This site was designed by Jeffrey Carpenter, Dan Krutka, and Torrey Trust.

Torrey Trust, Jeffrey Carpenter & Dan Krutka at SITE 2018
Jeffrey Carpenter

Jeffrey Carpenter, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Education and the Director of Teaching Fellows Program at Elon University. He is interested in ways by which collaboration, technology, and collaborative technologies facilitate the teaching and learning process. He conducts research about the Edcamp model of professional learning and how social media can enhance student learning and teacher professional development. @doccarpenter

Dan Krutka

Dan Krutka, Ph.D, is an Assistant Professor in Curriculum & Instruction at Texas Woman’s University. Dr. Krutka’s research focuses on how social media can be understood and utilized to cultivate democratic and meaningful educational experiences. Dan is a co-leader of the #sschat network, a co-host of the Visions of Education podcast, and recipient of the Early Career Award for the Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning (TACTL) SIG of AERA. @dankrutka

Torrey Trust

Torrey Trust, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Learning Technology in the Teacher Education & Curriculum Studies department in the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her research focuses on how teachers use web-based and social media tools to expand their professional learning networks and engage in ongoing learning activities. @torreytrust