Pixel Dungeon is a turn-based, open source roguelike video game with pixel art graphics. It was released in late 2012 for Android.[1] It was then made open source on July 26, 2014.[2] It was released on Itch.io in 2014,[3] and Steam in 2015.[4].mw-parser-output .infobox-subbox{padding:0;border:none;margin:-3px;width:auto;min-width:100%;font-size:100%;clear:none;float:none;background-color:transparent}.mw-parser-output .infobox-3cols-child{margin:auto}.mw-parser-output .infobox .navbar{font-size:100%}body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-header,body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-subheader,body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-above,body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-title,body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-image,body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-full-data,body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .infobox-below{text-align:center}

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a Roguelike RPG, with pixel art graphics and lots of variety and replayability. Every game is unique, with four different playable characters, randomized levels and enemies, and over 150 items to collect and use. The game is simple to get into, but has lots of depth. Strategy is required if you want to win!

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a traditional roguelike dungeon crawler RPG that's simple to get into but hard to master! Every game is a unique challenge, with five different heroes, randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use. ShatteredPD is also updated once every two or three months, so there's always something new.

ShatteredPD's dungeon is procedurally generated with random layouts, room types, items, traps, and enemies. In each game you'll find equipment and collect or craft consumable items to power you up or help you out in a pinch. There is a huge variety to what you might see from run to run and region to region.

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Gameplay in Pixel Dungeon is identical to that of traditional roguelikes: advance through the levels of the dungeon, confront enemies in turn-based combat, find and kit yourself out with the best weapons and armor you come across, get experience and level up, and basically try to survive as long as possible.

The experience of playing Shattered Pixel Dungeon is practically identical to the vast majority of traditional roguelike games. You start in the first level of a dungeon full of traps and monsters (especially rats, at the beginning), trying to make your way to the lower levels of the dungeon. The further you descend, the more dangerous your enemies become, and the more likely you are to die. Fortunately, every time you kill an enemy, you will gain experience. And with this experience, you can level up, which allows you to improve your character's attributes.

Beyond your character's level, there's also his inventory to consider. A good weapon and good armor can make the difference between life and death. In the same way, learning how to ration potions and scrolls is crucial if you want to reach the end of the dungeon. As a general rule, you should avoid taking risks until they're unavoidable. That is, never take an unknown potion if there are better options. That said, if you have the choice between dying by incineration or drinking a mysterious concoction, the decision is simple.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is an excellent roguelike that takes the best of the classics of this genre and adds a modern control system that's ideal for touch screens. The game also has an absurd amount of content, which only continues to grow with each update. Already, there are more than 50 different types of enemies, more than 100 objects, and a virtually infinite number of dungeons, all of which make for spectacular replayability.

Analogamente al videogioco Rogue del 1980, Pixel Dungeon si caratterizza per essere un videogioco strategico a turni a morte permanente, con livelli generati in maniera aleatoria e con grafica volontariamente minimale in pixel art.[4]

L'intera trama del gioco trascorre al di sotto di una citt immaginaria, pi precisamente nel suo sistema fognario, nelle prigioni sottostanti ad esso ed a un'intera citt sotterranea, rimasta vergine all'occhio umano per innumerevoli secoli. Mano che si scende nel dungeon il giocatore entra in contatto con altri tipi di creature immaginarie per la maggior parte malvagie.

La grafica nonĀ  sotto forma di ASCII art, com' ad esempio in NetHack, bensĀ  in forma di immagini raster disegnate per mano dello stesso autore del gioco (pratica chiamata pixel-art, da cui il titolo del videogioco).[6][7] La sigla musicale e la colonna sonoraĀ  invece opera di un altro artista chiamato Cube_Code.[8]

Capita sovente di raggiungere il game over ma, analogamente ad altri videogiochi roguelike, alcune caratteristiche del gioco non facilitano le partite successive. Ogni livello del dungeonĀ  infatti generato in modo casuale ed anche vari oggetti cheĀ  possibile raccogliere dal suolo assumono comportamenti non prevedibili da partita a partita. La maggior parte degli oggetti non identificati devono essere usati almeno una volta per conoscerne gli effetti, ma utilizzarli pu portare a condizioni di svantaggio. Nello specifico, un oggetto come un'armatura non identificata, se indossata, potrebbe essere maledetta, rendendone impossibile la sua rimozione in condizioni normali a meno di complicati procedimenti, ostacolando alcune pratiche come il farming.

Il dungeonĀ  composto da stanze collegate da corridoi in condizioni di oscurit. Ergo, i nemici saranno visibili esclusivamente se presenti nel campo visivo del personaggio. In ogni piano viĀ  una stanza con la scala per scendere al piano successivo. Ogni cinque piani c' un boss ed al venticinquesimo piano viĀ  il boss finale (chiamato Yog-Dzewa).[14][15] ff782bc1db

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