Past PNGS meetings and speakers
Past meetings
Clicking on a highlighted title will take you to an abstract, lecture notes, and preprints when available.
All the meetings for which I could find any records are listed here in reverse chronological order. If you have any information on dates, locations, speakers, or titles of any meetings not listed here, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know at
Jackson Goodman (University of California at Berkeley)
New obstructions to positivity of curvature via twisted spinorsErin Griffin (Seattle Pacific University)
The Case for a General q-flow: An Investigation of Ambient Obstruction SolitonsFrédéric Rochon (Université du Québec à Montréal)
L2-cohomology of quasi-fibered boundary metricsPaul Allen (Lewis and Clark College)
The Asymptotially Hyperbolic Yamabe Problem in the Sobolev Category
(Laura Frederickson's talk cancelled due to illness)Sébastien Picard (University of British Columbia)
Non-Kähler Transitions of Calabi-Yau ThreefoldsLiz Stanhope (Lewis and Clark College)
Using Hodge spectra to detect orbifold singularitiesClaude LeBrun (Stony Brook University)
Curvature in the balance: The Weyl functional and scalar curvature of 4-manifolds
(Lecture slides)
2021-2022: no meeting due to the pandemic
2020-2021: no meeting due to the pandemic
Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth)
Steklov and Sloshing Eigenvalue Problems on SurfacesJim Isenberg (U of Oregon)
Some New Results On Ricci FlowEric Woolgar (U of Alberta)
On the topology of black holesFrederick Wilhelm (UC Riverside)
Stability, Finiteness and Dimension 4Liz Stanhope (Lewis & Clark)
Using heat invariants to study the Laplace spectral geometry of orbifolds in dimensions 3 and upMelanie Graf (U of Washington)
Singularity theorems for C1-Lorentzian metricsDavid Maxwell (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Interior estimates for elliptic operators associated with low-regularity Riemannian metrics
Pengzi Miao (University of Miami)
Scalar curvature and boundary mean curvatureHeather Lee (University of Washington)
Homological mirror symmetry for open Riemann surfaces from pair-of-pants decompositionsRavi Shankar (University of Washington)
Hessian estimates for semiconvex solutions to the sigma-2 equationArunima Bhattacharya (University of Oregon)
Interior Schauder estimates for the fourth order Hamiltonian stationary equation in two dimensionsChen-Yun Lin (Duke University)
Data, Curse of Dimensionality, and Spectral GeometryCasey Lynn Kelleher (Princeton University)
Index-Energy Estimates for Yang-Mills ConnectionsBradley Burdick (University of Oregon)
Metrics of positive Ricci curvature on connected sumsPaul Yang (Princeton University)
On the Sobolev quotient of three-dimensional CR manifolds
Richard Schoen (U.C. Irvine)
The positive mass theorem revisitedChristine Breiner (Fordham University)
Compactness theory for harmonic maps into metric spacesRegina Rotman (University of Toronto)
Lengths of periodic geodesics and related questionsOvidiu Munteanu (University of Connecticut)
Structure of four dimensional Ricci solitonsAndré Neves (University of Chicago)
Existence, Denseness, and Equidistribution of Minimal HypersurfacesCatherine Searle (Wichita State University)
The maximal symmetry rank conjecture for non-negatively curved manifolds
Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University)
Minimal annuli in H2 x RNatasa Sesum (Rutgers University)
Non-Kähler Ricci flows and Kähler singularity modelsEric Bahuaud (Seattle University)
Low-regularity Poincaré-Einstein metricsPeter Veerman (Portland State University)
Mediatrices and minimal separating setsAilana Fraser (University of British Columbia)
Existence of harmonic maps into CAT(1) spacesJeff Jauregui (Union College)
Bartnik's quasi-local mass in general relativity
Jeffrey Case (Penn State University)
A notion of the weighted σk curvature for manifolds with densityGreg Galloway (University of Miami)
On the Geometry and Topology of Initial Data Sets in General RelativityLan-Hsuan Huang (University of Connecticut)
Localized Deformation for the Einstein Constraint MapAzahara De la Torre (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and UBC)
Delaunay-type solutions for a fractional Laplacian equation arising in conformal geometryXiaodong Wang (Michigan State University)
Boundary Effects of Ricci CurvatureIva Stavrov Allen (Lewis & Clark College)
On Intrinsic Flat Stability of the Positive Mass Theorem
Lydia Bieri (Michigan)
Spacetime geometries and null infinityRichard Montgomery (UC Santa Cruz)
Differential geometry arising from the N-body problemWeiyong He (Oregon)
The space of Kähler metrics and Kähler-Ricci solitonsLi-Sheng Tseng (UC Irvine)
Products and cohomologies of di
erential forms on symplectic manifoldsLu Wang (Johns Hopkins)
On the asymptotic structures of two-dimensional self-shrinkers
Simon Brendle (Stanford)
A sharp bound for the inscribed radius under mean curvature flowOtis Chodosh (Stanford)
The renormalized volume and isoperimetric behavior of asymptotically hyperbolic manifoldsMario Micallef (Warwick)
