Playstation Network Forgot Password
PlayStation Network Forgot Password:
If you are facing a forgotten or missed password issue with the PlayStation network, then don’t panic. You may easily recover it using different- different ways. Let’s see each way to PlayStation Network Forgot Password.
What to do if you Forgot Your PlayStation Network Password?
If forgot your PlayStation password so before recovering your PlayStation Network account you must check the below-given instructions:
You must check the internet connection.
Check the recovery email issue.
Clear all the cookies & cache.
Try to install the latest version of the PlayStation network.
Check the network settings and many more things.
If again getting the same result so just follow the below-given instructions to recover your PlayStation password through various techniques.
How to Recover PlayStation Network Password?
Open any desired search engine and write the URL in the search bar.
After visiting the homepage, just tap on the Sign-in button.
Enter your associated email address in the respective text box.
Now, tap on the Next button, and then, you must choose the Forgot Password option.
Enter the recovery mobile or email address and you will receive the one-time password on the same.
Write the correct OTP in the search bar and click on the submit button.
Now, you will get a chance to set a new password.
How to change a PlayStation password from a PS4?
Open the PlayStation “Settings” section, and hit on “Account Management”.
Tap the “Account Information” option.
Now write your Present Password.
Hit on the “Security”, & then “Password”.
Then write a New Password & then confirm the password.
Make sure the password must contain characters, letters, numbers, & symbols.
Tap on “Continue”.
Sign in to your account by entering an Email address & a new password.
Hit on the “Sign in” button.
How to reset your PlayStation password from a web browser?
Open any Search Engine and type in the search bar.
Enter the Login credentials after selecting the Sign-In
Now, tap on the Gear icon of the settings
Then, choose the Account Info
Write the Current Running Password in the text box.
After then, press the Change
Now, you need to write New Password & click on the Save
How to Fix the ‘PlayStation Password Reset Email Not Sending’ Error:
Verify Received a Password Reset Email:
You need to be able to verify an email of the password reset that you received and through which you recovered your account with a new password. Because maybe you are entering the wrong verification information in the required text box.
Verify Password & Character:
Make sure you are entering the correct password in the password and confirm password fields. If you recovered your account password using a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Then you must verify the keys and number of combinations that you used while creating a new password. Because sometimes a problem occurs due to the character combination.
Verify the Internet Connection:
Sometimes, the PlayStation Password Reset Not Working issue, or often PlayStation account is not opening due to when you lost your Internet connection. Then check your Internet connection which you are using is running at a good speed. As well as verify your router and other cables.
Try Another Web Browser:
If you are easily accessing your PlayStation account in another browser, then it's confirmed this problem is not with your account. Then you will need to fix the issue in your favorite browser.
Clear Cache and Cookies:
Always clear the cache & cookies from the search engine before logging out of your session. Also, try to remove or clear all your saved passwords on the browser history. This thing may be solving your issue.
Write Correct Password:
Sometimes, the issue occurs due to when you are writing the incorrect password. So, make sure that you are writing the correct password that you just changed.
What do You need To Do If You Forgot Your PlayStation Network Password?
If you forgot your PlayStation network password and looking for an immediate solution then, you need to reset or recover your PlayStation password by email address and the security questions. Let’s see the complete procedure.
Reset Your PlayStation Network Password on Web Browser:
First of all, you need to open Account Management Page through any trusted web browser.
Then, click on the Trouble Signing In?
After then, tap on Reset Your Password & write the correct Sign-in ID.
After then, you will receive an email link to your mentioned email address.
Check the link and follow the reset password
Resolve the forgot password issue on PS4:
If you have reached the settings
Then, you need to choose Account Management on your PS4.
After then, select the Security option & tap on the Password.
Next, choose the Forgot Password
Here you need to pick the recovery email address or security question.
After then, if you have selected the security questions.
Now, give the correct answer to at least 2 security questions.
Finally, you will get the opportunity to create a new password.
Again, go to the sign-in page and you can enter your account with the new password.
How to Perform a Playstation Network Password Reset
If you are facing trouble getting into your PlayStation Network account, but then cannot appear to mention the right password, if yes, then don't worry. It is a simple process to reset your PlayStation Network (PSN) account password and recover your PlayStation account.
In this post, you will learn about ‘How to Perform a PlayStation Network Password Reset’ easily. Just, follow the below-given instructions to perform a Playstation account password reset.
How to Perform a PlayStation Network Password Reset?
First, go to the PlayStation Account Management page through any web browser help.
Once you reach the page, then you will see a pop window that mentioned “Trouble Signing In blue link” at the bottom, so click on it.
Then you will forward to a new pop window, so click on the “Reset your password” blue color link option.
Next, enter your email address to get a password reset link from PlayStation and then click on the “Send Email” button.
After that, check your Playstation-associated registered email address where you will get a change password link, so click on the “Change Password” option.
Then, you may need personal questions and answers to ensure that you are the owner of this account.
After that, you can reset your PlayStation Network password easily and complete the process.
How to reset Forgot PlayStation Password on PC?
If you have forgotten your Forgot PlayStation Password and you are facing a signing issue with your account, then don’t worry! You can easily Reset Forgot PlayStation Password on your PC with a simple process. As the recovery process won’t take a long time to reset your PSN password via a browser or console, and you can straightforwardly login in back.
Then, just follow the below give steps to recover your PlayStation Forgot account password.
How To Reset Forgot PlayStation Password On PC?
First, go to the PlayStation Account Management signing page on your PC.
Then, go & choose the signing-in section.
Now, click on the “Reset your PlayStation password” option, and mention your email.
Then you will get an email comprising a password reset link at your registered email id.
Check your email and then click on that password reset link within the email.
Follow on-screen instructions and you will reach a password reset page.
Now type a new password for your PlayStation account in the password box.
Next, again type a new password in the confirm password box, and complete the Reset Forgot PlayStation Password.
Done. Now, you can hassle-free signing to your PlayStation account by using a new password, and enjoy the services.
My Playstation Account Won't Activate as Primary
Wondering why My Playstation Account Won't Activate As Primary? Do not worry. In this guide, you will learn how to solve the issue Playstation PS4 account won't activate as primary.
How to Fix It?
Solution 1: Link to Phone Hotspot
On your Android or iOS device, toggle ON mobile hotspot.
Go to Playstation PS4’s settings menu; choose Network, and then the Internet connection option.
Choose Use Wi-Fi and then pick your mobile hotspot’s name.
In the settings section, choose account management and pick the option to activate your Primary PlayStation Account PS4.
Solution 2: Change the DNS
Go to your PlayStation account PS4’s settings menu, then network, and choose Set up Internet Connection.
Then choose Wi-Fi or LAN, as it depends on your connection kind.
DNS settings: Manual.
IP address setting: Custom.
DHCP Host Name: Not Mention
First/primary DNS:
Alternative/secondary DNS:
Then, go the Settings, then Account Management, and then choose Activate option as your Primary Playstation Account PS4.
Solution 3: Disable All Consoles Connected to Account
First, login into your PlayStation account through visit the official PlayStation website.
Go to the profile section; choose account settings and then device management.
Choose PlayStation Consoles and then pick disable or deactivate all devices.
Turn back to your PS4, then settings, and account management, and then activate your Primary Playstation Account PS4.