The Fifth Article

"He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead"


The Fifth Article teaches us that the Soul of Jesus Christ, when separated from the Body, went down to the Limbo of the Holy Fathers, and that on the third day, it was again united to the Body, never more to be separated from it. By hell here is meant the Limbo of the Holy Fathers, i.e., the place where the souls of the just were detained while waiting for the redemption of Jesus Christ.

The souls of the Holy Fathers did not enter paradise before the death of Jesus Christ, because paradise was closed through the sin of Adam, and it was fitting that Jesus, who re-opened it by His Death, should be the first to enter it.

Jesus deferred His Resurrection until the third day to make it clearly evident that He was really dead. His Resurrection, too, was not like the resurrection of other men, because He rose again through His own power, and all other men are raised by the power of God.


115. What are we taught in the Fifth Article: He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead?

The Fifth Article of the Creed teaches us that the Soul of Jesus Christ, on being separated from His Body, descended to the Limbo of the Holy Fathers, and that on the third day it became united once more to His Body, never to be parted from it again.

116. What is here meant by hell?

Hell here means the Limbo of the Holy Fathers, that is, the place where the souls of the just were detained, in expectation of redemption through Jesus Christ.

117. Why were not the souls of the Holy Fathers admitted into heaven before the death of Jesus Christ?

The souls of the Holy Fathers were not admitted into heaven before the death of Jesus Christ, because heaven was closed by the sin of Adam, and it was but fitting that Jesus Christ, who reopened it by His Death, should be the first to enter it.

118. Why did Jesus Christ defer His own Resurrection until the third day?

Jesus Christ deferred His own resurrection until the third day to show clearly that He was really dead.

119. Was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ like the resurrection of other men who had been raised from the dead?

No, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was not like the resurrection of other men who had been raised from the dead, because He rose by His own power, while the others were raised by the power of God.