Best Date Night Games For Couples | Date Night Fun Night

Not all couple games needs to lead to sex, there are plenty of games that are fun to play with and make your bonding even stronger to help understand each others.

What kind of games can you play for a perfect Date Night?

  1. One Word Answer - it's a really fun game to tell your love story first starting with a word, any word. Then the other partner replies with another word, Use these words to make a sentence and make your story.

  2. Write Poems - You can show your Artsy side to show off to your partner. Try making an erasure poem form a magazine article or page of a book just remove the words you don't want in your poem. Try to be real and romantic, don't overdo it.

  3. Stare Off - Everyone has played stare off sometimes in their life. Now try playing it with your partner. Look into your partner's eyes as long as you can. Often this leads to kissing. You can play this anytime and anywhere.

  4. Copycat Movie - Make your movie night more than a movie night. Put on a Rom-com or one of your fave movies and act out a scene. Reenact something like I'm Flying scene from titanic.

  5. The Sing-along Challenge - Start singing a song and challenge your partner to join you or continue with another song. It doesn't matter if you are a good singer or bad, not hitting every note gives you something to laugh about.

  6. Yes Or NO - This game is similar to two truths and a lie, but better. You can play with your favorite alcoholic drink or your favorite flavor drink. You and your partner take turns asking each other questions. Taking two sips of your drink means "yes" and one sip says "no." This Game usually ends up in your bedroom.

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What things should you avoid for your Date Night?

  1. Don't talk about your Ex - First and most important one is that you should never talk about your ex’s or previous relationship if you do that it only means that you are not over it if you do this that means you want to get back with them.

  2. Don't be rude with Staff - If you are having a dinner date at a restaurant and you have to wait for your order to arrive, that's okay, use this waiting time to connect with your partner. Don’t be rude with the staff or manager; this can be a really big turn-off. You should always avoid this with patience.

  3. Don't check your phone constantly - Listen to your partner what they have to say about this night or about anything they want to say. Don't be on your phone, keep it in your pocket. Checking Phone in the middle of a date is considered as Rude, disrespectful and annoying. It can kill your partner's mood of having a conversation with you.


If you are reading this it means you know what games to play over text with your Partner and to make it special for them. Hope this helps you with your relationship. And makes it more interesting. Rest assured you and your partner will make great chemistry if you just follow the steps above.