Planet Formation Meeting

Planet Formation Meeting

Approximately weekly on Wednesday at 11:00.

Academic year 2022-2023

Organisers: Anders Johansen / Michiel Lambrechts / Urs Dannenberg

Judith Korth 08/03

TOI-1130: A photodynamical analysis of a hot Jupiter in resonance with an inner low-mass planet

Marie-Luise Steinmeyer 22/02

A framework for the architecture of exoplanetary systems. I. & II. (Mishra et al., 2023a&b)

Zhihui Kong 15/02

The impact of giants on terrestrial planet formation

Maria Cavallius (Stockholm University) 08/02

Searching for gas in debris disks with VLT/UVES

Philippine Griveaud (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur) 01/02

Migration of pairs of giant planets in low viscosity discs: locking in the 2:1 MMR

Antoine Petit 25/01

A tale of planets and resonances

Linn Eriksson (Stony Brook University) 18/01

The formation of Uranus and Neptune via gas, pebble and planetesimal accretion

Richard Löffler 11/01

Paraffiniana Camphones in: The Dawn of the life-like, non-living systems

Piia Maria Tomberg and Jesper Roslund 07/12

Piia Maria Tomberg: Primordial H envelopes of terrestrial planets and super-Earths

Jesper Roslund: Planet formation throughout the Milky Way

Urs Dannenberg 30/11

Nonlinear evolution of streaming instabilities in accreting protoplanetary disks (Hsu & Lin, 2022)

Maria Jose Colmenares 23/11

Thermal processing of primordial pebbles

Alex Mustill 16/11

Review of the Late Heavy Bombardment

Johan Appelgren 10/11

On the underestimation of dust mass in protoplanetary disks: Effects of disk structure and dust properties (Liu et al., 2022)

Geoffrey Andama (Mbarara University) and Nelson Ndugu (Makerere University) 02/11
Geoffrey Andama: Planetary core formation via multi-species pebble accretion

Nelson Ndugu: Implication of stellar clusters to planet formation around M dwarf stars

Sebastian Lorek 26/10

Macro and micro structures of pebble-made cometary nuclei reconciled by seasonal evolution (Ciarniello et al., 2022)

Marie-Luise Steinmeyer 19/10

Not just SiO2: sublimation lines during pebble accretion

Marion Villenave (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) 13/10

Extremely flat protoplanetary disks: a favorable environment for planetary growth

Sebastian Stammler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) 28/09

Leaky Dust Traps: How Fragmentation impacts Dust Filtration by Planets

Jesper Roslund 14/09

Galactic Chemical Evolution of Exoplanet Hosting Stars: Are High-mass Planetary Systems Young? (Swastik et al., 2022)

Ziyan Xu (University Lyon) 07/09

Turbulent Dust-trapping Rings as Efficient Sites for Planetesimal Formation

Michiel Lambrechts 31/08

The ionization fraction in protoplanetary discs

Ayumu Kuwahara (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 24/08

Dust ring and gap formation by gas flow induced by low-mass planets embedded in protoplanetary disks

Katrin Ros 19/08

Icy pebbles from stellar outbursts

Academic year 2021-2022

Organisers: Anders Johansen / Urs Schäfer

Can Cui (University of Cambridge) 25/05

Turbulence in outer protoplanetary disks

Bertram Bitsch, Jonas Müller, Gabriele Pichierri (Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie) 18/05

Bertram Bitsch: Formation of small and large exoplanets

Jonas Müller: Water fractions of the TRAPPIST-1 planets estimated using pebble accretion models

Gabriele Pichierri: Forming the Trappist-1 system in two steps during the recession of the disc inner edge

Natascha Manger (Flatiron Institute) 27/04

Particles in Disk Turbulence at Small and Large Scales

Anders Johansen 20/04

What made the Earth? (Ask me about Molybdenum)

Alex Mustill 06/04

Planet Destruction Meeting

Sebastian Lorek 30/03

Planetesimal accretion in their birth environment

Sean Raymond (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux) 23/03

An early dynamical instability among the Solar System’s giant planets triggered by dispersal of the gaseous protoplanetary disk

Marie-Luise Steinmeyer 16/03

Habitable planet formation around low-mass stars: Rapid accretion, rapid debris removal and the essential contribution of external giants (Clement et al., 2022)

Urs Schäfer 02/03

The coexistence of the streaming instability and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks: Thresholds for planetesimal formation

Michiel Lambrechts 09/02

Systematic description of wind-driven protoplanetary discs (Lesur, 2021)

Discussion 02/02

ALMA High-resolution Multiband Analysis for the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya (Tsukagoshi et al., 2022)

Contemporary formation of early Solar System planetesimals at two distinct radial locations (Morbidelli et al., 2021)

