Privacy Policy

The safety and security of your mobile like personal information is important to us. That is why we never store any information. This Privacy Policy is specially designed to help you feel more confident about the privacy and security of your information when using or accessing any game, application or any other digital content (“Service”).

We always use MoPub,Facebook Ads SDK for advertisements in our applications. so there could be errors in the programming, and sometimes programming errors may cause unwanted side effects. To view MoPub privacy link, Facebook Audience Network(FAN) privacy link. We do promote our own games,apps and services in different types of ways. it may include cross promoting one of our games or app while you are playing a different game of ours. Mostly we do promote our apps while you exit the app.

All our apps are completely free to play and there wont be any extra charges. We display ads in our app to earn revenue that will help our resources to maintain the quality of apps.

Anytime if you wish to disagree with our privacy policy you can uninstall apps. for any inappropriate ads please write us we will take action to remove such ads.

Permissions we use in our apps.


This permission allows to use your contacts display in app itself to know number information like service provider type,area,etc... we do not store any data in our apps and anywhere.


This permission allows us to display your location on map.


This Permission we use for displaying caller id in app itself.


Ads Services are MoPub,Facebook Audience Network.

We will change or add our Privacy policy if we need to introduce new services or features to our apps.