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end it soccer (DBA)Pitufo's angels


Join us in the fight to end human trafficking! 

We have been playing coed soccer to raise awareness of human trafficking since 2010. Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Human trafficking emcompasses many kinds of trafficking including sex trafficking, organ trafficking, labor trafficking and child trafficking. Our mission is simple: End human trafficking through education and by creating empathy on the subject using soccer and technology as transformative forces for change ❌Radical Empathy, Golazo training and  pleiapp partners. 

Checkout the article written about us by our partners from PBJ Learning!  

Click here to read it! 


We are the founders of the #enditsoccer movement that uses soccer and sports to raise awareness of the issue of human trafficking and combat it. We have been raising awareness since 2010 using coed soccer as a platform for truth and transformative change. We do interviews with survivors and figthers and share them on our social media platforms to raise awereness too. 

Creators of Chutis Futbol Style

We are also the creators of the 1v1 Chutis Style of futbol where the same player goalies and plays. It's the most complete form of soccer, encompassing shooting, goaling, dueling, rebounding, tagging or "ponchar" and using strategic thinking to play. #Chutis


We work towards transforming the sexists stereotypes in soccer. Our ultimate dream is to help organize and hold a coed soccer world cup. 

We encourage women's soccer and we do everything in our power to bring diversity and inclusion into our team and world. 

Contact us to collaborate!

If you want to help us fight human trafficking please subscribe to the NEW CHANNEL and put any of our videos to play on the background while you do something else. We need a lot of watch hours to monetize the channel! thank you so much🙏🏽

Si quieren apoyar a la causa por favor subscribirse a el NUEVO CANAL DE YOUTUBE y pongan cualquier video a producir. gracias!!! 🙏🏽

Please like, share, subscribe and watch! help us fight human trafficking through soccer 🔥⚽❌ #enditsoccer #pitufosangels #enditmovement #chutis

new youtube channel! subscribe please!



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