That night, Jack and Norrington make a plan to ambush the pirates at Isla de Muerta, but Norrington plans to ambush the pirates himself and Sparrow convinces Barbossa to not lift the curse until after they've killed Norrington's men. Having anticipated the battle to come, Jack secretly palms a coin for himself to become immortal, then frees Will and duels Barbossa in the cave. As Norrington's crew battle skeletons aboard the Dauntless, Elizabeth sneaks off to free Jack's crew, who flee on the Pearl, leaving Swann to save Will and Jack by herself. After Elizabeth helps defeat some of Barbossa's crewmen, Sparrow shoots Barbossa just as Will returns both remaining coins with their blood into the chest, lifting the curse. Now mortal, Barbossa dies from Sparrow's gunshot, and the rest of Barbossa's crew are killed or surrendered.

As recalled in the book DisneyWar, Eisner asked "Why does it have to cost so much?" Bruckheimer replied, "Your competition is spending $150 million," referring to franchises like The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix. Eisner concurred, but with the stigma attached to theme-park adaptations, Eisner requested Verbinski and Bruckheimer remove some of the more overt references to the ride in the Pirates of the Caribbean script, such as a scene where Sparrow and Turner enter the cave via a waterfall. Another change made was adding The Curse of the Black Pearl as a subtitle, should the film be a hit and lend itself to sequels like Raiders of the Lost Ark, which brought protest due to the Black Pearl being the name of the ship and nothing to do with the pirates' curse. Although Verbinski thought the subtitle was nonsense, Eisner refused to back down and The Curse of the Black Pearl remained the subtitle, although on most posters and trailers the words were so small as to be barely visible.[3][4]

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Because of the quick schedule of the shoot, Industrial Light & Magic immediately began visual effects work. While the skeletal forms of the pirates revealed by moonlight take up relatively little screen-time, the crew knew their computer-generated imagery forms had to convince in terms of replicating performances and characteristics of the actors, or else the transition would not work. Each scene featuring them was shot twice: a reference plate with the actors, and then without them to add in the skeletons,[25] an aesthetic complicated by Verbinski's decision to shoot the battles with handheld cameras.[30] The actors also had to perform their scenes again on the motion-capture stage.[36] With the shoot only wrapping up four months before release, Verbinski spent 18-hour days on the edit,[30] while simultaneously spending time on 600 effects shots, 250 of which were merely removing modern sailboats from shots.[42]

Roger Ebert acclaimed the performances of Depp and Rush, and particularly that "It can be said that [Depp's] performance is original in its every atom. There has never been a pirate, or for that matter a human being, like this in any other movie... his behavior shows a lifetime of rehearsal." However, he felt the film went on for too long,[76] a criticism shared by Kenneth Turan's negative review, feeling it "spends far too much time on its huge supporting cast of pirates (nowhere near as entertaining as everyone assumes) and on bloated adventure set pieces," despite having also enjoyed Depp's performance.[77] Mark Kermode described the film as "a triumph of turgid theme-park hackery over the art of cinema".[78]

Given such success, it was with some trepidation that I sat down to revisit 'The Curse of the Black Pearl.' Everyone is familiar with that feeling of disappointment when your favorite old blockbuster just doesn't hold up on repeat viewing. Yet it only took a few minutes for any fears I had to evaporate. 'The Curse of the Black Pearl' remains a rousing, grand adventure, but -- even more important -- it's a reminder that Hollywood entertainment flicks can still take genuine risks. In hindsight, it seems like all the pre-production naysaying may be what really charged up the juices of the filmmakers to take a silly idea (a theme park ride movie!) and deliver more than anyone expected. Anchored by an edgy, fearless performance by Depp as the now-iconic Captain Jack Sparrow, 'The Curse of the Black Pearl' bravely, but humorously, takes its ludicrous supernatural pirates plot seriously, and the result is a confident, enthralling spectacle. We haven't seen this kind of old-fashioned, crowd-pleasing, goofy, escapist popcorn entertainment since the glory days of early Spielberg and Lucas.

Is 'Pirates of the Caribbean' a deep film? Surely not. But who cares, when it is so much fun? I still wish it wasn't quite so long, and for me, Depp soon wore out his welcome in 'Dead Man's Chest.' But revisiting 'The Curse of the Black Pearl' is to be reminded of how a crazy concept can actually work, if you've got a filmmaking team courageous enough to stick their necks out and just go for broke. If you're worried that a return trip to the land of the pirates may be a letdown, don't be -- 'The Curse of the Black Pearl' is still one terrific ride.

As things wrap up, there are a few other odds and ends of interest. The "Moonlight Serenade Progression" is a nearly 7-minute deconstruction of the moment when the spectral pirates are first revealed. The scene is shown from its pre-production computer rending, through the various digital "plates," to the final scene. There is also a 3-minute Blooper Reel, which is pretty amusing, including lots of flubbed lines and stunts-gone-wrong. Even the usually stoic Depp seems playful here. I also loved the vintage excerpt from the old "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" TV show, dating back to January, 1968, which takes us on a 17-minute tour of the original "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction at Disneyland. I really appreciate this kind of historical material, as it is dripping with nostalgia and adds great context to the movie. e24fc04721

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