Unpublished Reseach

🖹 "Quantifying Qualitative Survey Data: New Insights on the (Ir)Rationality of Firms' Forecasts",
with Alexander Botsis and Christoph Goertz,
May 2023, (revised and resubmitted for publication at  the Journal of Applied Econometrics).

🖹 "Public Sector Corruption and Price-to-Book Ratios of Systemically Important Banks",
with Georgios Bertsatos and Spyros Pagratis,  March 2022 (revised June 2023, submitted for publication). 

🖹 "Finance or Demand: What drives the Responses of Young and Small Firms to Financial Crises",
with Stelios Giannoulakis, May 2023 version, (revised and resubmitted for publication at the AEJ:Macroeconomics).

🖹 "Production function estimation controlling for endogenous productivity disruptions",
with Dimitris Zaverdas,  March 2022.

🖹 "A panel bounds testing procedure",
with Georgios Bertsatos and Mike G. Tsionas, March 2022.

🖹 "Optimal Bailout of Systemic Banks",
with Charles Nolan and John Tsoukalas,
AUEB Department of Economics Working Paper, September 2016.

🖹 "Real versus Financial Frictions to Capital Investment",
with Nihal Bayraktar and Philip Vermeulen,
mimeo, 2004.

🖹 "Embodied Technological Change and Measurement: Old- and New-Economy Issues",
invited presentation at the International Association of Official Statistics Conference on "Official Statistics and the New Economy", London, 27-29 August 2002.

🖹 "Estimating Production Functions Using Industrial Capacity Data",
FEDS Working Paper, Federal Reserve Board, September 2000.