Orbital Architectures of Planet-Hosting Binaries II. Low Mutual Inclinations Between Planetary and Stellar Orbits (Dupuy et al., 2022)

A Possible Alignment Between the Orbits of Planetary Systems and their Visual Binary Companions (Christian et al., 2022)

Johan Appelgren 26/01

Tracing pebble drift and trapping using radial carbon depletion profiles in protoplanetary disks (Sturm et al., 2022)

Antoine Petit 19/01

Linking exoplanet observations and planet formation: a fast population synthesis approach

Josefin Martell (Lund University) 08/12

Space rocks and Traces of Catastrophe

Sebastian Lorek 01/12

Collisional properties of cm-sized high-porosity ice and dust aggregates and their applications to early planet formation (Schräpler et al., 2021)

Maria Jose Colmenares 24/11

Thermal processing of primordial pebbles in evolving protoplanetary discs

Sarah Ballard (University of Florida) 17/11

M Dwarf Planetary System Lifetimes: Nature or Nurture?

Linn Eriksson 10/11

A low accretion efficiency of planetesimals formed at planetary gap edges

Simona Pirani 03/11

The formation of wide exoKuiper belts from migrating dust traps (Miller et al., 2021)

Alex Mustill 27/10

Hot Jupiter formation in dense clusters: secular chaos in multi-planetary systems (Wang et al., 2021)

Nienke van der Marel (Leiden Observatory) 20/10

Novel views on planet formation and dust evolution

Marie-Luise Steinmeyer 13/10

Protoplanet Envelope - Disc Interaction

Discussion 06/10

Stellar surface inhomogeneities as a potential source of the atmospheric signal detected in the K2-18 b transmission spectrum (Barclay et al., 2021)

The dynamics of the TRAPPIST-1 system in the context of its formation (Huang & Ormel, 2021)

"Ash-fall" induced by molecular outflow in protostar evolution (Tsukamoto et al., 2021)

Michiel Lambrechts 29/09

MEERCAT (MichiEl’s ERC starting grant Application practice Talk)

Daniel Carrera, Jacob B. Simon (Iowa State University) 22/09

Studies at the Frontier of Planetesimal Formation

Discussion 15/09

Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS)

Aaron David Schneider (KU Leuven / University of Copenhagen) 08/09

How drifting and evaporating pebbles shape giant exoplanets

Urs Schäfer 25/08

Thresholds for Particle Clumping by the Streaming Instability (Li & Youdin, 2021)

Academic year 2020-2021

Organisers: Anders Johansen / Michiel Lambrechts / Beibei Liu

Anusha Kalyaan (Texas State University) 16/06

Linking Inner Disk Water and Outer Disk Pebble Dynamics

Alex Mustill 02/06

Michael Marsset (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 26/05

Linking meteorites to asteroid populations

Anders Johansen 12/05, 19/05, 09/06

Simona Pirani 21/04

Thomas Ronnet 31/03

Amy Bonsor (University of Cambridge) 25/03

Planet Formation and the Composition of Planetary Bodies

Beibei Liu (Zhejiang University) 17/03

Antoine Petit 10/03

Linn Eriksson 03/03

Akimasa Kataoka, Takahiro Ueda, Kiyoaki Doi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) 24/02

Akimasa Kataoka: Constraints on dust mass, size, and Stokes numbers from protoplanetary disk observations

Takahiro Ueda: Extremely weak turbulence in the inner region of the HL Tau disk inferred from the polarimetric observations

Kiyoaki Doi: Estimate on dust scale height from ALMA dust continuum image of the HD 163296 protoplanetary disk

Daohai Li 17/02

Michiel Lambrechts 10/02

Marco Cilibrasi (University of Zurich) 27/01

An N-body population synthesis framework for the formation of moons around Jupiter-like planets

Johan Appelgren 20/01

Marie-Luise Steinmeyer 13/01

Urs Schäfer 16/12

Andrea Banzatti (Texas State University) 02/12

Hints for icy pebble migration feeding an oxygen-rich chemistry in the inner planet-forming region of disks

Noemi Schaffer 25/11

Simona Pirani 11/11

Alex Mustill 28/10

Thomas Ronnet 14/10

Antoine Petit 07/10

Daohai Li 23/09

Jes Jørgensen 09/09

Linn Eriksson 26/08

The fate of planetesimals formed at the edge of planetary gaps

Michiel Lambrechts 18/08

Formation of terrestrial-like systems with pebble accretion

Academic year 2019-2020

Organisers: Anders Johansen / Michiel Lambrechts / Beibei Liu

Johan Appelgren 24/06

Fingerprints of giant planet formation in the composition of solar twins

Vardan Elbakyan 17/06

Evolution of dust in gravitoviscous protoplanetary disks

Noemi Schaffer 10/06

Gas erosion and the streaming instability with a particle-size distribution

John Wimarsson 03/06

Promoted mass growth of multiple, distant giant planets through pebble accretion and planet-planet collision

