What on Earth is a Mallow-(x)?

Everything about Genus Felcanonis


Planet Marmellanon is a planet situated on the outer edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. It's a small ringed planet with no central star or solar system. It's atmosphere is thin and made up of gasses not sustainable with human life. Although, the gravity of Marmellanon is nearly exact to that of Earth, despite being significantly smaller. Due to the lack of a star and thin atmosphere, Marmellanon's temperature is generally low. A small amount of heat does come from it's core, average temperatures range from -120 degrees fahrenheit to 30 degrees fahrenheit. Marmellanon is composed mostly of an unknown material very similar to man-made marshmallow, which is where the name "Marmellanon" derives from. The surface contains blue, yellow, green, white, and pink mallow. The core is a magma-like radiating substance known as Huniflux, or simply just "Magic". Huniflux is named after the first Primordial Mallowolf, Honey.

Marmellanon is home to all Mallowcreatures, but also many small pet-like animals known as Snackiez. These include the Gummisaurus, Werbles and Grubbles, Snallows, SourSwans, BubbleBears, Kitshrooms, Gummy Flies, and Beanbys.

The planet is home to all species of Genus Felcanonis.
In fact, it is the only known natural habitat for said genus. There are three species under Genus Felcanonis: Mallow Felcan, Mallowolves, and Primordial Mallowolves. All are born from a combination of Huniflux magic and the Mallow surface of Marmellanon. They have no gender or sex and reproduce aesexually, a small amount of Mallow fluff and Huniflux can be separated from a Mallowcreature and incubated. Despite being gender and sexless, Mallows brought to Earth sometimes adopt human gender roles. All Mallows eat the marshmallow material of Marmellanon, but only have to if they had lost fluff. They have no internal organs. Mallows do not need to breath and live off of their magic. All Mallowcreatures have minor levitation powers and can levitate objects over their heads as accessories. Some Mallowolves also can create corporeal wings with their magic.

Mallow Felcan were the first of Genus Felcanonis. Split into two distinct breeds, Mallow Dogs and Mallow Cats, Felcan have very little brain function. They can communicate very basically through chirps and hear through their antennae, of which they have two. Since Felcan are made completely of Huniflux and Mallow, they can only die by dissolving in liquid or suffering punctures to their magic pouches. Felcan have three magic pouches, one on the stomach and one on each flank. Felcan have no bones.

Primordial Mallowolves came about after Earth astronauts visited Marmellanon after a years long trip to the foreign planet. A researcher's spacesuit had a stray hair on the outside that happened to mix with an incubating yellow Mallow Dog. This went unnoticed and after research was finished, the researchers left. The incubating Felcan combined with the hair, which had come from an Indian Wolf, and created a hybrid Mallow and Wolf. This creature was made mostly of the same Mallow as Felcans except for ears, feet, and tail that were organic wolf. They have bones in the organic wolf areas and are very tall. Due to the mixture of Huniflux and organic fur allowed Primordial Mallowolves to develop a sort of magic brain, giving them higher intelligence.

This lone Primordial Mallowolf named herself a primitive chirp name which she associated with her magic. Being lonely, she found out how to create more Primordial Mallowolfs using her fur and other Mallow colors from around the planet. Eight were created. Along with these eight, the original Mallowolf created a written alphabet and complex chirp language. Both were known as Mallowspeak.

Around 80 years after the first Earth creatures landed on Marmellanon, they returned. They found the original and her eight children and decided to take them home for scientific study. They also collected large samples from every color of the terrain and multiple of each Snackiez species, luckily enough they had prepared for the payload weight.

On Earth, the original Mallowolf's name was "translated" to Honey, due to the color of her magic. The majority of scientific research on Mallowfolk took place in King's Hospital. There, scientists taught Honey and the other Mallows English and they began to explain their story and knowledge of Marmellanon. The scientists used their samples and Huniflux from the Mallows to engineer versions of the Mallows that were more appealing to Earth creatures. These were the Mallowolves.

Mallowolves have the same mallow and organic parts as Primordial Mallowolves, though they only have a magic pouch on their chest, none on their flanks. They also only have one antennae and a generally shorter stature. Eventually, these Mallows were allowed to be released into the world to live on their own and they began to be integrated into society. Many Mallowolves cut off their antennae in attempt to fit in as their ears are also functional, though their unnatural colors often revealed them anyway. Honey took up a mother-like role with all Mallowolves, which is why she uses she/her pronouns. Mallowolves will often go to her for advice and guidance. Mallowolves participate regularly in society and hold jobs and relationships just like any other creature, though they do have some issues seeing as they can not die naturally and have magic.

Scientists also bred and publicized Snackiez. Many Mallows on Earth keep Snackiez as pets to connect to their planet and culture.