A gap theorem for the alpha-harmonic maps of Sacks-UhlenbeckJie Qing (Santa Cruz)
Conformal geometry of surfaces in 3-sphereChristine Guenther, Pacific University, Oregon
A geometric introduction to the second-order renormalization group flowJoel Spruck (Johns Hopkins)
Interior curvature estimates and the Asymptotic Plateau problem in Hyperbolic space
Ailana Fraser (UBC)
Minimal surfaces in the ball and a compactness resultPaul Bryan (UCSD)
Isoperimetry and Viscosity Solutions in Geometric Evolution EquationsSimon Gindikin (Rutgers)
Complex geometry and complex analysis on symmetric spacesLan-Hsuan Huang (UConn)
Hypersurfaces with non-negative scalar curvatureLisa Traynor (Bryn Mawr)
The Geography of Lagrangian Cobordisms
Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia)
Ancient solutions of the Yamabe flowEric Bahuaud (Stanford)
The Yamabe flow of an incomplete edge metricMartin Li (UBC)
Minimal Surfaces with Free Boundary and Geometric ApplicationsJohn Lott (Berkeley)
Collapsing with a lower bound on the curvature operatorJiaping Wang (University of Minnesota)
Analysis on smooth metric measure spaces and applications
Richard Bamler, Stanford
Long-time analysis of 3-dimensional Ricci flowFrancisco Martin, Granada
Properly embedded area-minimizing surfaces in hyperbolic 3-spaceNicos Kapouleas, Brown University
Gluing constructions for minimal surfaces and self-shrinkersJeff Streets, UC Irvine
The gradient flow of the L2 curvature energyYanir Rubinstein, Stanford
Einstein metrics on Kähler manifoldsJeff Viaclovsky, Wisconsin
Asymptotics of the self-dual deformation complex
Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
Canonical metrics on singular spaces (open problems) (video)Vincent Moncrief (Yale)
Are Analytic Compact Cauchy Horizons Necessarily Killing Horizons? (open problems) (video)Beverly Berger (NSF)
The Mysterious Case of Expanding Galileo Spacetimes (video)Dan Knopf (U of Texas at Austin)
Neckpinch dynamics for asymmetric surfaces evolving by mean curvature flow (open problems) (video)Rick Schoen (Stanford)
A new mean curvature proof of the spacetime positive mass theorem (video)Piotr Chruściel (University of Vienna)
Lorentzian geometry with continuous metrics (video)Gary Horowitz (UCSB Physics)
Instability of Anti-de Sitter Spacetime (open problems)
Colleen Robles (Texas A&M)
Homological rigidity of Schubert varieties in compact Hermitian symmetric spaces
Open problemsCraig Sutton (Dartmouth)
Hearing the moments of inertia of a rigid bodyChristina Sormani (CUNY Graduate Center/Lehman College)
The Positive Mass Theorem, the Penrose Inequality and the Intrinsic Flat Distance
Open problemsBen Chow (UC San Diego)
Some estimates for gradient Ricci solitons
Open problemsLars Andersson (Max Planck Institute & Harvard)
The black hole stability problemBill Minicozzi (Johns Hopkins)
Singularities and dynamics of Mean Curvature Flow
Open problems
Dan Knopf (University of Texas at Austin)
Ricci flow through singularitiesRobert Bryant (MSRI and UC Berkeley)
The Affine Bonnet ProblemBurkhard Wilking (University of Münster and Miller Institute)
Structure of manifolds with lower Ricci curvature boundsMark Walsh (Oregon State)
Understanding the space of metrics with positive scalar curvatureBrian White (Stanford)
Some Sharp Lower Density Bounds for Singularities of Minimal Varieties
Open ProblemsChikako Mese (Johns Hopkins)
Harmonic maps into buildings
Spring 2010 No meeting
John Etnyre (Georgia Tech)
Tightness in contact metric manifoldsNatasa Sesum (Penn)
Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow on surfacesMu-Tao Wang (Columbia)
Isometric embedding problems in the definition of quasilocal massXiaodong Wang (Michigan State)
An integral formula for the volume entropy with applications to rigidityYng-Ing Lee (National Taiwan U and Stanford)
The Existence of Hamiltonian Stationary Lagrangians
John Olsen (University of Rochester)
Three Dimensional Manifolds All of Whose Geodesics Are Closed
(open problems)Andrea Young (University of Arizona)
Ricci Yang-Mills solitons on nilpotent Lie groups
(open problems)Alexander Givental (UC Berkeley)
Virasoro Conjecture in Gromov-Witten theoryWeiyong He (University of Oregon)
Lagrangian mean curvature flow of entire Lipschitz graphsJohn M. Lee (UW)
The two-body problem at Asymptopia
(open problems)
Adrian Butscher (Stanford)
Collapsing Sequences of Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces in Riemannian Manifolds
(Open problems)Tobias Lamm (UBC)
Foliation of asymptotically flat manifolds by surfaces of Willmore typePengfei Guan (McGill)
Complex Monge-Ampère equations related to Sasakian geometryAlbert Chau (UBC)
Lagrangian Mean Curvature flow for entire Lipschitz graphsNeshan Wickramasekera (Cambridge)
A general regularity theory for stable codimension 1 integral varifoldsGuofang Wei (UCSB)
Smooth Metric Measure Spaces
(Open problems)
Karsten Grove (University of Notre Dame)
Advances in positive curvature
(Open Problems)Corey Hoelscher (Rutgers University)
The topology of low dimensional cohomogeneity one manifolds
(Open Problems)Iva Stavrov (Lewis & Clark College)
