
Coupled Carbon & Water (CCW) Model

  • Model Theory: Light-use efficiency & water-use efficiency
  • Model Version: 1.5
  • Scale: Monthly
  • Model Inputs: FPAR/NDVI, Land Cover/Area Proportion, Climate Data
  • Model Outputs: GPP & ET
  • Language: IDL
  • Model Link:
  • Note: This model was calibrated and evaluated based on global flux tower data. Model applications at regional scales may need to be re-calibrated based on local available inputs.
  • References:

Zhang, Y., Song, C., Sun, G., Band, L.E., 2019. No proportial increase of terrestrial gross primary production from the greening Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.
Zhang, Y., Song, C., Sun, G., Band, L.E., McNulty, S., Noormets, A., Zhang, Q. and Zhang, Z., 2016. Development of a coupled carbon and water model for estimating global gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration based on eddy flux and remote sensing data. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 223, pp.116-131.