Feng Long (external speaker) 27/05

ALMA view of dust disks in Taurus

Simona Pirani 13/05

Updates on the interstellar comet 21/Borisov

Katrin Ros 29/04

A summary of "building blocks of planets" conference

Alex Mustill 22/04

An information theoretic framework for classifying exoplanetary system architectures

Urs Schäfer 08/04

Numerical simulations of combined vertical shear instability and streaming instability

Anders Johansen 01/04

Terrestrial planet formation by pebble accretion

Antoine Petit 11/03

Radius correlation in Kepler multi-planetary systems

Daohai Li 04/03

Secular resonance sweeping and orbital excitation

Sebastian Lorek 19/02

Fluffy growth of dust grains

Beibei Liu 12/02

Planet formation around brown dwarfs

Per Bjerkeli 22/01

Young outflows and disks with ALMA

Christmas excursion 18/12

Antoine Petit 04/12

Introduction lecture on Hamiltonian dynamics II

Bertram Bitsch 27/11

Planetary gap affected by gas accretion

Antoine Petit 20/11

Introduction lecture on Hamiltonian dynamics I

Alex Mustill 13/11

Oxygen fugacities of extrasolar rocks

Michiel Lambrechts 06/11

Jupiter's composition suggests its core assembled exterior to the N2 snowline

Johan Appelgren 30/10

Dust clearing by radial drift in evolving protoplanetary disks

Katrin Ros 23/10

Observations of the CO ice line

Thomas Ronnet 16/10

Gas giants' moons as scaled-down super-Earth systems

Daohai Li 02/10

Capture of Neptunian moons Triton/Nereid from another planet

Sebastian Lorek 25/09

Coagulation of dust and ice: theory, experiments, and recent progress

Simona Pirani 18/09

A Nice Model review

Beibei Liu 11/09

Super-Earth masses sculpted by pebble isolation around stars of different masses

Giorgi Kokaia 04/09

Resilient habitability of nearby exoplanet systems

Matthäus Schulik 28/08

Shocking news about circumplanetary discs

Linn Eriksson 21/08

Pebble drift and planetesimal formation in protoplanetary discs with planets

Sofia Savvidou 12/08


Antoine Thuillier 27/06

White dwarf pollutions

Rixin Li 25/06

Particle concentration, gas dynamics, and planetesimal formation by the streaming instability

Bertram Bitsch 15/06

Giant planet formation: Constraints from disk and exoplanet observations

Masahiro Ogihara 14/06

Formation of super-Earths and their atmospheres

Katrin Ros, Beibei Liu, Anders Johansen 29/05

Planetesimal formation without streaming instability (tutorial)

Michiel Lambrechts 13/05

Kepler dichotomy I (tutorial)

Sebastian Lorek 08/05

Minor body chemisty II (tutorial)

Alex Mustill 24/04

Planetary systems orbiting white dwarfs

Simona Pirani, Thomas Ronnet 10/04

Minor body chemistry I (tutorial)

Vardan Elbakyan (Southern Federal University) 27/03

Gravitational fragmentation and formation of giant protoplanets on orbits of tens of AU

Miles Timpe (University of Zurich) 20/02

Collisions in Planet Formation: Putting the body back in N-body

Antoine Petit (Observatoire de Paris) 23/01

Stability and architecture of planetary systems

Marc Brouwers (University of Amsterdam) 16/01

From Pebbles to Super Earths

Djoeke Schoonenberg (University of Amsterdam) 12/12

Water content of the TRAPPIST-1 planets from a planet formation perspective

Noemi Schaffer 5/12

Erosion of protoplanetary disk solids in gas flow

Colin McNally (Queen Mary, University of London) 22/11

A new understanding of planet migration in modern models of protoplanetary discs

Katrin Ros 7/11

The effect of nucleation on icy pebble growth

Michiel Lambrechts 31/10

Terrestrial planets vs super-Earths

Daohai Li 17/10

Moon formation around Neptune

Chris Ormel (University of Amsterdam) 10/10

Carbon content of disks

Ondrej Chrenko (Charles University) 19/09

Evolution of migrating protoplanets heated by pebble accretion

Urs Schäfer (Hamburger Sternwarte) 12/09

Planetesimal Formation by the Streaming Instability - Global Simulations of Protoplanetary Disks

Andrew Youdin (University of Arizona) 05/09

Planetesimal formation

Chao-Chin Yang (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 04/09

Planet -- pebble disc interaction

Alex Mustill / Beibei Liu / Sebastian Lorek 29/08

Super-Earths vs cold gas giants

Wlad Lyra (California State University, Northridge) 22/08

Planet signatures in transition disks