What to Expect from Laser Hair Removal

A long-term solution to your most difficult issues seems almost too good to be true. However, millions of men and women who have tried laser hair removal know this to be true. At SkinSpirit, we use cutting-edge technology that can pinpoint the pigment in the hairs we want to treat. After that, we set the laser to only affect that pigment, enabling us to deactivate the follicle and isolate it.

Do you want to get rid of your hair with lasers? Visit us in Royal Laser Clinic for a free consultation with our specialists. Need more details first? The best way to get ready for your laser hair removal procedure is as follows:

Avoid the sun before laser hair removal. Because darker hair is so receptive to a variety of lasers, laser hair removal works best when there is a significant contrast between the color of the treated hair and the color of the skin. In the weeks before your procedure, avoid the sun and tanning beds to get the most out of this contrast.

Shave the area under treatment. Although it may appear counterintuitive, it actually assists us in obtaining more precise results. However, please do not use depilatories, waxing, or other methods of hair removal that affect the hair's root.

Expect to spend up to an hour there. Shorter appointments will be made for smaller areas of hair, like the upper lip. However, it's best to set aside an hour. After your visit is over, you can continue with your day as usual.


It will feel like a rubber band is pressing against your skin. Although the sensation of today's laser hair removal isn't typically referred to as "painful," it can be irritating (but only for a short time). However, there is no need for any kind of anesthesia for treatment.

Your eyes will be shielded. To shield your eyes from the laser light, you will be required to wear specialized goggles. They aren't going to win you any beauty contests, but they are very important!

For best results, you will need multiple treatments. Different hairs on your body may be in different stages of the cycle of hair growth at any given time. You will need a series of several treatments to get the best results from laser hair removal because it works best on hairs at a particular point in the growth cycle.

After laser hair removal, there is no need to wax or pluck. The rules remain the same between visits. You can shave, but avoid any method that disturbs the root to remove unwanted hair.

Make sure it is safe. That is, your skin. There are no tanning beds and very little direct sunlight. Use a broad-spectrum, high-quality sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight whenever possible.

Read more about Laser Hair Removal Dubai Offers