

Donghoon Kim and Jihoon Goh, 2024, Overnight Returns, Daytime Reversals, and Anchoring Bias, Applied Economics Letters, 1-5.

Jihoon Goh and Donghoon Kim, 2024, The Role of Arbitrage Risk in the MAX Effect: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market, Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies, 32, 159-180.

Jihoon Goh, Giho Jeong, and Jangkoo Kang, 2022, Reference-Dependency of Short-Term Reversal, International Review of Economics and Finance, 78, 195-211.

Suk-Joon Byun, Jihoon Goh, and Da-Hea Kim, 2020, The Role of Psychological Barriers in Lottery-Related Anomalies, Journal of Banking and Finance, 114, 105786.

Jihoon Goh and Byoung-Hyun Jeon, 2017, Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift and 52-Week High: Evidence from Korea, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 44, 150-159.


Short-Term Overreaction and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns by Jihoon Goh, Donghoon Kim, and Sonya Lim

Overnight Returns, Daytime Reversals, and Anchoring Bias by Donghoon Kim and Jihoon Goh

The Role of Psychological Barriers in Lottery-Related Anomalies by Suk-Joon Byun, Jihoon Goh, and Da-Hea Kim