Playing Around with
One Hour Wargames Rules 


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I am a solo wargamer and I use Neil Thomas's One Hour Wargaming (OHW) rules for a lot of my gaming. The quick setup, gameplay, and teardown within approximately an hour fit my gaming needs. What's even more valuable to me is that these rules are exceptionally easy to remember.

I'm unable to leave a good thing alone so I have experimented with using the rules for other historical periods. You can find some of these rule modifications and experiments here on the web site. The real challenge lies in resisting the temptation to complicate the rules. OHW is intentionally designed to be simple and pared down, and I make a conscious effort to maintain that simplicity when I work on them.

Additionally, I like conducting campaigns using my Berthier Campaign Management software. I can engage in an extended campaign gaming session on my computer where I can arrange and resolve numerous tabletop battles in the single session using OHW. It's worth noting that the OHW rule, which limits each side to six units, does impose certain constraints on the type of campaign you can undertake.

I usually play One Hour Wargames at a reduced scale which you can read about here.

I also use the 3 Hits to Eliminate a Unit Variant.

Check out the site!


My Wargaming Software

Berthier Campaign Management Software        

Berthier is free software that manages wargames campaigns for miniatures.


OnScipts works as an audible aide-mémoire to assist game play. The Demo in the download package is the game sequence I use for my solo OHW games.

Other OHW Links

Jeff Preston's One Hour Wargames YouTube videos.

Spear to the Strife blog with plenty of OHW content.


November 2023