I tried out a couple of Wario Land gamesWario Land 4 and Wario Land: Shake It (because that's where the movement system was inspired from) but I honestly didn't enjoy them as much as pizza tower at all

The two things that are consistently good about sonic games are usually the art and music. But I don't really find the 2d games fun for a few reasons. Sonic doesn't feel fast to control. He only goes fast in auto run segments where you go through a few loops and then you go right back to slow badly designed platforming. The levels are large, but the pathways through them feel crowded and restrictive, and they don't give enough room to build up speed on your own. The moveset to navigate the levels also doesn't flow very well. The drop dash, spin dash, and the peelout all just end up running you into a wall, or getting you up a ramp or through a loop, and then the speed ends. The jump is slow and having to do it to kill enemies is annoying and often kills speed. These problems have prevented sonic from feeling fast and fun to me in most of the 2d games. Pizza tower has all of the mentioned good parts of sonic, and fixed all the problems I have with it as well. It has great music and art, a fluid movement system, fun level design, and even though an area might be crowded, you can just run through enemies and obstacles at a high enough speed, so you actually get to keep and use the speed you build up. Also, the exaggerated run cycle really makes you feel like you are building speed. Sonic just sort of spins his feet, and maybe sticks his arms behind his back. Peppino does this too, but he can also go to a much more extreme looking run with over the top steps and a crazy looking face that shows the progression of your speed very well.

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link to the video where it says that and please don't go to heaters to say you don't know the pizza tower community, don't do that, you're just making the pizza tower community look bad. Go to the minute 9:03

I know "Game Theory" style speculation is really overdone, but playing through I do have some genuine questions about the characters and the world that seem to be hinted at, but never really answered. I probably would just let it go, but the game itself invites us to ask questions, quite literally. In one of the very first locations by Grandma Pizza, she says "What do you know about this tower? Who are you? I don't know anything!" and it's weird that this would be one of the very first things that you would be confronted with if we weren't supposed to ask questions however, it could all just be an elaborate troll.

First off what is Pizzahead's deal exactly? Why does he feel the need to target Peppino, specifically? I understand that he's a cruel jokester but why Peppino? Did he build a whole tower just to torment Peppino, or was the tower there before the Pizzeria? On a similar note, while I know that The Noise is just a parody of The Noid, but why are both of these agents of chaos so obsessed with Peppino?

What's up with John? Judging from the all secrets ending, he was seemingly effectively enslaved by Pizzahead to do some kind of job maintaining the tower. Also, what's with the giant mech in the background of the employee's only area?

On that note, what's up with the tower itself? Are the levels actual physical rooms in the tower or something else entirely? Does this have something to do with Pillar John? Why is the "War" level different from every other level, and absent of John entirely?

Last but not least, why is the name censored on the billboard in the vacation resort? If Pizzahead is targeting Peppino specifically, why censor it? If he's not have other people been through the tower? How long has this been going on?

So work on the pizza Tower Jumpchain has been...slow going. Slower than I like. I'm not sure if it's due to a lack of inspiration or if I've really just ran out of ideas, but it won't be completed any time soon. So...I'll be accepting help. And by accepting I mean asking for. Please, if you have any ideas or want to help me make this, just ask and I'll send you a link to the Jump.

3: the other bosses just do it better. (spoilers for final boss) if you haven't seen the final boss or just forgot, pizza face 's second phase has you also use a gun, but at least you only need to remove 4 health's instead of 18. And the rest of the bosses just throw the gun out a window entirely! Just making it quicker and easier to beat them, and this problem for Vigilante only applies to his first encounter!

1- SIKE IM STILL GONNA RANT ABOUT THE BAD STUFFS FOR LONGER!: His boss theme is absolute dog shit. if you were to listen to the other boss themes you will notice calzonification is servilely lacking in some departments. Pepperman is the first boss in the game, and since he's the first that means that he will need to fight new players. His theme song represents how powerful he is compared to the player and on how "the player bit off more than they can chew (pun not intended)" the noise is peppino's rival, and honestly there isn't much to say about the noise here but his theme music represents how they... Uhh... Hmm... Fake peppino exist as both a way to catch the player off guard, and to introduce a horror element to the game. This in return his theme music is mysterious and creepy, also since he's FAKE peppino, his theme is basically him trying to recreate pizza time and failing miserably. Finally, pizza face. Since pizza face has 3 phases (if you count part 3 as a phase) and each one is drastically different from each other, there is a lot to unpack here. His first phase represents the epic climax, a clash of Titans if you will. and like the noise there isn't a lot to say here so let's jump to phase 2. Phase 2 brings a whole new thing to the table, a new flavor or toping to the pizza if you will. Because that wasn't really pizza face, it was just a mech being controlled by a goofy pizza clown. Thus phase 2 represents the wacky and surprising nature of this phase as like I said that wasn't pizza face. Throughout the whole game Pizzaface is shown to be a floating pizza, and when players reach phase 2 for the first time it really catches them off guard. At the beginning of the track it mostly sounds like the end of phase one except it's building up to something, and when the pizza clown is revealed, it shifts into the wacky yet still intense song. I've ranted long enough about this phase so I'ma move on. Phase or part 3 of the fight (I'ma call it phase 3 because I remember that better) this is a boss rush done FAST. Yes there is a boss rush but at this rate peppino is so mad that his slap turns into a pummel and allows the player to shred through bosses, and the song that plays here basically tries to tell you about how far you've come by referencing many tracks in the game like it's friggin BIG SHOT from deltarune, the Vigilante does return but you don't have your gun, but I'ma not bring up the Vigilante until I get to the positive stuff. When you kick all the bosses asses and face Pizzaface once more, the music changes to something I can't describe without an example, so ur watching an anime or playing a game, the protagonist is about to lose but through some way they become way more powerful and perform some super attack, this is the kind of track that'd play while the protagonist is performing their super attack. Now let's see what's in Calzonification. Hmm... Mhmmmm... Well there isn't a lot to say here, but I do sort of understand it's message. It's meant to sort of replicate or something an epic duel with outstanding proportions and stakes at risk, but the execution is just disappointing.

1:the setting is great, if you were to take a moment and look at the background you will realize you are on a stage of some sort. Considering most of the game happens inside the tower, this included, they can't use the real sky for more immersion, besides, the sky is always a reddish orange. Who would want to see that? So to make up for it the vigilante uses an active stage as an arena. He even uses some of the props for STAGE hazards! Yeah I'ma see myself out. Anyway setting is great.

a few others and i have been cobbling together a huge sheet of every sample, vst, soundfont, etc. that the pizza tower ost uses, as well as the sound effects. we'll be updating it over time, just so everything's all in one place. dropping it here if anyone else is interested. here's the link :) 006ab0faaa

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