On a gluing construction regarding "small bodies" in general relativity
(Open Problems)David Glickenstein (University of Arizona)
Ricci flow on 3D Lie groups and their quotients
(Open Problems)Benjamin Weinkove (University of California, San Diego)
The Kähler-Ricci flow on manifolds with positive first Chern class
(Open Problems)
Frank Pacard (Paris 12)
Isoperimetric type problems in Riemannian manifolds
(Open problems)Sophie Szu-Yu Chen (Berkeley)
Optimal curvature decays on asymptotically locally Euclidean manifoldsOlivier Druet (UBC and ENS Lyon)
Stability of elliptic systems of PDEsBruce Kleiner (Yale)
Bi-Lipschitz embedding in Banach spaces
(Open Problems)Karen Uhlenbeck (UT Austin)
On the Space-Time Monopole Equation: A Survey Talk
Ian Agol (Berkeley)
Finiteness of arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groupsFengbo Hang (NYU)
Some rigidity results on the hemisphere
(Open Problems)Bruce Kleiner (Yale)
A new proof of Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growthKate Okikiolu (UCSD)
The average wavelength of a surfaceFelix Schulze (Freie Universität Berlin and Stanford)
Stability of translating solutions to mean curvature flowMichael Wolf (Rice)
The Weil-Petersson Hessian of the length function on Teichmueller space
(Open Problems)
Rick Schoen (Stanford)
Manifolds with pointwise 1/4-pinched curvature
(open problems)Xuan Hien Nguyen (Cincinnati)
Translating tridents
(open problems)Tracy Payne (Idaho State)
The Ricci Flow for Homogeneous Spaces
(open problems)Xiu-Xiong Chen (Wisconsin)
Confomal Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds and geometric flow on Kähler manifoldsZhiqin Lu (UC Irvine)
Chern-Weil forms on Calabi-Yau moduli
(open problems)Daniel Pollack (University of Washington)
Singular Yamabe metrics and initial data with exactly Kottler-Schwarzschild-de Sitter ends
Hossein Namazi (Princeton)
Hyperbolicity from the viewpoint of Heegaard splittingsDavid Fisher (Indiana)
Coarse differentiation of quasi-isometries and rigidity for solvable groupsFeng Luo (Rutgers)
Rigidity of Polyhedral surfacesJulien Paupert (Johns Hopkins)
Discrete complex reflection groups in PU(2,1)Anna Wienhard (Chicago)
Foliated projective structures and the Hitchin component for PSL(4,R)
Ian M. Anderson (Utah State University)
Symbolic Computations in Differential GeometryBlaine Lawson (SUNY/Stony Brook)
Plurisubharmonicity and pseudoconvexity in Lagrangian and calibrated geometryBill Goldman (University of Maryland)
Mapping class group actions on spaces of surface group representationsAlice Chang (Princeton University)
Boundary regularity of Bach flat metricsRoman Smirnov (Dalhousie University)
Geometry "à la Cartan" and its applications to Hamiltonian mechanics
Alejandro Adem (University of British Columbia)
A Stringy Product for Twisted Orbifold K-theoryJim Bryan (University of British Columbia)
Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten invariants of orbifolds and their crepant resolutionsYong-Geun Oh (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Lagrangian currents, Calabi invariants and non-simpleness of the area-preserving homeomorphism group of S2Ben Chow (UC San Diego)
On the works of D. Glickenstein and F. Luo on semi-discrete curvature flowsSimon Brendle (Stanford University)
Global convergence of the Yamabe flowGang Tian (Princeton University)
Kähler-Ricci flow and complex Monge-Ampère equation
Winter 2006 (Stanford) Feb 25-26
Dan Freed (UT Austin)
Orientation of moduli spacesSimon Scott (King's College, London)
Trace defect formulas for pseudodifferential operators on closed and singular manifoldsNatasa Sesum (Columbia University)
The Kähler Ricci flow and the solutions to the conjugate heat equationPeter Li (UC Irvine)
Weighted Poincaré inequality and structure of complete manifoldsNeshan Wickramasekera (UC San Diego)
Hölder continuity of singular sets in variational problemsLarry Guth (Stanford)
Volume Estimates for Families of Cycles
Fall 2005 (OSU) Nov 5-6
Jenny Harrison (UC Berkeley)
What is Stokes' theorem -- from algebraic foundations to geometric completionsMoon Duchin (UC Davis)
When thin-framed triangles are thinDan Burghelea (Ohio State)
Complex Ray Singer torsion and a few applicationsTian-Jun Li (University of Minnesota)
Symplectic structures on closed manifoldsNathan Dunfield (Caltech)
Does a random 3-manifold fiber over the circle?
Spring 2005 (UW) May 14-15
Rick Schoen (Stanford)
Global compactness theorems for the Yamabe problemGuofang Wei (UC Santa Barbara)
On the Stability of Kähler-Einstein MetricsJeff Viaclovsky (MIT)
Volume growth and moduli spaces of critical Riemannian metricsPeng Lu (University of Oregon)
Ricci flow on locally homogeneous closed manifolds of dimension 4Greg Galloway (University of Miami)
On the positivity of mass for asymptotically hyperbolic Riemannian manifoldsPeter Ozsváth (Columbia)
Heegaard diagrams and holomorphic disks
Fall 2004 (U of Oregon) November 6-7
Charles Doran (University of Washington)
Mirror Symmetry, K-Theory, and Toric GeometryMutao Wang (Columbia)
