
3-27-2018: Workshop at the Transneptunian Solar System Meeting - Coimbra, Portugal

[download all slides in powerpoint and pdf format here, or see individual links below]

1. Welcome, Sign Up Sheet, Workshop Introduction and Purpose, Agenda Review - Jason Hofgartner

2. Current PFO and KB Mission Study Efforts - Alan Stern

3. Pluto Orbiter Mission and Science - Kelsi Singer

4. Future KB Missions and Mission Science - Amanda Zangari

5. Ice Giant-Kuiper Belt Program - Alan Stern

6. PFO and KB Interest Group Composition and Activities (PKEG) - Jason Hofgartner

7. Future Objectives and Next Steps - Alan Stern

10-17-2017: Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Sunday Afternoon Workshop - Provo, Utah, USA

  1. Welcome - A. Stern
  2. Workshop Introduction - R. Binzel
  3. Summary of New Horizons Prime and Extended Mission Science - A. Parker
  4. Science Rationale and Objectives & Payloads for Pluto Orbiter - W. McKinnon
  5. Science Rationale and Objectives & Payloads for Future KB Missions - K. Singer
  6. Current PFO & KB Mission Study Efforts - A. Zangari
  7. PFO Interest Group Composition & Activities - J. Hofgartner
  8. Additional Discussion and Q&A - R. Binzel and W. McKinnon
  9. Future Objectives and Next Steps - A. Stern