About Plabon

Plabon Kumar Saha

I am a 22 year old enthusiastic learner who wants to learn and grow everyday . I would describe me as a developer and a researcher . As a developer I mainly work with Java technologies like java spring boot ,Android application ,java FX, java swing. I also work with other technologies like ML , python ,OpenCV etc. As researcher I am working on several fields such as blockchain , computer vision , IoT and MIS . I got several of my paper accepted in an IEE journal .Also several of them are in review process or pre review process . My future goal is to have a challenging career where I have the opportunity to learn and grow.

Technical skills

1. Android app development

2. Java Spring boot

3. Machine Learning

4. Python (OpenCV,ML and Flask)

5. Oracle PL/SQL ,MySQL

6. C++

7. UML and Design pattern

8. Microservices(basic)

9. Arduino(basic)

Tools and Software

1.Git version control


3.Android studio

4.Adobe XD



Other Skills

  1. Research paper writing

  2. Technical content writing (Bangla & English)

  3. Presentation

  4. Project Management

  5. Client Communication

6. MS Powerpoint and word