Mean curvature flows of Lagrangian submanifoldsLei Ni (UCSD)
Ancient Solutions of the Kähler-Ricci FlowJohn Lott (University of Michigan)
Ricci curvature for metric-measure spacesDavid Auckly (Kansas State University)
The structure of maps into homogenous spaces and the Faddeev and Skyrme models
Spring 2004 (Utah) April 24-25
Michael Wolf (Rice)
An Embedded Genus One HelicoidDaniel Pollack (University of Washington)
Initial data engineeringBrian White (Stanford)
Minimal Surfaces and the Total Curvature of CurvesIan Agol (Illinois/Chicago)
Tameness of hyperbolic 3-manifoldsBen Chow (UCSD)
Ricci Flow and Fukaya Theory in Dimension Three
Winter 2004 (Stanford) February 21-22
Jim Bryan (UBC)
Computing the closed topological vertex via the geometry of the Cremona transformHartmut Weiss (University of Munich and Stanford)
Hyperbolic cone-manifolds with graph singularityJon Wolfson (Michigan State University and Stanford)
Homology, Holomorphicity and Area Minimizers in K3 surfacesCharles Boyer (University of New Mexico)
Einstein Metrics on Exotic SpheresMichael Taylor (UNC/Chapel Hill)
Boundary regularity for the Ricci equation, geometric convergence, and Gelfand's inverse boundary problem
Fall 2003 (Portland State) October 25-26
Michael Anderson (SUNY/Stony Brook)
Surgery construction of Einstein metricsChristine Escher (Oregon State)
The topology of manifolds with nonnegative sectional curvatureVictor Guillemin (MIT)
Signature quantizationRafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
Positive Scalar Curvature and Poincaré-Einstein FillingsMatthew Gursky (University of Notre Dame)
A notion of maximal volume in conformal geometry and some applications
Spring 2003 (UBC) April 26-27
Jim Isenberg (Oregon)
Gluing Solutions of the Einstein Constraint EquationsJun Li (Stanford)
The vanishing result on moduli of vector bundles over curvesMisha Kapovich (Utah)
Generalized triangle inequalities with applications to algebraic groupsTobias Colding (NYU)
Minimal Disks are Double Spiral StaircasesShing-Tung Yau (Harvard)
Positivity of mass in general relativity
Fall 2002 (OSU) Nov 16-17
Yu Yuan (University of Washington)
Counterexamples for Local Isometric EmbeddingJoel Hass (UC Davis)
Isoperimetric inequalities for unknotting disksIgor Belegradek (Caltech)
Nonnegative curvature, symmetry, and fundamental groupRichard Montgomery (UC Santa Cruz)
Variational Methods in the N-body ProblemAilana Fraser (UBC)
Manifolds with positive isotropic curvature
Spring 2002 (UW) May 11-12 - Joint with Cascade Topology Conference
Deane Yang (Polytechnic University)
Geometry, analysis, and information theory (slides)Laura Scull (UBC)
Rational Equivariant HomotopyRalph Cohen (Stanford)
Duality phenomena in loop spaces and conformal field theoryJohn Baez (UC Riverside)
Categorified gauge theoryDan Christensen (University of Western Ontario)
Quantized geometry via representation theoryMegan Kerr (Wellesley)
A study of homogeneous Einstein metrics
Fall 2001 (U of Oregon) October 27-28
Ben Chow (UC San Diego)
Hamilton's injectivity radius estimate for the Ricci flowClaude LeBrun (SUNY Stony Brook)
Curvature and smooth topology in dimension fourKazuo Akutagawa (Shizuoka University, Japan & U of Oregon)
Yamabe metrics on cylindrical manifoldsEgidio Barrera-Yanez (Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico)
The eta invariant and the "twisted" connective real K-theoryGregor Weingart (University of Bonn and OSU)
Spectral Sequences arising in Differential Geometry
Spring 2001 (Utah) April 28-29 - Joint with Wasatch Topology Conference
Alan Reid (University of Texas, Austin)
Geometric boundaries of hyperbolic manifoldsTao Li (University of Texas, Austin)
Immersed surfaces, Dehn surgery and nonpositive cubing of 3-manifoldsYair Minsky (SUNY, Stony Brook)
Combinatorics and geometry in hyperbolic 3-manifoldsSumio Yamada (Cornell)
Weil-Petersson geometry of Teichmüller spaces and the Thurston classification of surface diffeomorphismsJiaping Wang (University of Minnesota)
Harmonic functions and topology of complete manifoldsMu-Tao Wang (Stanford)
Super-rigidity and fixed point theoremAlexander Nabutovsky (University of Toronto)
Arithmetic groups and variational problems for Riemannian functionals
Fall 2000 (Portland State) October 28-29
Mikhail Shubin (Northeastern University)
Spectra of magnetic Schrödinger operatorsAlexander Rosenberg (Kansas State University)
Noncommutative SpacesIlya Zakharevich (Ohio State University)
Webs and bihamiltonian structuresJonathan M. Rosenberg (University of Maryland)
Scalar curvature for manifolds with finite fundamental groupArkady Vaintrob (University of Oregon)
Moduli of spin curves and spin quantum cohomology
Spring 2000 (UBC) May 6-7
Gang Liu (UCLA)
The equivalence of ring structures in Floer and quantum cohomologyStephan Stolz (Notre Dame)
Metrics of positive scalar curvatureRahul Pandharipande (Cal Tech)
Hurwitz numbers, Toda equations, and Gromov-Witten theoryPaul Yang (Princeton and USC)
A fully nonlinear equation in conformal geometry and four-manifolds of positive Ricci curvatureJim Carrell (UBC)
Which Schubert Varieties are Smooth?
