For Women

If you have a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior of any type, you are welcome here.

"Our fellowship is open to women and men, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnic background, marital status, or occupation. We welcome members of any sexual identity or orientation, whether they are gay, straight, bisexual, or transgender. " (Sex Addicts Anonymous, 2nd ed., pp. 4-5)

Getting Started as a Woman in SAA Meetings

There is help for women who have a sex addiction.  We suggest coming to at least six local meetings or telemeetings within a short period of time before deciding whether SAA is right for you. Be gentle with yourself, and give yourself time to listen to others’ stories and absorb the introductory literature. If you are like us, you did not get to where you are now overnight. It will also take time to become oriented to this program and a new way of thinking and living in recovery.

Read A Special Welcome to the Woman Newcomer.


In the SAA fellowship, sponsors are other addicts who are willing to share how they worked the Twelve Step program and how they found recovery. Sponsors are not experts but fellow travelers in recovery, who carry the message as part of their own program of recovery. Sponsors share their experience, strength and hope in order to help others find the same freedom from addictive sexual behavior that they have found.


There are several ways to get a sponsor. Go to local meetings and listen for women who have completed the Twelve Steps and who have some experience in SAA. After some telemeetings (including most women-only telemeetings), some members provide their phone numbers. Listen for women who state that they are available to sponsor.

The SAA Women’s Outreach List (The Grace List) is another way to connect with female sponsors. More information about this list is available under contacting other women. Some women ask a gay man to sponsor them, if they cannot find a female sponsor.

If you wish to tap into the international network of women via e-mail, visit