Serving Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, and Mifflin Counties

Welcome to the PMEA District 4 Website!

Welcome to PMEA District 4. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as the PMEA District 4 President. I look forward to continuing the rich history of opportunities for students and to expanding our scope to offer more opportunities for all students and educators of District 4. I welcome your ideas as we work together to enrich the lives of the educational communities in our PMEA District.

Kind Regards,

Darris DeRemer

PMEA District 4 President

News and Updates


Sunday, October 15, 2023


Bald Eagle Area Middle High School Auditorium

Chorus Folders will be handed out prior to the meeting

Band selection will be completed after the general meeting.

If you have any additions or corrections to this site please contact:

Ryan Wade