Winter 2000 (MSRI) February 26
Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
Iterated fibration structures and scattering on higher rank symmetric spacesHirotaka Tamanoi (UC Santa Cruz)
Elliptic Genera of OrbifoldsAlan Weinstein (UC Berkeley)
Averaging submanifolds of riemannian manifoldsPeter Petersen (UCLA)
Some old and recent developements in positive curvature
Fall 1999 (Oregon State) November 13-14
Wolfgang Ziller (Penn)
Curvature and symmetry of Milnor spheresRobert Hardt (Rice)
Singularities associated with limits of smooth maps to the 2-sphereMegan Kerr (Wellesley)
Homogeneous Einstein Metrics of Negative Ricci CurvatureGuofang Wei (UC Santa Barbara)
Integral Pinching TheoremsJim Isenberg (U of Oregon)
Critical Dimension and Critical Behavior of Wave Maps
Spring 1999 (UW) May 1-2
Michael Eastwood (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Normal forms and classification problems in affine differential geometryJohn McCuan (MSRI and UC Berkeley)
On the regularity and stability of graphs of constant mean curvatureGerhard Huisken (Princeton)
Convexity estimates for singularities of the mean curvature flowSorin Popescu (MSRI and Columbia)
The geometry of moduli spaces of abelian surfacesMichael Anderson (SUNY/Stony Brook)
Static vacuum Einstein equations and 3-manifold geometry
Winter 1999 (MSRI) ***CANCELLED***
Fall 1998 (U of Oregon) November 21-22
Margaret Symington (UT Austin)
Singular Lagrangian fibrations of hypersufaces in CPnJohn Roth (University of Washington)
Perturbations of Kähler-Einstein metrics on strictly pseudo-convex domainsYakov Eliashberg (Stanford)
Invariants of contact manifoldsShmuel Weinberger (University of Chicago)
Critical points of some Riemannian functionalsDaniel Freed (UT Austin)
Anomalies and index theory
Spring 1998 (Utah) May 2-3
Robin Forman (Rice University)
Combinatorial Ricci curvatureChengbo Yue (University of Illinois/Chicago)
Invariant conformal structure on the boundary of negatively curved 3-manifoldsDariusz Wilczynski (Utah State University)
Embedded surfaces, genus inequalities and 4-dimensional surgeryJon Wolfson (Michigan State and Stanford)
Lagrangian Surfaces that Minimize AreaGregory Soifer (Bar-Ilan University and Yale)
On Auslander's conjecture
Winter 1998 (MSRI) February 7
Xiu-Xiong Chen (Stanford)
Extremal Kähler metrics on Riemann surfaces and uniformization of surfaces with boundaryAna Cannas da Silva (UC Berkeley)
Folding Symplectic ManifoldsKefeng Liu (Stanford)
Heat kernel, moment map and moduli spaceJun Li (Stanford)
Comparison of algebraic and symplectic Gromov-Witten invariants
Fall 1997(PSU) October 18-19
Peter Olver (University of Minnesota)
Moving framesMichel L. Lapidus (UC Riverside)
Towards a Noncommutative Fractal Geometry? Laplacians and Volume Measures on FractalsArthur Fischer (UC Santa Cruz)
The Hamiltonian reduction of Einstein's equations to the cotangent bundle of Teichmüller spaceAlexandre Kirillov (University of Pennsylvania)
Merits and demerits of the orbit methodVladimir S. Retakh (Harvard and University of Arkansas)
Non-commutative determinants and non-commutative geometry
Spring 1997 (UBC) April 12-13
Yat-Sun Poon (UC Riverside)
Deformation of Hypercomplex StructuresRichard Wentworth (UC Irvine)
The Yang-Mills flow near the boundary of Teichmueller spaceRafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
Local and global aspects of some geometric moduli spacesSteven B Bradlow (University of Illinois)
A new look at the vortex equations: dimensional reduction without symmetryRobin Graham (University of Washington)
A Blow-up Approach to Edge-of-the-Wedge Theorems
Winter 1997 (MSRI) February 8
Jerry Marsden (Department of Control & Dynamical Systems, Cal Tech)
Geometry and Classical MechanicsJeonghyeong Park (Honam University, South Korea, & University of Oregon)
The spectral geometry of Hermitian submersionsBill Thurston (MSRI & UC Davis)
Foliations and GeometryRick Schoen (Stanford)
Least volume Lagrangian cycles
Fall 1996 (OSU) November 9
Dusa McDuff (SUNY, Stony Brook)
Symplectomorphisms and the flux homomorphismJohn Leahy (University of Oregon)
The spectral geometry of Riemannian submersionsRonald J. Stern (University of California, Irvine)
Knots, links, and 4-manifoldsAlbert Nijenhuis (University of Washington and University of Pennsylvania)
Is there life without connections?
Spring 1996 (UW) May 4-5
Daniel Pollack (University of Chicago and UW)
Gluing constructions for noncompact geometric problemsRobert Stanton (Ohio State)
Secondary geometric invariants and special values of geometric zeta functionsDale Peterson (UBC)
The quantum cohomology of flag manifoldsClaude LeBrun (SUNY/Stony Brook)
Four-manifolds without Einstein metricsTomasz Mrowka (Cal Tech)
Monopoles and Contact structures
Winter 1996 (MSRI) Feb 24
Ron Karidi (Stanford)
Convexity and topology of nilpotent ballsNgaiming Mok (University of Hong Kong and MSRI)
From Castelnuovo-de Franchis to harmonic mapsSteve Zelditch (Johns Hopkins and Stanford)
Wave trace invariants and Birkhoff normal formsLeon Simon (Stanford)
An asymptotic decay lemma
Fall 1995 (U of O) October 14-15
S. S. Chern
Riemannian Geometry as a special case of Finsler GeometryDavid Bao (University of Houston)
Some Global Issues in Finsler GeometrySusan Tolman (MIT)
Examples of non-Kaehler Hamiltonian torus actionsRichard Hamilton (UC San Diego)
Remarks on the Ricci flow on 3 manifoldsJuha Pohjanpelto (Oregon State University )
Invariant variational bicomplexes -- new applications of the Gelfand-Fuks cohomology of vector fields.
