The history of IGEN

Our advocacy is named IGEN (威厳), which is the Japanese translation of the English word "integrity." As the Japanese are known for their kindness, honesty, integrity, and safe spaces, our advocacy group, IGEN, would like to channel this type of culture and promote and help establish integrity online and in academic fields in the context of what people spread and share online as theirs. 

Our Purpose and Goals

Plagiarism has been a rampant problem ever since the 1890s and is still present in a lot of ways even in our society today, and due to this, the integrity we see online has been plagued and slowly being broken down by those who execute this act. This is why as IGEN, our purpose would be to inform our audience on what plagiarism exactly is and its grave effects if someone was to commit this act, so that we can reduce the amount of people who do this and bring back the integrity that we have lost

But before we start all of this.....

What Exactly Is Plagiarism?

First used in 80AD by the roman poet Martial, the word Plagiarism comes from the words "Plagiarius" meaning kidnapper and "Plagiary" a term used by author Ben Jonson to describe literary theft. We can define plagiarism as the act of stealing and taking another person's work and claiming it to be your own without any sort of acknowledgement to the original creator. It can be artistic works like books, films and paintings, either electronical or done in real life, or even academic works and non-figurative ideas. This can also be done intentionally or even unintentionally, as long as someone else can prove that the work you have done is very similar to their own previous works or works done before your own. 

Now that you are aware of the shallow part on the topic of Plagiarism, it is time for us to dive deeper and take a look at what counts as Plagiarism, why people do it, the consequences it brings when committed, and finally, how much of an impact technology has on it. To give a brief introduction on the previously mentioned aspects of Plagiarism, here is a video by ClickView:

Video obtained from: