The plugin has an integrated copy of plantuml.jar and GraphViz, so you are normally good to go.But if you want to use your own jar or a different version of GraphViz (maybe a newer version, or with many dependent jars):

For windows users, majkinetor introduced a way to install plantuml and its dependencies easily.Run cmd.exe as Administrator, and run two commands as follows (the first command is not needed and will fail if you already have chocolatey installed).

Plantuml Download

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Either a PlantUML server needs to be installed locally or you need to send information to a remote server to be able to render the diagram. A local PlantUML server will significantly increase the size of the Joplin install and is unlikely to be viable on the mobile clients. Sending information to a remote server raises privacy concerns as well as making internet connectivity mandatory for rendering notes including PlantUML. So neither approach seems a good fit for Joplin.

The current Mermaid support might not perfectly suit all your preferences but it is a good fit for Joplin. I personally rely upon Joplin's cross platform support (mobile and desktop) and being able to use Mermaid diagrams on my mobile devices has proved quite useful. Not being able to render some content on some platforms would seem a slippery slope to head down.


my company uses plantuml in their asciidoc documentation (as do many others AFAIK).

How about adding support for plantuml only for external plantumb servers? This would give people 2 options:

If you find that the Joplin renderer plugin system isn't up to task, feel free to post here with what's missing and what you would need to get it working. The Joplin plugin system is still new so there is room for improvement, although I think it's good enough for you as it is.


I have some private repositories on and I want to render plantuml diagrams in my markdown files there. But I cannot find any information about how to do it.

Here it is said that I need to enable plantuml integration, but there is no such integration in my project integration settings.

Another tip I found is _gitlab.jsp but it is said there that I need to add plantuml as my project developer member. But I cannot find user plantuml on!

So, how can I render plantuml diagrams on

Problem: I can create a diagram when inserting a /plantuml macro, and it renders correctly in the plantuml editing popup.

However, when clicking "Save" in the popup to go back to the page, only a broken icon is shown. Same when publishing the page. See the screenshot below.

I've used confluence (and plantuml in confluence) extensively and successfully before, but it's my first eperience with adminstration of confluence (installing marketplace apps myself etc). I am trying to get plantuml working on a new instance I will be administering. I am a site-admin group member.

It didn't help. In a previous attempt I found some other similar help pages, on github and stackoverflow, but I can't find them right now. One was to fix a broken url, and the other was to provide the correct path to the jar file. I fixed both, but none of them fixed my problem.

The above mentioned problem reports are related to the mode's attempts to contact a web server, or to run plantuml. I am not interested in any of them, I prefer to run plantuml myself from the command line. All I want from the mode is syntax highlighing and indentation. It is possible to turn off the other features, to get rid of the errors? Or is there another, simpler mode out there, that doesn't try to contact the web or run executables?

This post is for everyone that likes to write AsciiDoc in VS Code but also wants to inline PlantUML diagrams within their docs. In a previous post about diagrams with PlantUML I gave an intro into PlantUML and how to preview images in VS Code. With the latest release of the asciidoctor plugin for VS Code it is possible to easily preview embedded PlantUML images within AsciiDocs.

For test cases option 1 works fine; even if the server claims it does not store any data I would advise you to host your own server if you are working on anything professionally that is not open source. Setting up a PlantUML server is rather easy if you are familiar with Docker, you can see an example setup in my blog post from march 2019. Finally the third option of running it locally within docker is great if you are on the road or sitting somewhere without WiFi.

The option we will use for this feature is asciidoc.preview.attributes that allows you to set arbitrary AsciiDoc attributes. These attributes will be injected into the preview. You could also set the attribute manually on each file but that is really something you do not want to do for generic configs like a server URL. Build systems in the AsciiDoc ecosystem like Antora allow you to set attributes during the build process (see this example), so having a local editor that also injects these attributes is super handy.

Under the hood the AsciiDoc VS Code extension relies on the javascript port of asciidoctor and the asciidoctor-plantuml.js extension. This extension needs the :plantuml-server-url: attribute to be set in the AsciiDoc document to become active and parse PlantUML blocks.

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As a Systems Engineer and Architect, I have done my fair share of diagrams for both design and documentation. To be fair, it was an area of my professional development I was not entirely satisfied with. Creating diagrams that were organized and clear was a pain. I had used Visio but was never in love with it. Some people love Visio and I respect that; however, I always found myself rearranging shapes and dragging things around the screen and formatting text. I couldn't think in Visio; that is, I couldn't open up a blank document and jot down ideas and have them take shape. Rather, I had to take out a piece of paper and sketch out what I wanted to draw first and then go to Visio and build the finished document.

Last year, I discovered PlantUML, and it has made diagram creation and editing significantly easier for me. It is easier for me because I can create my diagrams via human readable code and easily edit and update them as my thoughts take shape. I want to share how to install it and getting working with Visual Studio Code.

First, what is UML? UML stands for Universal Modeling Language. This is set of standards to model software at various levels of abstraction. UML supports thirteen types of diagrams organized into three categories (or, arguably, two categories with one subcategory). These categories are:

 Structure Diagrams: These aim to break down the static aspects of systems and the relations between those components, whether those components are object, classes, packages, or other components. Behavior Diagrams: These aim to display the dynamic aspects of systems and how the system functions. Interaction Diagrams: These are a subset of Behavior Diagrams, they show the flow of data and processes through the system. 

One of the reason I like PlantUML is that it forces me to design leveraging a common and standardized framework. It adds a level of formality to the process, which ensures I am conceptualizing my architecture correctly and communicating it clearly with concepts that everyone agrees on. It is a value I learned from the Army: we practices a standard way of making decisions and writing orders. By leveraging a standard modeling language I am not reinventing the wheel every time.

When you open a new file, you can select the language. You can click on "Select a language" and search for "plantUML" in the menu and choose that. Or save your file as a PlantUML document with a ".puml" file extension and it will automatically treat your file as a UML file.

From there, you can start writing your file. PlantUML can support a number of the 13 standard UML diagram types. Let's start with a simple sequence diagram. Type in the following simple text to test this out. This will be the start of a simple sequence diagram.

On some new installs, I have noticed that sometimes I would just get a blank screen when trying to preview my diagram. The VS Code extension details do say that the plugin has an integrated copy of the requisite Java files and GraphViz but that in some cases different versions of those components can create issues. In those cases, I went ahead and installed plantuml through Chocolatey. To do this from an elevated Powershell command prompt:

Again, what I like about this is that it allows me to think while I write. I found the learning curve for writing PlantUML code to be very low. I open up and navigate to the type of diagram I want to start building. The easiest diagram to start with is the sequence diagram, so let's begin there.

Maybe I need to get some input from a user, transform it, and write it to a database. Well, let's start by just naming the parts. I am using the documentation on Sequence Diagram syntax and features ( to identify the objects as either actors or databases, and to make it easy for me to reuse this later on I cast those objects with simple words like "user" or "db" in order to easily refer back to them.

Now, I want my script to ask the user a question, get the answer and write it to the database. Let's write that out. Writing out the interactions is simple. I name a component, point it to another component with "->", and then put a colon and describe the interaction. 152ee80cbc

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