Spring 1995 (Utah) April 29-30
Brian White (Stanford)
Branch points of minimal surfacesYair Minsky (SUNY/Stony Brook and MSRI)
Rigidity in Kleinian GroupsMohan Ramachandran (SUNY/Buffalo and Utah)
Complete Kahler Manifolds with Bounded GeometryBoris Botvinnik (University of Oregon)
Existence and Classification of Metrics with Positive Scalar CurvatureBen Andrews (Stanford)
Geometric Evolution Equations and Poincare Inequalities
Winter 1995 (MSRI) March 4
Peter Scott (University of Michigan and MSRI)
Intersections of curves, surfaces and subgroupsLee Mosher (Rutgers/Newark and MSRI)
Using laminations to study hyperbolizationRichard Montgomery (UC Santa Cruz)
Subriemannian VolumesDavid Auckly (UC Berkeley)
Vanishing theorems for the Seiberg-Witten equationsEric Bedford (Indiana University and MSRI)
Dynamics of Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C^2
Fall 1994 (PSU) Oct 22-23
Zhong Ge (Fields Institute)
Subriemannian geometryDmitry Fuchs (UC Davis)
Godbillon-Vey characteristic classes of foliationsDragan Milicic (Utah)
Equivariant derived categories, Zuckerman functors and cohomology of standard D-modulesViktor Ginzburg (Stanford)
Momentum mappings in Poisson geometryChristine Escher (Oregon State)
Non-equivariant minimal isometric immersions of homogeneous space forms into spheres
Spring 1994 (UBC) April 23-24
Alexander Givental (UC Berkeley)
Mirror and Toric VarietiesDavid Morrison (Duke)
Glimpses of mirror symmetryNick Korevaar (Utah)
Harmonic maps with metric space targetsRon Fintushel (Michigan State)
Immersed 2-spheres and the Donaldson series
Winter 1994 (MSRI) Jan 29
Stephan Stolz (Notre Dame)
Manifolds of positive curvatureRalph Cohen (Stanford)
The topology of the compactifications of certain gauge theory moduli spacesCarolyn Gordon (Washington University)
Isospectral Riemannian manifolds which are not locally isometricRobert Bryant (Rice)
The geometry of conservation laws for parabolic equations
Fall 1993 (UO) Oct 16-17
Joe Wolf (UC Berkeley)
Partially Holomorphic Vector Bundles and their CohomologiesLang-Fang Wu (Princeton)
A new result for the porous medium equations derived from the Ricci flowToshiki Sunada (Tohoku/MSRI)
A Discrete Analog of Periodic Magnetic Schroedinger OperatorsTudor Ratiu (UC Santa Cruz)
The Kostant Convexity Theorem for the Diffeomorphism Group of the AnnulusMichael Kapovich (Utah)
On monodromy of complex-projective structures on Riemann surfaces
Spring 1993 (UW) May 1-2 (Joint with Cascade Topology Seminar)
Reese Harvey (Rice)
Residue Theorems in GeometryJohn Morgan (Columbia)
Gauge Theory and the Topology of Complex SurfacesEric Friedlander (Northwestern)
Topology of Algebraic CyclesJohn Berge (UBC)
How to Find All Embeddings of the Exterior of a 1-Tunnel Manifold in the 3-SphereDick Hain (Duke)
Hodge Theory and the Topology of Moduli Spaces of Riemann SurfacesBill Meeks (UMass)
Recent Results on the Topology, Geometry and Conformal Structure of Complete Minimal Surfaces in R^3
Winter 1993 (MSRI) Feb 27
Xavier Gomez-Mont
A formula for the Poincare-Hopf index of vector fields on singular varietiesChad Schone
Varieties Dominated by Products of VarietiesAlan Weinstein (Berkeley)
Traces and Triangles on Symmetric Symplectic SpacesAdolfo Sanchez-Valezuela
Differential Equations on Z2-Graded Manifolds
Fall 1992 (OSU) Oct 31-Nov 1
Clint McCrory (Georgia/MSRI)
Singularities of Gauss mapsJim Isenberg (UO)
Non Constant Mean Curvature Solutions of the Einstein Constraint EquationsBob Hardt (Rice)
The location of singular points for p-harmonic mappingsIwona Grzegorczyk (OSU)
Moduli of vector bundles on Riemann surfaces
Spring 1992 (Utah) Apr 11-12
Tom Mrowka (Cal Tech)
Gauge Theory for Embedded SurfacesJim Cannon (BYU)
Squaring rectangles: the combinatorial Riemann mapping theorem and hyperbolic groupsMike Wolf (Rice)
Harmonic Maps and Teichmuller SpaceBennet Chow (Minnesota)
Entropy and Geometric Evolution EquationsLuen Fai Tam (UC Irvine)
Harmonic Maps Between Hyperbolic Spaces
Winter 1992 (MSRI) Mar 14
Christopher Croke
Rigidity and Conjugacy of Geodesic FlowsGreg Kuperberg
Every finite-dimensional Hopf algebra yields a 3-manifold invariantJoel Haas
Progress in the classification of non-Haken 3-manifoldsRichard Schoen
Minimal surfaces and holomorphic curves
Fall 1991 (UO) Nov 9-10
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford)
New results on compact 3-manifoldsAntonella Marini (Utah)
A nonstandard elliptic theory: boundary value problems for Yang-Mills connectionsRafe Mazzeo (UW)
Analytic surgery and the eta invariantFrank Quinn (VA Tech)
Gromov convergence of stratified setsDeane Yang (Polytechnic University)
Convergence and collapse of Riemannian manifolds
Spring 1991 (UW) May 4-5
Peter Li (U of AZ)
Proper harmonic maps between hyperbolic spacesStephen Semmes (Rice)
A generalization of Riemann mappings for several complex variablesAnatolii Fomenko (Moscow State/UBC)
A new theory of topological classification of integrable Hamiltonian systems of differential equationsMatt Grayson (IBM)
Curve shortening with very bad initial conditions
Winter 1991 (MSRI) Mar 9-10
Vaughn Jones (Berkeley)
Equivalent tanglesPeter Gilkey (UO)
Manifolds whose curvature operator has constant eigenvaluesBertram Kostant (MIT)
Symplectic structures, nilpotent orbits, and the exceptional Lie groups
