Lateral Canthotomy

Mentally practice performing a lateral canthotomy and cantholysis. Imagine yourself proceeding through all of the steps listed below. Refer to the checklist when you are stuck. Watch the point-of-view video to visualize the procedure. Please complete the survey when you finish. Test yourself with the quiz. Sign up for spaced repetition reminders at the bottom of the page.

  1. Gather equipment (lidocaine/syringe, hemostat, iris scissors, forceps)
  2. Cleanse the lateral canthus area
  3. Anesthetize the lateral canthus
  4. Crush the lateral canthus with a hemostat for 1-2 minutes
  5. Cut the lateral canthus (canthotomy)
  6. Pull the lower lid away from the globe with forceps
  7. Strum the tissue under the canthotomy to identify the inferior crus of the canthal tendon
  8. Cut the inferior crus of the canthal tendon (cantholysis)
  9. Re-check intra-ocular pressure (IOP)
  10. If IOP remains high (above 40), the superior crus of the canthal tendon may be cut in a similar manner
  11. Consult ophthalmology for repair and definitive management


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