Love and Nathan PD Session

Message from Alan and Marco:
"While we have no expectation that anyone will read the sample chapters in advance (and our presentation and discussion will not presuppose it), we would be happy to share these drafts with POBAM participants in case some people have an interest in the material and would like a sneak peek. But, since this material is currently under review, we kindly ask POBAM participants not to share more broadly without permission."

Here is the book proposal and some chapters from their book draft: What Is a Biological Individual? (Ch. 2), What is a Trait? (Ch. 8), and What Is a Species? (Ch. 15).

LoveNathan Book Proposal 2024_POBAM.pdf
LoveNathan_SampleChapter 2_POBAM.pdf
LoveNathan_SampleChapter 8_POBAM.pdf
LoveNathan_SampleChapter 15_POBAM.pdf