Fall 1990 (OSU) Nov 10-11
Tom Duchamp (UW)
Moduli for Convex DomainsRichard Hamilton (UCSD)
The Formation of Singularities in the Ricci FlowI. B. Penkov (Berkeley)
Geometric Representation for Lie SuperalgebrasJ. T. Pitts (Texas A & M)
New Existence Theorems for Minimal Hypersurfaces
Spring 1990 (UO) May 5-6
Carolyn Gordon (Wash U)
When you can't hear the shape of a manifoldLeon Simon (Stanford)
Asymptotics for solutions of geometric problemsWilliam Thurston (Princeton)
Self-similar tilingsJohan Dupont (Aarhus/Stony Brook)
Cheeger-Chern-Simons classes for locally symmetric spaces of non-compact typeNolan Wallach (Rutgers)
Zonal spherical functions and the distribution of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian
Winter 1990 (MSRI) Jan 13-14
S. Bradlow (UCSD)
Holomorphic bundles with global sections: stability and the Yang-Mills equationsK. Corlette (Chicago)
Hodge theory and variationsR. Greene (UCLA)
Geometric invariants and biholomorphic mapsG. Segal (Oxford)
Quantum field theory and geometry
Spring 1989 (UW) May 6-7
Jean-Luc Brylinski (Penn State)
Elliptic cohomology and the elliptic genusMadhav Nori (Chicago)
Automorphisms of period spacesBlaine Lawson (Stony Brook)
A theory of algebraic cocyclesPeter Braam (Utah)
Limits and boundary values of hyperbolic monopoles
Winter 1989 (MSRI) Jan 21-22
Michael Atiyah (Oxford)
Algebraic curves and non-abelian gauge theoriesTevian Dray (OSU)
Junction conditions in general relativityBob Macpherson (MIT)
Projective configurations and modular varietiesDan Freed (Chicago)
Mod k index theoremEd Witten (IAS/Princeton)
Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial
Fall 1988 (Utah) Nov 5-6
S. Mori (Nagoya Univ./Utah)
Birational classification of threefoldsS. Mukai (Nagoya Univ./UCLA)
Classification of Fano manifoldsN. Nygaard (Chicago/BYU)
L-functions of some Siegel modular threefoldsJ. Jantzen (UO)
The discrete series of SL(2,F_q) via crystalline cohomologyJ.-L. Verdier (Ecole Norm. Sup. Paris)
Elliptic solitons and rational surfaces
Spring 1988 (UBC) Apr 9-10
Bertram Kostant (MIT/MSRI)
SL(2,R), Virasoro and Jesse Douglas' solution of the Plateau problemA. T. Fomenko (Moscow State/UBC)
New topological invariant of integrable Hamiltonian systemsA. Todorov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/USC)
Weil-Petersson geometry of Calabi-Yau manifoldsD. Rod (Calgary)
Geometric aspects of Ziglin's non-integrability theorem in complex Hamiltonian dynamics
Winter 1988 (MSRI)
Fall 1987 (OSU) Oct 31-Nov 1
Dale Peterson (UBC)
Loop groups, the Schubert calculus, and representation theoryCharles Boyer (Clarkson)
Instantons, monopoles, and iterated loop spacesJohn M. Lee (UW)
Normal coordinates for CR manifoldsSteve Harris (OSU)
Conformally completable immersions
Spring 1987 (UW) May 2-3
Spencer Bloch (Chicago)
Motive-ation!Robert Mizner (UW)
The geometry of codimension-two CR structuresMichael Anderson (Cal Tech)
On the topology of complete manifolds of non-negative Ricci curvatureEduard Looijenga (Columbia/Nijmegen)
The L2 cohomology of locally symmetric varieties
Winter 1987 (MSRI) Feb 14-15
Ron Donagi
The Schottky problemDinakar Ramakrishnan
The Hodge Beilinson conjecturesOrlando Alvarez
String theoryTom Duchamp (UW)
The geometry of complex foliations
Fall 1986 (UO) Nov 8-9
Jerry Kazdan (Penn)
Conformal geometryDomingo Toledo (Columbia)
Complex geodesics on Hermitian symmetric spacesDavid Eisenbud (Brandeis)
Linear series on reducible curvesRichard Hain (UW)
Higher logarithms
Winter 1984 (MSRI) Feb 23-24
Peter Gilkey (University of Oregon)
Isospectral but nondiffeomorphic manifoldsGerd Faltings (Princeton University)
Arithmetic theory of Siegel modular formsAndrzej Derdzinski (MSRI)
Compact Einstein 4-manifoldsRichard M. Schoen (UC Berkeley)
Recent progress in conformal geometry
Spring 1984 (UBC) Apr 14-15
Frank Flaherty (OSU)
The Yang-Mills equation on complex surfacesSpencer Bloch (University of Chicago)
The Griffiths group of algebraic cycles and values of L-functionsLawrence Ein (MIT)
Vector bundles on P3Peter Slodowy (University of Bonn & MSRI)
Winter 1984 (MSRI) Feb 25-26
S.S. Chern (UC Berkeley and MSRI)
Web GeometryProfessor Robert Lazarsfeld (UCLA)
Some Remarks on Space CurvesProfessor Sheldon Katz (Utah)
Curves on Quintic ThreefoldsProfessor Frank Flaherty (OSU)
Yang-Mills Fields on Complex SurfacesProfessor Joseph Harris (Brown)
Remarks on the Lefschetz-Noether Theorem
Spring 1983 (Utah) Apr 30-May 1
Rebecca Barlow
Simply-connected surfaces of general typeJames Carrell (UBC)
Geometrical decompositions of the homology of a varietyMarie Vitulli
Weakly normal varieties and seminormal ringsMark Green
The period map for surfaces of high degree
Winter 1983 (UW) Feb 12-13
Walter Rudin
Eigenfunctions of the invariant Laplacian in BHerb Clemens
Algebraic 1-cycles on 3-foldsIan Anderson
Natural variational problems on Riemannian structures, conservation laws, and the Chern-Simons invariantShahla Marvizi
A spectrally isolated planar region
Fall 1982 (UBC) Nov 6-7
James Isenberg (University of Oregon)
On cosmic censorship: compact Cauchy horizon implies symmetriesKaren Uhlenbeck (MSRI)
Certain 4-manifolds are not smoothableDick Hain (University of Washington)
Iterated integrals, intersection theory, and link groupsRichard Hamilton (MSRI)
