Similarly to another question on here around Facade patterns (Beginner Facade Pattern Example), I'm worried that my Model class will just keep extending interface after interface which is terrible DRY without gaining much. However, my model class here is the model object for an MVC pattern. I would like my controller to only talk to my model, and not worry about child objects held by the model. When the controller wants my app to play(), calling seems better than

Your example is pretty trivial, but imagine a more complicated interface. Perhaps if the input to player.Move(positionData) isn't just a simple coordinate but requires custom location info, e.g. a path into a binary space partition. Maybe you don't want the caller to have to figure that out, so you provide a facade method that accepts Cartesian coordinates. The facade may call a second class to compute the BSP path from the coordinates, and then issue the call to player.Move(). In that sort of setup, the facade could provide a lot of usability to the caller, as well as ensuring that the path is valid.

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There are countless adventure games where you can roam around the environment freely. In that respect, we have games that make an environment seem real. But, role playing games still have aways to go where the characters seem real. This is where Facade succeeds greatly. I believe this game opens the door for other game designers. There needs to be more games where the characters are the focus and players truly feel that interaction with them is unlimited.

Pretending is an art that's second nature with me,

but don't be fooled,

for God's sake don't be fooled.

I give you the impression that I'm secure,

that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without,

that confidence is my name and coolness my game,

that the water's calm and I'm in command

and that I need no one,

but don't believe me.

My surface may seem smooth but my surface is my mask,

ever-varying and ever-concealing.

Beneath lies no complacence.

Beneath lies confusion, and fear, and aloneness.

But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know it.

I panic at the thought of my weakness exposed.

That's why I frantically create a mask to hide behind,

a nonchalant sophisticated facade,

to help me pretend,

to shield me from the glance that knows.

So I play my game, my desperate pretending game,

with a facade of assurance without

and a trembling child within.

So begins the glittering but empty parade of masks,

and my life becomes a front.

I idly chatter to you in the suave tones of surface talk.

I tell you everything that's really nothing,

and nothing of what's everything,

of what's crying within me.

So when I'm going through my routine

do not be fooled by what I'm saying.

Please listen carefully and try to hear what I'm not saying,

what I'd like to be able to say,

what for survival I need to say,

but what I can't say.

Faade puts the player in the role of a close friend of Trip and Grace, a couple who recently invited the player to their New York City apartment for cocktails. This pleasant gathering, however, is somewhat damaged by the domestic confrontation between Grace and Trip upon the player's entry. Using incorporated language processing software, Faade allows the player to type sentences to "speak" with the couple, either supporting them through their troubles, driving them farther apart, or being thrown out of the apartment. Incorporating elements of both interactivity and drama, Faade uses voice acting and a 3D environment, as well as natural language processing and other artificial intelligence routines, to provide a robust interactive fiction experience. The player can take an active role in the conversation, pushing the topic one way or another, as in an interactive stage-play. These stage-plays are stored as script text files which can be read after the player has finished.

Faade was developed by Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern. Prior to development, Mateas was a doctoral student at the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science, and Stern was a programmer and designer on the virtual pet video game series Petz.[2] Mateas and Stern met presenting at a series of conferences on the intersection of artificial intelligence and interactive entertainment, and began initial work in 1998 on a long-term "interactive drama piece" and "commercial product prototype".[3] In 2000, Mateas and Stern formally commenced a full-time collaborative project to "build an interactive story world integrating believable agents and interactive plot", with a plan to create a game around a "domestic drama in which a married couple has invited a player over for dinner."[4] To develop organic and believable character behaviors, Mateas and Stern developed a complex programming framework described as 'a behavior language' to program and organize the expressions of multiple characters as 'believable agents'.[5] Faade was released for Windows in July 2005 as a free download from the developer's web site.

Following the release of Faade, Mateas and Stern planned to create a follow-up project titled The Party. Building on the design of Faade, The Party was planned to feature around the plot of being invited a dinner party, in which gameplay would be expanded to accommodate ten characters, greater environmental interaction, and more mature complex narrative beats, including sex and violence.[2] Intended as a commercial product, Stern noted that The Party required investment to fund a small team of designers and programmers necessary to create the game's artificial intelligence.[6] In 2013, Mateas confirmed that development on The Party had ceased to pursue other projects.[7]

Retrospective assessments of Faade have recognized the game's technical achievement in its application of artificial intelligence and popular appeal. Describing the game as an "important research and cultural milestone", Games Developer identified Faade as project that made an "indelible mark on video games" due to the uniqueness and complexity of its design of artificial intelligence.[14] Similarly, The Guardian cited Faade as an "interesting" milestone and "fascinating experiment" in the advancement of emotional artificial intelligence.[15] The game was also recognized to have attracted mainstream attention, unusual for an independent video game at the time. Rock Paper Shotgun noted the game "was cutting edge enough to warrant scientific papers being written about it, but playable and interesting enough to be spread around the games world".[16] PC Gamer noted that the game's enduring influence arose from a "strange second coming as an internet meme", with its widespread use in let's play and streaming videos.[17] Similarly, Game Developer noted "arguably its biggest impact is that people know what it is outside of the academic conference circuit".[14]

However, several retrospective reviews have expressed mixed views on Faade's execution as a simulation of interpersonal interaction, with Rock Paper Shotgun observing that the subsequent influence of the game on the broader industry had been largely overstated.[16] PC Gamer noted that "if you play Faade as it was intended...their AI system holds up remarkably well", praising the character reactions to player inputs, although noting the game's "reliance on genuine interaction...makes it ripe for abuse".[17] Describing the game as "an experiment rather than a finished game", Chris Dahlen, writing for 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die, noted "the graphics are basic, and the parser's not perfect; Grace and Trip often react to a suggestion they don't recognize with an awkward stare or look of horror."[18] The Stanford Daily critiqued the writing and characterization in Faade as "lazy" and "unfinished" depiction of an interpersonal conflict, noting the "irredeemable" characters, the tendency of the writing to "wholly victimize Grace", and the "limited due diligence you can have in your sleuthing before they force you to tell them what to do."[19]

Try to understand the scenario with and without Faade:

If you want to transfer the money from accout1 to account2 then the two subsystems to be invoked are, withdraw from account1 and deposit to account2.

A facade should not be described as a class which contains a lot of other classes. It is in fact a interface to this classes and should make the usage of the classes easier otherwise the facade class is useless.

Let us assume that your application needs to interact with MS Excel by making use of the COM object model provided by the Excel. One of your team members knows all the Excel APIs and he creates a Facade on top of it, which fulfills all the basic scenarios of the application. No other member on the team need to spend time on learning Excel API. The team can use the facade without knowing the internals or all the MS Excel objects involved in fulfilling a scenario. Is not it great?

Another example of facade:say your application connects to database and display results on the UI. You can use facade to make your application configurable, as in run using database or with mock objects. So you will make all the database calls to the facade class, where it will read app config and decide to fire the db query or return the mock object. this way application becomes db independent in case db is unavailable.

A facade exposes simplified functions that are mostly called and the implementation conceals the complexity that clients would otherwise have to deal with. In general the implementation uses multiple packages, classes and function there in. Well written facades make direct access of other classes rare. For example when I visit an ATM and withdraw some amount. The ATM hides whether it is going straight to the owned bank or is it going over a negotiated network for an external bank. The ATM acts like a facade consuming multiple devices and sub-systems that as a client I do not have to directly deal with. 0852c4b9a8

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