Plexus Vermiculus- Portfolio

Gabriel Lupton-Levy

The following is an art gallery featuring all the work I made for my course at Manchester Metropolitan University, which I am most proud of, and have annotated to provide context. I have also featured some non-campus art here, and a promo video link for a game have developing alongside my course. 

University Years

Year 1 


Year 2


Year 3


Personal Artwork

Artwork I have made during Uni, but at my own leisure

Cosmic Inferno

A Lovecraftian horror-inspired JRPG game I have been working on in my spare time since 2021, made mostly by myself, with my dad providing the OST.  This trailer is a demo of the main characters:

Concept/Unfinished Art:

All the art I made for my assignments, that was made to fill the criteria and experiment with shapes, perspectives, and designs, or everything that I didn't like and/or finished.