3-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature
Spring 1982 (UO) May 15-16
R. O. Wells. Jr.
Twistors ... and All ThatRichaxd Schoen
Manifolds with Positive Scalar CurvatureAlan Howard
Some Remarks on the Theorem of Hurwitz and DeFranchiRon Donagi
A Generic Torelli Theorem for Hypersurfaces
Spring 1981 (UW) May 2-3
Chris Cosgrove
Applications of Lie Groups, Bäcklund transformations, and inverse scattering to Einstein's field equationsBill Thurston
Space-filling curves and hyperbolic crystallographic groupsJudith Arms
Symmetry and bifurcation of momentum mappingsMark Green
Higher derivatives of the period map
Fall 1980 (UBC) Nov 1-2
Robert Kottwitz (Washington)
Shimura varietiesJean-Pierre Bourguignon (Stanford)
Self duality of Yang-Mills and gravitational instantonsJeff Cheeger (Stony Brook)
Analysis on singular spacesDragan Milicic (Utah)
Asymptotic behavior of matrix coefficients of representations of semi-simple Lie groupsJohn Millson (UCLA)
Hyperbolic cycles and cusp forms for SL3
Spring 1980 (UW) May 10-11
Bob Lazarsfeld
Branched Coverings of Projective SpacesEnrico Arbarello
Brill-Noether ProblemJames Carrell
Homology of compact Kähler manifolds with a C* actionRobert Molzon
Application of Capacity to Geometry of Analytic VarietiesAndy Sommese
SL(2,C) actions on Kähler manifolds
Winter 1980 (Utah)
Mark Goresky
John Morgan
James Morrow
Fall 1979 (OSU) Nov 10-11
Alan Durfee
Neighborhoods of algebraic setsFred Almgren FRED ALMGREN "
Geometric measure theory and the calculus of variationsHerb Clemens
Rank 2 vector bundles on P3 — a theorem of Van de VenManfredo DoCarmo
Minimal submanifolds
Spring 1979 (UW) May 19-20
Dan Burns (University of Michigan)
Curvatures of Foliations and Parabolic Mani foldsChia-Kuei Peng (University of Science & Technology, Kofei, China)
Lie Groups and Kortweg-de-Vries EquationsTom Duchamp (Utah)
A Criterion for a Differential Equation to be Globally VariationalMichael Cowen (SUNY Stony Brook)
Complex geometry and Operator Theory
Winter 1979 (UBC) Feb 10-11
Robin Hartshorne (Berkeley)
Vector bundles on projective spacesKlas Diederich (Princeton/Wuppertal, Germany)
Proper holomorphic mapsS. Ramanan (UCLA)
The moduli problemMark Goresky (UBC)
The Lefschetz hyperplane theorem for singular varieties
Fall 1978 (OSU) Nov 4-5
Robert Varley (Utah)
Vector bundles and complete intersectionsGeorge Kempf (Johns Hopkins)
Inverting Abelian integralsKatsuhiro Shiohoma (UCLA)
Convex functions on complete open manifoldsHal Parks (OSU)
Minimizing hypersurfaces
Spring 1978 (UW) April 22-23
Reese Harvey (Rice)
Fundamental solutions to the Cauchy-Riemann equations on a convex domainJeff Rosoff (OSU)
The semigroup of effective divisor classes on an algebraic varietyDomingo Toledo (Columbia)
Currents, coherent sheaves, and intersection theoryRobert Osserman (Stanford)
Minimal surfaces in high codimensionJohn Polking (Rice)
Fundamental solutions of the induced Cauchy-Riemann equations
Winter 1978 (Utah) Feb 25-26
David Mumford
Spectral Varieties and Spectral Bundles Associated to Difference OperatorsI. M. Singer
Some Problems in Global Differential Geometry Motivated by Quantum Field TheoryR. O. Wells, Jr.
On the Holomorphic Representation of Solutions of the Zero-Rest-Mass Field EquationsRaoul Bott will present "
The Yang-Mills Equations over Riemann Surfaaes
Fall 1977 (UBC) Nov 5
S.-S. Chern
Philip Griffiths
Spring 1977 (UO) May 7-8
Robin Hartshorne (Berkeley)
Vector bundles and space curvesArnold Kas (OSU)
A handlebody version of the Lefschetz hyperplane theoremsBoris Moishezon (Utah)
Plane curves and braid groupsMarie Vitulli (UO)
Deformations of monomial curves
Winter 1977 (UBC) Feb 12-13
Herbert Clemens (Utah)
Prym varieties and their relation to Jacobian varieties in low dimensionS.-T. Yau (Stanford)
Some consequences of the Calabi conjectureRobion Kirby (Berkeley)
Handlebody decompositions of complex surfacesDavid Lieberman (Brandeis)
The local Torelli problem
Spring 1976 (UBC) Mar 26
Blaine Lawson