
Welcome to my webpage!

I am a single Android apps developer.


Since I started to use Android apps I wondered: What if I could create the apps that I need just how I'd like them to be? That way I started to code my first apps. And then I came to another question: Why not sharing my apps to anybody who'd like to use them? And that's how I started to publish my apps on Google Play.


To develop my apps I use Android Studio, the official platform to develop native Android apps. I code in Java and Kotlin, and I use services like Firebase or Cloud Services to give my apps network-based functionalites.

I am a self-tauhght Android developer, I learn everything I know throughout Internet courses, looking at examples and a lot, a lot coding time!

I develop the apps in my free time, which is less than I'd like, and that's why maybe I don't update my apps frequently. But I promise I do it as soon as I can!