, even if you were to implement tomorrow all the features that people want, you will not succeed. There's a reason why there are hundreds of podcast apps out there, and it's because everyone has different preferences and needs. If you were to allow us to listen to your exclusives on whatever app matches our taste, everyone would be happy, you would still make the same money, and the world would be a better place.

Meanwhile, I am quite unhappy with this side of your business, and I just don't listen to any of those exclusive podcasts that cost so much money to acquire. Please, if not for our sake, at least do it for your own business interest.

One of the best features is the option to search by podcast length. So it's easy to find the right episode when you want something that will keep you occupied during a 30-minute commute or a two-hour hike.

Similar to Netflix, you can also find recommendations in the You may also like section. At the bottom of each podcast, there are suggestions for other shows you might want to listen to.

Podcast Addict is not a cloud listening platform like the best music streaming services. However, anything you do on your account can be saved and backed up to your Google Drive. So if you happen to change phones, your device gets stolen, or it malfunctions in any way, you can still restore all your data.

If you truly love the app, you can choose to pay for a premium version. This will remove the ad and give you additional features. But with the amount of customization the free version provides, there is no need. You can easily see what makes this app the best for podcasts on the market.

Tal Imagor has been a freelance Journalist since 2008, writing about topics related to education, HR, startup culture, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion. Within that work, she also mastered the art of keyword research and metadata.

In addition, Tal has worked as a Social Media Specialist since 2014, managing clients' Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram accounts.

She has a BA in Journalism, and an MA in Creative Writing from Oxford Brookes.

Yeah, I'm a fan. Big fan. And I've learned a few things that can help you improve your podcast-listening experience. They're listed below. If you have tips of your own to share, hit up the comments section!

Time may be on Mick Jagger's side (he says so right in the song), but it's not on yours. Too many podcasts, too little time. Fortunately, many podcast apps let you adjust the playback speed so you can consume shows more quickly. What's more, they do this without adversely affecting the pitch, so voices still sound more or less normal. Try ticking up to 1.2x or 1.3x; you probably won't notice a huge difference, but you will get through shows a little faster.

Are you a multi-platform listener? Or even just a multi-device one? In an ideal world, your podcast app would sync between all your devices, keeping your subscriptions and listening history updated while also allowing you to pick up where you left when moving between, say, phone and tablet.

Alas, I've found few podcast managers that offer this feature. But there's an excellent one that does: Pocket Casts. Priced at $3.99 (3.99, AU$5.99), it syncs your subscriptions and episode progress, and it's available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. (You can also get a web version for $9.) ff782bc1db

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