Platinum Raccoon Removal is a full service raccoon removal company offering trapping, damage repair, cleanup and sealing of houses to keep them out, also known as animal proofing or wildlife exclusion. The process starts with a full home inspection is the first step in getting rid of raccoons. We like to be sure of all of the entry points, access areas and the areas that may be vulnerable to raccoon entry. The second step is to remove the raccoons humanely with trapping. Once we locate the entry points and access areas, we then set up humane raccoon traps. We do not use kill type traps as these are painful and inhumane to the animals being caught in them. Once raccoons are removed from the attic, damage and feces accumulation need to be accessed. Raccoons are one of the top damage causing animals that can be in an attic. They smash and destroy insulation, chew structural beams, defecate and urinate destroying insulation and drywall. They can also carry fleas and internal parasites such as raccoon roundworms that can and will affect humans and pets.Guaranteed raccoon exclusion is an important part of our process as new raccoons will take over the empty den site. A full raccoon removal process always consists of raccoon proofing the home with wildlife proof materials. Raccoons can easily get through common building materials found at home improvement stores. We only use animal proof materials, usually steel since steel stops all animals including rats and their ability to gnaw through anything.
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Contact Us
Platinum Raccoon Removal
320 Leonard Rd
Grand Rapids, MI 49544
Phone: (616) 202-6838
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