Privacy Policy

Last revised: 5th January 2024


In this document users can find detailed information about what data does Pion collect in each service and how it is processed, used and stored. When using any of Pion products, you are agreeing with this policy and any future updates and / or changes there might be. Pion might not inform users about these changes and updates, so it is recommended to revise this page frequently.

Web page (English and Spanish version)

Pion does not collect any personal or non - personal information within the webpages, but it is published on Google Sites. Pion recommend users to read Google's Privacy Policy to understand how this service collects, stores and process the data. This document can be found here.

Pion Beta Program

After completing the enrollment procedure, data will be stored in a private Google Spreadsheet and will not be shared or published (only Pion will have access to them). Beta users might be added to Pion Beta Program Services (such as Google Play beta program or Beta Program Google Group). Notice that some information (such as the name or the email) might be exposed publicly into those services (this may depend on the Beta tester's Google account preferences). Pion will not be responsible for any trouble or inconvenience related to the exposure of that data in these services, as users might choose not to enroll Beta Program and avoid these exposures.

The email and name might be copied and used in several private Google Spreadsheets and / or other services.

Beta testers might receive an email requesting to fill up an online form providing information about their skills so that they can receive tasks that best suit their abilities. This information will be stored privately on a Google Spreadsheet. Any information sent to Pion using Google Forms might be stored indefinitely in one or several Google Spreadsheets, linked directly to each email adress.

If a Beta tester exits the Program (see Pion Beta Program - Terms of Service, section 6) all the personal data associated to the email described in Pion Beta Program - Terms of Service, section 2.1.1 and related to Pion Beta Program will be completely erased from private Google Spreadsheets (that is, the name). Some references to their name and email might still be accessible and publicly exposed indefinitely (such as emails). The email might still be present in some private Google Spreadsheets, but never linked to the tester's name.

Pion recommend users to read Google's Privacy Pocily to understand how this service collects, stores and process the data. This document can be found here.

Pion Weather

Pion does not collect any personal or non - personal data within this application. Nevertheless, this application uses some external services that might collect non - personal information:

Note that Pion is not responsible for the data sent to these services, as the user can choose not to use them by uninstalling Pion Weather application. Under any circumstances shall Pion be reliable for any consequence related to the information and / or data sent to these services.

NOTE: The app might obtain the location of the user in the foreground, in the background or in both cases. The location is always stored in the user's device, and it is never shared or sent to Pion or any third-party.

Pion Budget

Pion does not collect any personal or non - personal data within this application.

Service providers

Pion may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

The developer wants to inform users that these third parties might have access to personal information of users. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on Pion's behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


Pion values your trust in providing the developer your personal Information, thus Pion is striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and Pion cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to other sites

Pion services may contain links to other sites. If users click on these third-party links, they will be directed to those sites. Note that those external sites are not operated by Pion. Therefore, Pion strongly advises users to review the privacy policy of those websites. Pion has no control over and assumes no responsability for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites or services.

 Children's privacy

Pion services and products do not address anyone under the age of 13. The developer does not knowingly collect personally indentifiable infromation from children under 13. In the case the developer discovers that a child under 13 has provided Pion with personal information, they will immediately delete this from databases and / or servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided Pion with personal information, plase contact the developer so that Pion is able to do necessary actions.

Something missing or doubts? Contact me!