The deferred.pipe() method returns a new promise that filters the status and values of a deferred through a function. The doneFilter and failFilter functions filter the original deferred's resolved / rejected status and values. As of jQuery 1.7, the method also accepts a progressFilter function to filter any calls to the original deferred's notify or notifyWith methods. These filter functions can return a new value to be passed along to the piped promise's done() or fail() callbacks, or they can return another observable object (Deferred, Promise, etc) which will pass its resolved / rejected status and values to the piped promise's callbacks. If the filter function used is null, or not specified, the piped promise will be resolved or rejected with the same values as the original.

Remember to handle the signal argument passed into the async generator.Especially in the case where the async generator is the source for thepipeline (i.e. first argument) or the pipeline will never complete.

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A key goal of the stream API, particularly the stream.pipe() method,is to limit the buffering of data to acceptable levels such that sources anddestinations of differing speeds will not overwhelm the available memory.

Writing data while the stream is not draining is particularlyproblematic for a Transform, because the Transform streams are pausedby default until they are piped or a 'data' or 'readable' event handleris added.

If the data to be written can be generated or fetched on demand, it isrecommended to encapsulate the logic into a Readable and usestream.pipe(). However, if calling write() is preferred, it ispossible to respect backpressure and avoid memory issues using the'drain' event:

For backward compatibility reasons, removing 'data' event handlers willnot automatically pause the stream. Also, if there are piped destinations,then calling stream.pause() will not guarantee that thestream will remain paused once those destinations drain and ask for more data.

When readable.readableFlowing is null, no mechanism for consuming thestream's data is provided. Therefore, the stream will not generate data.While in this state, attaching a listener for the 'data' event, calling thereadable.pipe() method, or calling the readable.resume() method will switchreadable.readableFlowing to true, causing the Readable to begin activelyemitting events as data is generated.

Calling readable.pause(), readable.unpipe(), or receiving backpressurewill cause the readable.readableFlowing to be set as false,temporarily halting the flowing of events but not halting the generation ofdata. While in this state, attaching a listener for the 'data' eventwill not switch readable.readableFlowing to true.

The Readable stream API evolved across multiple Node.js versions and providesmultiple methods of consuming stream data. In general, developers should chooseone of the methods of consuming data and should never use multiple methodsto consume data from a single stream. Specifically, using a combinationof on('data'), on('readable'), pipe(), or async iterators couldlead to unintuitive behavior.

The 'data' event is emitted whenever the stream is relinquishing ownership ofa chunk of data to a consumer. This may occur whenever the stream is switchedin flowing mode by calling readable.pipe(), readable.resume(), or byattaching a listener callback to the 'data' event. The 'data' event willalso be emitted whenever the method is called and a chunk ofdata is available to be returned.

The readable.isPaused() method returns the current operating state of theReadable. This is used primarily by the mechanism that underlies thereadable.pipe() method. In most typical cases, there will be no reason touse this method directly.

The readable.pipe() method attaches a Writable stream to the readable,causing it to switch automatically into flowing mode and push all of its datato the attached Writable. The flow of data will be automatically managedso that the destination Writable stream is not overwhelmed by a fasterReadable stream.

The pipeline(..., cb) will wait for the 'close' event before invoking the callback. The implementation tries to detect legacy streams and only apply this behavior to streams which are expected to emit 'close'.

stream.pipeline() leaves dangling event listeners on the streamsafter the callback has been invoked. In the case of reuse of streams afterfailure, this can cause event listener leaks and swallowed errors. If the laststream is readable, dangling event listeners will be removed so that the laststream can be consumed later.

stream.pipeline() closes all the streams when an error is raised.The IncomingRequest usage with pipeline could lead to an unexpected behavioronce it would destroy the socket without sending the expected response.See the example below:

Combines two or more streams into a Duplex stream that writes to thefirst stream and reads from the last. Each provided stream is piped intothe next, using stream.pipeline. If any of the streams error then allare destroyed, including the outer Duplex stream.

Because stream.compose returns a new stream that in turn can (andshould) be piped into other streams, it enables composition. In contrast,when passing streams to stream.pipeline, typically the first stream isa readable stream and the last a writable stream, forming a closedcircuit.

When writing to a writable stream from an async iterator, ensure correcthandling of backpressure and errors. stream.pipeline() abstracts awaythe handling of backpressure and backpressure-related errors:

Now imagine you work for a natural gas or hazardous liquids pipe organization, and all of the assets you are looking for are buried three or more feet below the surface. How do you go about finding a specific valve, fitting or cathodic protection anode? The short answer is maps. But, maps like traditional paper maps have their limitations in that when looking for a specific valve you must have a pretty good idea of where the valve is located in order to know what map sheet to look at, and where on that busy map sheet to look.

So, what do you do when your question is about the pipe network, and how a specific asset participates in the pipe network? This is where tools which understand how the assets connect to form the pipe network are required. This is where you need tracing tools to know your pipe system.

When managing a pipe system there are many questions that get asked everyday which require an understanding of how the pipe system works. During an emergency, a very common and important question is: what valves do I need to close to isolate a section of the pipe network where damage or a leak has occurred? A common question asked by cathodic protection technicians is where is the nearest CP test point from my current location on the pipe system? Gas engineers who are evaluating a pressure zone ask the question; what are the regulator stations providing gas to this location?

For a software system to be able to answer these common types of pipe system questions, an understanding of how the components of a pipe system connect is required. It is not enough to simply draw a digital representation of the asset on a map, such as is commonly done with CAD software. In addition to drawing the digital representation of the asset on a map, there also needs to be an understanding that the two polyethylene pipe segments which have been butt fusioned together are connected.

Within ArcGIS Pro, the options for configuring a trace have been significantly enhanced when compared to the ArcMap geometric network tools. It is now possible to dynamically answer questions by simple configuration of the properties of the trace tool. For example, if you are trying to determine the amount of gas or liquid lost due to a break in the pipe, you need to know the volume of the portion of the pipe network which was isolated. There is now a function property to the trace tool to allow you to summarize the total pipe volume of the trace selected pipe segments.

If you need to ask the question, what portion of my pipe system is upstream of a specified location, but only trace on those assets which are in production, and are open to allow the gas or liquid to pass through. The ArcGIS Pro trace tool now supports the ability to use designated asset attributes such as LifeCycleStatus, DeviceStatus, Pincheable, and Insulator Device to dynamically constrain which assets the trace can traverse. This, too, is a simple configuration of the tools parameters.

The new trace tool within ArcGIS Pro contains some new trace options, such as subnetwork, subnetwork controller, shortest path, and loops. When a planner or engineer needs to find the regulators feeding a specified location, the subnetwork controller option makes this an easy question to ask of the pipe network.

Tracing with the new utility network solution provided by Esri, is unique in its ability to allow gas and hazardous liquids pipe companies to easily ask questions of their pipe networks. Databases alone cannot answer these questions. CAD systems cannot answer these questions. Even GIS systems which do not include network topology cannot answer these questions. Only a complete GIS system which includes network topology can answer these everyday questions about your pipe network. Only a network topology specifically built for management of utility systems such as a gas or hazardous liquids pipe network can provide the intelligent tools to help you know your system.

The pipe() function shall create a pipe and place two file descriptors, one each into the arguments fildes[0] andfildes[1], that refer to the open file descriptions for the read and write ends of the pipe. The file descriptors shall beallocated as described in File Descriptor Allocation. The O_NONBLOCKand FD_CLOEXEC flags shall be clear on both file descriptors. (The fcntl() functioncan be used to set both these flags.) 17dc91bb1f

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