
This section is specifically for webpages that define various plural terminology. Organized from minimal to extensive.

Some of the sites listed here are also featured in other pages of our website, and there is a lot of terminology overlap between them (especially with the larger lists which of course have more terms).

Terminology & FAQ - by Rings System - a short list of basic plural terms. https://theringssystem.wordpress.com/terminology-faq/

Endogenic Hub "Definitions" page - author unknown - another terminology list, this one a bit more lengthy and including some origin terminology. https://endogenichub.weebly.com/definitions.html

Plural Terms - by Cluster Brains - a dictionary of terminology related to plurality; contains some more rare/niche terms, and also has lots of origin flags. https://sites.google.com/view/plural-terms/homecredit

Plural Dictionary - by Capri Suns & Gushers - a sizable dictionary of terminology related to plurality; contains flags and definitions for system origins/functioning and headmate types/roles. https://system-dictionary.carrd.co/#home

The Plural Dictionary - by Capri Suns & Gushers - an extensive dictionary of plural terms and associated flags; includes headmate roles, introject types, system/member origins, aging modes, and more. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vJonGM0Bty8GyoikofIkGPFr4qhmaPk4aRoxrBnyluE/edit?usp=sharing

System Terms Glossary - by Pramathyus Network - a glossary of terminology related to plurality; contains some more rare/niche terms and alternate terms to describe more specific headmate roles; no longer being updated; you must request access to view this document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JI13AVoa14I4ONuEHPY3RuW3ot--G7XH4BxLCn7daks/edit?usp=sharing

Pluralpedia - by many - a community-created wiki about plurality; defines and explains a lot of terminology including system origins, headmate types/roles, plural experiences and mechanics, and more. https://pluralpedia.org/w/Main_Page