Welcome to Plural Resources Jump Start

Are you new to the concept of plurality/multiplicity/systems? A newly discovered/realized system? Been plural for a while and trying to brush up on information? Trying to find resources to show a friend? We’ve compiled a bunch of resources about this topic to help people find and share them en-masse. Whether you're plural, singular, questioning, or somewhere in between, we hope you find what you need here. 

This site lists websites and spaces that have Primers on plurality, define plural Terminology, are/list plural Communities, Resources that explain plurality further, Studies done about plurality, Tools that systems may find useful, and a bunch of Extras. Our Contact information is on the last page.

Note that we have not included every single available resource out there. Instead, we've compiled the ones we think are best to give people a head start on their searching for information about plurality, so that they can at least have something to work with before doing some more personal digging and seeking out more obscure or specialized resources. 

If you're coming here to find out if you're plural, check out this link: https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/essay/AmIPlural  

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