Planetside 2 Hacks

Planetside 2 Aimbot - ESP and Wallhack

The existence of cheaters (most commonly known as online cheaters is nothing new, and with each new release, the producers have to deal with these players who refuse to play by the rules, but in the case of Planetside 2, which was released recently, cheaters seem like be a pest.

In the game's forum there are several players complaining about cheaters, but Sony Online Entertainment is doing everything possible to deal with the situation. The situation is so troubling that John Smedley, the producer's president, insulted one of the cheaters on Twitter, called him a rascal, and then broke the news that all three of this individual's accounts had been banned.

Smedley's latest tweets are all related to this issue, responding directly to followers and refusing to detail the methods used to find the cheaters, saying that only those who use hacks will be found and hunted down.

Planetside 2 is a free-to-play FPS MMO, so anyone can easily start playing and spoil the experience for other players.

The best hacks for PlanetSide 2 Are undected and undetectable !

PlanetSide 2 is another free FPS aimed at popularity in Brazil. During BGS 2013, TechTudo tested the game and spoke with its producer, Matthew Higby. The title, which is scheduled for release in Brazil in 2014 for PCs and PlayStation 4, has an incredible futuristic look, in addition to elements that hardly other free shooters can present, such as gigantic scenarios and frantic combat.

From the beginning, the game presents a look that is not usually found in free FPS here in Brazil. With a futuristic theme and full of elements throughout the environment, it's hard not to compare the game with the popular Halo - Xbox 360 exclusive game. "As much as it brings some memories, Planetside 2 is very different from Halo", says the producer . "If we have to compare some elements with another game, I would say that it is more similar to Battlefield for the possibility of piloting everything from vehicles to aircraft."

And this possibility of controlling any type of vehicle makes the game even more attractive. As the main objective is to dominate territories and eliminate enemies, it is possible to create strategies using, for example, air attacks, with spaceships and helicopters, or a heavy land front, full of tanks and other heavily armed vehicles.

The gameplay is very well adapted to the mouse and keyboard, both for combats in the control of a character, as well as when piloting the various vehicles scattered throughout the scenarios. These in turn also have their particularities. The variation of terrain, and even the variation of day and night, creates a realistic atmosphere.

Planetside 2 Cheating and exploits

As with virtually every FPS, Planetside 2 has a varied arsenal. And that's when the game's monetization system comes in. As such, players can buy other weapons for their game type. That is, rifles for those who opt for sneaky attacks, or powerful cannons for those who like to go to the front of the battlefield. However, according to the game's producer, this does not create any advantage for those who choose to buy items, just a way to build your own style.

Another attraction is the possibility of supporting hundreds of players in the same game. "This integration strengthens the creation of groups of players. They can combine strategies to dominate enemy territories or even organize combat with each other," says Matthew.

And because it has so many elements, combined with a high level of detail graphics, Planetside 2 demands a powerful machine. Thus, Brazilian gamers need to adapt to the game's requirements to venture into this free online FPS. However, there is still time to prepare, as the game arrives entirely in Portuguese here in the country only in 2014.